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استبدال صمام القلب

بدءًا من: Rs. 2,50,000
●   نوع الإجراء:  العملية الجراحية
●   وظيفة:  استبدال صمامات القلب التالفة
●   الأسماء الشائعة:  جراحة استبدال الصمام
●   شدة الألم:  مؤلم بشكل معتدل
●   مدة الإجراء: 2 - 3 Hours
●   أيام المستشفى : 5 - 7 Days
●   نوع التخدير: عام

Heart valve replacement, surgical treatment is used to address diseases of the heart valves. When at least one of the four heart valves is not functioning correctly, this is known as heart valve disease. The heart valves ensure that blood flows in the proper direction through the heart.
 During the treatment heart surgeon will replace one or more damaged valves with functioning ones as part of the procedure. Additionally, the procedure aids in the reduction of the symptoms of internal bleeding and edema that may occur. Aside from that, heart valve replacement cost in Nashik is mainly determined by the procedure, drugs, ...


احصل على تكلفة استبدال صمام القلب في ناشيك

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استبدال صمام القلب التكلفة من المستشفيات الموثوقة في ناشيك

Ashoka Medicover Hospitals

Sawata Mali Road, Parab Nagar, Indira Nagar, Wadala, Nashik, Maharashtra, 422209

Super Speciality Hospital

ما هو متوسط تكلفة استبدال صمام القلب في ناشيك؟

تبدأ تكلفة استبدال صمام القلب في من Rs. 2,50,000 التي تعتمد على عوامل متعددة. The average cost of Heart Valve Replacement in ناشيك may range from Rs. 2,50,000 to Rs. 5,00,000.

أسئلة متكررة

Q: How long does it take to recover from valve replacement? up arrow

A: You may need 4 to 5 days to recover from heart valve replacement surgery.

Q: What are the benefits of surgery? up arrow

A: The heart is able to function smoothly and blood flows towards the heart without any complications.

Q: What are the side effects from valve replacement? up arrow

A: Swelling, internal bleeding, and kidney problems are some of the side effects.

Q: What can we expect post-treatment? up arrow

A: The heart surgeon will suggest running a few tests and prescribing medication to reduce the pain.

Q: Where can I get the estimate of valve replacement surgery? up arrow

A: For the exact surgery cost of heart valve replacement in Nashik, you can call on +91 8010-994-994, and book an appointment with the doctor.

الصفحة الرئيسية
استبدال صمام القلب التكلفة