My son is 14 months.he is a happy and social baby.points to things and communicates(mostly non verbal).he is still just ba, da da, ka ka and inge inge.should i be worried?
This is because of a blocked milk duct in your breast. Because of lack of active breast feeding, the milk ducts tend to get blocked, causing excruciating pain and turning out to be cystic lumps in future. Hot compresses, hot oil massage, hot showers and nursing help but only if you are still brea....
Some common side-effects of emergency contraceptive pills are dizziness, nausea, fatigue or headaches, tenderness of the breasts, changes in menses, among others.
Dr. Nimrat Kaur
Verified DoctorToddler at 14 months can only say monosyllables like ba ba, da da, ka ka. So you need not worry.