Still, trying to figure out the benefits of drinking hot water on an empty stomach? Uncover 15 reasons why this practice can make a real difference in your life.
Did you know regularly drinking hot water is inexpensive and easy to keep yourself healthy? There are many other beneficial ingredients like lemon, ginger, honey, turmeric, etc., which we can intake with warm water. But there are also many reasons we should drink plain hot water regularly, especially on an empty stomach. So far as possible, there are only a few thousand out of a billion people on this planet who know the holistic benefits of drinking hot water in the morning and evening on empty stomachs. The rest of the population prefers drinking cold or regular water at room temperature. Although cold or regular water is heavenly on a hot sunny day and refreshing, it causes long-term drawbacks to one's health. Hot water does not include hot beverages. Caffeine and nicotine in most hot beverages give rise to diseases and damage the body. Furthermore, in this article, you will learn about the benefits of drinking hot water on an empty stomach every day. Let’s start!
Importance of Hot Water Therapy
Hot water therapy will provide you with many benefits in life, healthwise, based on science. It is the most prominent medicine to be taken on earth. So what does hot water therapy say? "The hot water therapy says that the benefits of drinking hot water on an empty stomach is like bathing in gold." Drinking hot water revolutionizes life. The science behind this is much more profound. Drinking hot water temporarily increases the internal temperature of the body. When you drink hot water or prefer warm baths, the body's endocrine system gets activated, and you start to release your sweat. The excess heat produced is eliminated through sweating, and thus the body's normal temperature is maintained. While sweating is uncomfortable, getting rid of harmful toxins and irritants is essential.
Why Drinking Hot Water Is Good For You?
There are several benefits of drinking hot water on an empty stomach which makes it good for you. Those may include:
The nervous system deposits get destroyed.
The joints in the body will not suffer any problems.
It aids in maintaining a healthy weight.
The stamina in the body will increase tenfold.
It is necessary for the digestive and respiratory systems.
It cleans the nostrils by melting and releasing nasal mucus.
Ideally, we should intake hot water on an empty stomach in the morning to drive the best out of it. You might wonder why you should drink hot water. You are fully aware that water does not taste good and only makes your mouth feel refreshed. It might even sometimes make you gag (almost vomit) a little bit if you don't prepare it right. But you probably aren't aware of some surprising benefits of drinking hot water. Hot water is the best way to stay hydrated. It's also great for your skin, hair, nails, and body in many significant ways.
Also, Read Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Water - How Much Water Should We Drink A Day.
15 Super Surprising Benefits of Drinking Hot Water
Here are some of the potential benefits of taking warm water in the morning on an empty stomach:
1. Flush out toxins from the body
Drinking hot water first thing in the morning helps flush out the toxins from our system. Removing toxins from the body ensures the proper functioning of the organs, thus increasing our metabolism. The more we drink hot water, the more our body cleanses itself. This is the main benefit of drinking hot water.
2. Eases regular bowel movements
Drinking hot water on an empty stomach in the morning improves and enhances bowel movements. Thus, it helps to regulate the digestive system of the body. If you feel constipated, try drinking plenty of hot water. It will help cleanse the digestive tract, including the intestines, and get relief from stomach irritations. Facilitating regular bowel movements is one of the potential benefits of drinking hot water.
3. Boost up the metabolism of the body
The benefits of drinking hot water include improved digestion. Drinking hot water helps cleanse the body and remove toxins from the body. Hence, it ensures proper digestion and other bodily functions. This revamps our metabolism, and thus we feel more energized and fresh all day.
4. Helps reduce stubborn Fat/weight
Studies have shown that drinking warm beverages can boost metabolism. Increased metabolic rate in turn can help your body burn calories faster during exercise or just sitting around at home doing nothing! Water has zero calories, so we can drink it as much as we want. Water quenches thirst and also helps to get relief from uncontrollable hunger for a short time. The heat from this type of beverage also encourages your body to release more fat from storage within cells (fat cells), which means they'll be burned off more quickly than usual so, definitely consider giving this one a try if you're looking for a way to shed those pounds! Helping reduce stubborn fat is one of the surprising benefits of drinking hot water.
5. Avoid headaches
A study says dehydration is one of the prominent reasons for headaches. It impacts the serotonin levels of the body which leads to tension headaches or migraines. Drinking warm water first thing in the morning ensures our body gets instant hydration. This, in turn, prevents unwanted headaches. People dealing with headaches need at least 1.5 liters of water in a day to feel better.
