Arnold Feao is a 26 years old living in Oakland, California. He's a happily married man and has a beautiful 20 month-year-old daughter.
In 2009, Arnold started experiencing shortness of breath. He finally decided to go get a check up for Asthma in February 2010 and the results were life changing.
My X-rays showed an enlarged heart so I had a more thorough exam done which later determined I was seriously ill and should be kept in the hospital. At the time I was at a County hospital which didn't really specialize in heart failure. The Cardiologist there recommended I look for a different hospital that can further treat my conditions. I was not a U.S Citizen at the time so none of the other hospitals wanted to accept me for treatment. My heart ejection fraction was at 6% so I needed better treatment immediately.
My doctor called one of his personal friends who happens to be one of the top cardiologists by the name of Ernie Haeusslein and explained my situation. I was immediately transferred by paramedics from Highland hospital to California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, CA. Two days after my arrival at CPMC, I was rushed into emergency surgery for an (LVAD) Left Ventricular Assist Device since my heart was no longer working.
Four months later September 11, 2010 I received my new heart.
Arnold tells us that this heart transplant helped me appreciate life more and live it like there is no tomorrow. It also motivated him to live a healthier life. Arnold now encourages people to keep a low sodium low cholesterol diet which keeps the heart healthy. He also encourages people to visit their doctors for regular check ups.
Arnold's message to anyone reading this - If you experience shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness or fainting, weight gain and swelling in the legs you should go in for a check up.

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Read more on Heart Transplant here.
Thank you, Arnold, for sharing your story.
We wish people learn to go for regular health checkups and understand the significance of the right doctor's diagnosis.
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