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C-Section Cost in Patna

Starting From: Rs. 38,000
●   Procedure Type:  Surgical
●   Function:  Delivery of baby through surgery
●   Common Names:  C-Section
●   Pain Intensity:  Painful
●   Procedure Duration: 1 hour
●   Hospital Days : 2 - 3 Days
●   Anesthesia Type: General

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What is the average cost of C-Section in Patna?

The cost of C-Section in starts from Rs. 38,000 which depends on multiple factors. The average cost of C-Section in Patna may range from Rs. 38,000 to Rs. 1,32,000.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much time is needed to perform a C-section? up arrow

A: Doctors may take around 45 minutes to perform C-section. Later on, the surgeon will stitch the uterus and close the incision site.

Q: What is the cost of a C-section in Patna? up arrow

A: The cost of a C-section in Patna may start from Rs. 29,800. However, the cost may extend depending upon multiple factors.

Q: When can you walk after having a C-section? up arrow

A: Usually, women may take around 24 hours to walk normally after having a C-section. Here, one can ease their gas pain, help in normalizing bowel movements, and prevent blood clots.

Q: Who performs C-section surgery? up arrow

A: Ideally, an obstetrician or gynecologist undertakes C-section surgery after going through diagnostic tests.

Q: Do you have any restrictions after C-section? up arrow

A: Women are restricted from lifting any heavy things after C-section. Additionally, one needs to support her stomach in every possible way.

Q: How many days of hospital stay are needed after C-section? up arrow

A: Typically, a person may need 2 to 4 days of hospital stay after undergoing a C-section. Here, recovery may take longer as compared to vaginal birth.

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C-Section Cost