6. Prevents bad breath
What's more, drinking hot water in the morning helps clear off bad breath and other oral issues. How? As per research, having a lot of water prevents the dryness in the mouth which occurs when the mouth lacks saliva. For your information, dry mouth causes bad breath. So, drink plenty of water in the morning on an empty stomach.
7. Helps to get glowing and radiant skin
Drinking hot water clears toxins from the body, keeps the body hydrated, and improves digestion and bowel movement. All of these contribute to lesser skin problems, thus enhancing the complexion of the skin for a brighter and fresher appearance. Moreover, water moisturizes the skin from the inside, which makes your skin look naturally glowy. So, aim to drink at least 8-9 glasses of water throughout the day to have healthy, glowing skin.
8. Develops a healthy appetite
Drinking hot water in the morning on an empty stomach clears all the waste and toxins in the body, thus improving the body's metabolism. We feel more energized, and hence our hunger increases. Our bodies can now get ready to be filled with a healthy, satisfying breakfast.
9. Promote healthy and shiny hair
Drinking plenty of hot water also enhances the quality of hair growth. Minerals from water are essential for the body to maintain the growth of hair. It can promote shiny, lustrous, and voluminous hair. Moreover, having enough water helps prevent hair and scalp issues such as dry hair, dandruff, and itchiness.
10. Prevent kidney stones
Drink hot water regularly first thing in the morning and throughout the day and prevent the formation of kidney stones. In most cases, small existing kidney stones are eliminated through the urine by drinking hot water abundantly. The more water you consume, the more the urine will become diluted. This clearly means that the buildup of calcium and some other minerals will be less in the urine. This, as a result, will reduce the risk of stone formation in your kidneys.
11. Strengthen the immune system of the body
Drinking plenty of hot water helps to strengthen your immune system. Removing toxins from the body. water can help eliminate unwanted infections and diseases. This eventually protects your body from several kinds of infections, thus, promoting a healthy immune system. To experience this benefit, have plenty of water on an empty stomach when you wake up in the morning.
12. Manages stress and fatigue
Drinking hot water calms and relaxes the central nervous system. This helps decrease stress levels and avoid fatigue. Hot water is the best way to stay hydrated and feel better mentally. It speeds up the procedure of formation of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) that, in turn, make you feel full of energy the entire day.
13. Reduces body aches and cramps
Water is a natural pain reliever. It is natural to have aches in different body parts such as the back, neck, joints, and feet. Drinking plenty of hot water passively helps reduce these aches and cramps by soothing the central nervous system.
14. Helps in sound sleep
It helps you sleep better at night. Drinking hot water before bedtime helps reduce anxiety and stress levels so that you can get a good night's sleep! Besides this, water also maintains the ideal body temperature, ensuring a comfortable and undisturbed sleep.
15. Reduce bloating and nausea
Drinking hot water helps move food through your digestive tract more quickly, which reduces bloating and nausea. In addition, water removes toxins and extra sodium content from the body that can cause bloating. Moreover, drinking plenty of water hydrates the digestive tract and eases bowel movements, which prevents bloating.
Also, Read Top 6 Detox Water Recipes For Weight Loss & Glowing Skin.
Quick Tips:
Here are some quick tips to follow that can help you get the benefits of drinking hot water in the morning on an empty stomach.
It's best to drink warm water first thing in the morning, even before you brush your teeth.
It is also beneficial to drink hot water right before bed. Be sure to drink only a few sips before crashing the bed to avoid toilet visits.
Make sure the water is not searing hot. Do not drink boiling water as it will burn your throat and food pipe. Ideally, the temperature should be 45-60 degrees Celsius.
Use a kettle to warm up water in no time.
Store hot water in a vacuum-insulated thermos flask to keep it warm.
Replace your unhealthy snacks with a cup of hot water.
Replace your meal drinks with hot water.
You can also store hot water in a copper jug or flask. Copper is a natural toxic removal agent.
Summing Up
Well, drinking hot water on an empty stomach can offer several benefits. From flushing out toxins and improving metabolism to strengthening the immune system and reducing bloating and nausea, it can emerge as the most beneficial compound in our lives. Starting your day with a hot glass of water can effectively promote your health and overall well-being. However, it is important to always have hot water in a moderate amount and at a safe temperature as it will help prevent any potential side effects. Dehydration or an upset stomach are the common side effects of drinking hot water in an empty stomach. People struggling with acid reflux need to avoid hot water as it can cause discomfort in the stomach. So, sip a glass of warm water every morning and experience its results within a few days.

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