There are many ways of identifying the signs that labour is 24-48 hours away. However, these early labour signs can vary from woman to woman. Symptoms hours before labour Include contractions and tightening in the cervix of the uterus. A plain sign is when the mucus plug comes out of the cervix, and there is a dilution in the cervix of about 10 mm. In addition, the baby's head is pressing on the urinary bladder, and you are urged to go to the bathroom. With this blog, you can Learn about the early labour signs, phases of labour, and what to do if you believe your baby is on the way!
10 early labour signs that labour is 24-48 hours away -
When your contractions begin as moderate and irregular pains but gradually advance to more painful and regular occurrences, this indicates that actual labour has begun. Following are the few silent labour signs you can notice if your baby's birth is near.
Water breaking -
Water breaking is an undeniable sign that labour is starting. If your water breaks and you have regular contractions, it immediately indicates that you are in labour. The water is contained in the amniotic sac that breaks and releases the fluid. Along with water, foetal cells, mucus, and hormones erupt when the baby starts pushing its head through the birth canal. There can be a gush of water without contractions. This will indicate no immediate labour. Check with your doctor and see if they can induce the contractions.
Contractions -
If there are regular contractions, that can be a sign of labour. These contractions can become more and more intense as frequent closure to giving birth to the baby. If the duration of contractions is close to about 5 minutes, it is better to visit the hospital as soon as a possible contraction is lost.
Weight Loss -
You can lose a few pounds of weight 24-48 hours before going into labour. This is mostly water weight and can be due to the movements of the baby's head in the birth canal. The baby's weight can put pressure on the bladder resulting in frequent urination and weight loss.
Cramps -
Like severe pain during cramps, you may start having cramps in the abdomen and pelvic floor 24-48hours before labour as these cramps are caused due to uterine contractions and become more frequent and intense as work progresses come and go during the labour.
Loss of mucus -
The mucus plug is a thick clog-like structure that blocks the cervix. This plug can come out 24-48 hours before labour, as it can be reflected during urination or wiping. The mucus plug is a blood-colored discharge and can occur up to a couple of weeks before labour.
Cervical dilation -
Cervix dilation is the opening or the preparation of the birth canal for the baby's delivery. The silent labour signs can be introduced any time after the 38th week of pregnancy. This process is usually slow and gradual, but it speeds up before delivery. This indicates the time to go to the hospital, wherein the doctor measures the dilution during the cervical check. If it is diluted to 10 mm, you are ready for delivery.
Lower back pain -
During the last two days, there can be severe lower back pain. This pain can radiate to your buttocks, pelvis, and legs. There can be joint pain throughout pregnancy, but during the preparation for labour, there can be more intense pain in the lower back.
Diarrhoea -
Diarrhoea can be during the final stages of labour. The loose stools are caused by the body while preparing the cervix for dilation. This helps clear the intestines and make room for the baby.
Loose joints -
Loose joints can be caused during pregnancy; however, if they are not, it can be during the last days, which can signify getting closure to delivery. As the body releases the hormone relaxin, it can help the ligaments to support the joints in preparation for labour.
Nesting -
Nesting is the instinct to clean and prepare for the baby to come before the last trimester. There will be a natural desire to get you home ready and start packing clothes for the hospital. Nesting is just an instinct that this is the time for the baby's delivery.
Read Also: 7 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy You should know.
What are the later stages of labour 24 hours before giving birth?
- The later stage of the labour is when your cervix becomes softer and thin and starts opening. Significant contraction occurs during this stage and can happen for hours at a time. This is the phase where the cervix opens for the baby to come out.
- During contractions, the uterus tightens and relaxes. Contraction feels like extreme period pains and starts towards the end of the labour. Sometimes contractions are painless as well. Contractions become more robust and longer as labour progresses.
- With each contraction, the muscle tightens, and the pain increases. If you put a hand on your abdomen, you will be able to feel your abdomen getting harder, and the muscle relaxes in the stomach, the pain fades, and the hardness is eased.
- These contractions help move the baby down the cervix and open the birth canal, which helps get your baby ready to go through the birth canal.
- You should contact your doctor or gynaecologist if you have irregular contractions lasting at least 60 seconds.
- There are chances that a backache can come during labour.
What are the early stages of labour 48 hours before giving birth?
Generally, your water breaks, and there can be vaginal bleeding. At this stage, there is unrest between the mother and the baby. There is a lot of movement by the baby. See if you are 37-38 weeks pregnant; this should be your sign to rush to the hospital.
Read Also: How to choose the right Ob-Gyn for your pregnancy?
When to reach the hospital after labour pain?
As your due date approaches, or you notice symptoms hours before labour, your gynaecologist will advise you on whether to call or go immediately to the hospital. You may be required to follow additional regulations based on your medical history and the overall pregnancy. After you've reached the stage of active labour, you should go to the hospital (spending the hours of early labour at home). There are a few signs that your body is preparing to enter active labour. While your body will show signs that your baby is about to be born, only a doctor or gynaecologist can confirm (typically with a vaginal exam) that labour has begun.
Also Read: How soon after unprotected can I test for pregnancy?
Summary -
There are signs that labour is 24-48 hours away before giving birth, like losing mucus plugs or cervical dilutions. However, water breaking is more often the most common sign of labour. If you experience any of the signs that labour is 24-48 hours away mentioned above, it is better to visit the hospital. Check the duration of your contractions, and if they are 5 minutes apart, it is important to check this with your gynaecologist.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the pre-delivery symptoms?
Some early labour signs are frequent and intense contractions, cramps or increased pain and loose feeling injoints. Moreover, vaginal discharges can also indicate pre-delivery.
What are the different concerns about labour?
Induced labour can have aches, pain, loose joints, stomach issues, and lightening or nesting instincts. Braxton hick contractions and over dilation in the cervix are some of the concerns about labour.
What are the emotional signs of approached labour?
Feeling strong emotions can indicate that labour is approaching. You might feel very tearful and moody with subtle signs. There can be changes in the hormones that cause such changes.
How can you find out if labour is close?
Having strong contractions that gradually become stronger and longer. Rhythmic contractions are often a sign that labour is close.

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