Do you ever feel your stomach is bloated or swollen after eating? What Foods Cause Bloating? Whether we admit it or not, all of us have been troubled with bloating and gas at least some time in our life. Gas results from swallowing air and the breakdown of certain food in your digestive tract. This may lead to burping, feeling bloated, or passing gas. Bloating itself is no reason for worry but is usually discomforting or embarrassing. The good part is most of the time, our diet and consumption of certain dietary ingredients lead to bloating and can be easily avoided to prevent gas formation.Let's Find out why you're feeling bloated and which Food items are to blame.
Bloating results as a consequence of breakdown of food in your digestive tract which lead to burping, feeling bloated, or passing gas.[/caption]
15 Foods to avoid to prevent Bloating -
Here is the list of foods that causes bloating-#1. Beans -
Beans are rich in complex sugar called raffinose, which is difficult to digest. As a result, raffinose passes through the small intestines into the large intestines where bacteria break it down. And this results in many different types of gasses, mostly foul smelling like hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane gas, which exits through the rectum. Therefore, it is advised to soak the beans overnight to reduce gas.#2. Dairy Products -
Dairy products are known to be excellent sources of protein and calcium. They are rich in lactose; however, many people do not have the enzyme lactase required for digesting this and suffer from lactose intolerance. It leads to indigestion, bloating, and gastric discomfort for people suffering from lactose intolerance to use alternative sources of calcium and protein, including almond milk and soy products.#3. Apples -
Apples are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants and extend many other health benefits. However, apples are rich in fructose and fiber, both of which are FODMAP (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides, and polyols, which are nothing but short-chain carbohydrates that escape digestion in the small intestine and are fermented by gut bacteria in the colon, releasing gas as a byproduct. You can partially cook apples to consume them or replace them with other fruits. [caption align="aligncenter" width="671"]
#4. Watermelon -
Like many other fruits, Watermelon has a high fructose level and may give you bloats or gas. Fructose is a kind of natural sugar found in Watermelon that our systems have trouble digesting, which can lead to bloating and flatulence. So, yes, Watermelon is one of the Foods That Cause Bloating.#5. Carbonated Drinks -
These drinks are loaded with carbon dioxide, a gas to add that extra fizz. When you consume these drinks, you swallow large amounts of this gas. This gas gets trapped in the digestive system and may make you uncomfortable.Also Read: 10 Symptoms of Foodborne Illness that need attention#6. Cruciferous Vegetables -
Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are cruciferous vegetables. They provide essential nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium. However, they are also rich in raffinose and other FODMAPs that lead to gas buildup and bloating.#7. Onions -
One of the indispensable ingredients of Indian cooking, the onion, is a vegetable with a unique, powerful taste. It is usually preferred in a cooked form and forms the base of many meals and curries. It is rich in fructans, soluble fibers that may lead to gas formation.#8. Artificial Sweeteners -
Natural and artificial sweeteners might trigger abdominal dilatation and bloat. An artificial sweetener is difficult to absorb by the body. So be cautious of the presence of these sweeteners in your meals and reduce your intake if you get bloated.#9. Sugar Alcohols -
Known to be the primary source of sweetness in sugar-free foods and chewing gums, these include sorbitol and mannitol. They also belong to the category of FODMAPs, which tend to cause digestive problems as they escape digestion in the small intestine and reach the large intestine, fermented by the gut bacteria, releasing gas.Also, read about Low FODMAP Diet - Here's Exactly What You Should Know#10. Mushroom -
If gas is your problem, you must avoid mushrooms. Foods That Cause Bloating Mushrooms are Rich in Polyols. Polyol is a kind of sugar alcohol, and its size makes it difficult for the small intestine to break down, which can result in bloating and gas.#11. Barley -
It is one of the very popular and highly nutritious cereal grains. It contains fiber and high amounts of vitamins and minerals like molybdenum, manganese, and selenium. It is because of its high fiber content and richness in gluten that it causes bloating.#12. Potatoes -
Potato dishes such as home fries, mashed potatoes, and French fries. According to Everyday Health, potatoes contain a high level of starch, which implies that they also contain a high level of gas-producing carbs. So potatoes are one of the Foods That Cause Bloating.#13. Lentils -
Lentils contain high amounts of protein, fiber, healthy carbs, and minerals such as iron, copper, and manganese. Similar to barley, they are highly rich in fiber, and that causes bloating since they are also rich in FODMAPs#14. Peas -
Foods like lentils and peas are high in protein but often cause bloating. After eating peas, you may get a bloated stomach, gas, and farts.#15. Processed Foods -
Processed foods are packaged goods rich in refined flour, fructose, and lactose, which, when metabolized and fermented by gut bacteria, may lead to gas formation. In this blog, you can easily understand the top 15 foods that cause Bloating.Read about: Apple Seeds Contain CyanideCall +91-8010-994-994 and talk to Credi Medical Experts for FREE. Get assistance in choosing the right Gastroenterologist, compare treatment costs from various hospitals and support in managing other hospital processes.
Categorized into Wellness & Nutrition,General Health,Healthy Food,Digestive Health,Gastroenterology,Gas
Tagged in Diet
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