
Successful Liver Transplant on a Bangladesh Baby

Dr. Subash and his team (at ANG CLBS) gave a new liver transplant to a tiny 10-months-old baby boy named Mohd. Sayan Hossain from Bangladesh.

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Dr. Subash and his team (at ANG CLBS) gave a new lease of life to a tiny 10-months-old baby boy named Mohd. Sayan Hossain from Bangladesh through a Living Donor Liver Transplant (LDLT) after he was diagnosed with Extra Hepatic Biliary Artesia. His father Mohd. Sakhawat Hossain became the donor. The child is now back to his normal life and his parents are very happy with their son's health.

Click here to watch a Liver Transplant patient experiencePre-requisites for liver transplant donorsLiver Transplants: How Successful Are They?What is liver transplantation? A liver transplant is a surgical procedure that removes a diseased liver and replaces it with a healthy liver from a donor. Most livers are obtained from deceased donors, though it is possible to obtain a healthy liver part from a living donor too. Liver transplant is usually a last attempt to rescue critically ill patients. Liver Transplant: Risks, Precaution, Prevention
Categorized into General Health,Liver Health
Tagged in Baby,Life Support