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Coronary Angioplasty Cost in Patna

Starting From: Rs. 70,000
●   Procedure Type:  A non-surgical medical procedure
●   Function:  Helps to widen blocked coronary arteries for blood flow
●   Common Names:  Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)/Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)
●   Pain Intensity:  Less invasive procedure
●   Procedure Duration: 1-2 Hours
●   Hospital Days : 2 - 3 Days
●   Anesthesia Type: Local

Coronary angioplasty helps to widen the blocked coronary arteries. During the surgery, the doctor will place a stent to narrow the heart walls. The benefit of angioplasty is that it does not cause major side effects. However, the patient is given general anesthesia. Furthermore, the best cardiac hospital in Patna processes complete treatment for the heart condition. The Coronary Angioplasty Cost in Patna varies on multiple factors. The factors may include the expertise of the doctor, therapies, surgical operation, and medications.

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What is the average cost of Coronary Angioplasty in Patna?

The cost of Coronary Angioplasty in starts from Rs. 70,000 which depends on multiple factors. The average cost of Coronary Angioplasty in Patna may range from Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 4,50,000.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to have bed rest after coronary angioplasty? up arrow

A: You cannot go for your routine right away. It may take at least 8 to 12 hours to recover from the immediate recovery because of the procedure. You may require to have bed rest for this much time.

Q: How can Credihealth help me regarding coronary angioplasty costs in Patna? up arrow

A: Credihealth provides you variations in prices that are available only for its regular users. It can help you with discounts, bookings of appointments, ordering medicines, seeking a second opinion, home care, medical loans, and many more.

Q: How much time does it take to recover from coronary angioplasty? up arrow

A: If you are a patient with a heart attack, it may take at least one month to recover from coronary angioplasty. However, the minimum time to recover is nearly one week. It is completely based on your medical conditions and your overall health of yours.

Q: Is it necessary to place a stent during the process of a coronary angioplasty? up arrow

A: It is usually recommended. However, you can discuss these things with your doctor.

Q: Is the procedure of coronary angioplasty painful? up arrow

A: There is no such feeling during the procedure, because your doctor may give you sedatives. However, you may feel a little discomfort after the procedure, which is natural. Your doctor may give you the advice to stay healthy and fit during the process until you recover.

Q: Is there any requirement for anesthesia for coronary angioplasty? up arrow

A: The doctor may not give you general anesthesia. Rather, he/she may help you feel relaxed and awake at the same time with the help of sedatives.

Q: What factors affect the coronary angioplasty cost in Patna? up arrow

A: The primary factor is the choice of hospital. You can get your procedure done in government as well as private hospitals. However, the choice is yours.

Q: What is the coronary angioplasty cost in Patna? up arrow

A: The coronary angioplasty cost in Patna is as high as INR 1.2 lac depending on how you are choosing the luxurious facilities. The average price can be nearly INR 40,000 including the value of INR 23,000 for one stent.

Q: What kind of food can I eat after coronary angioplasty? up arrow

A: Try to go for light and oil-free food. You can add at least 3-5 servings of raw fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Q: Why is coronary angioplasty done? up arrow

A: It is like a correction procedure that helps to widen the blocked and narrowed arteries or the blood vessels supplying blood to the heart.

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Coronary Angioplasty Cost