
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - PINK October

The Breast Cancer Awareness Month or Pink October has contributed to bringing the number of breast cancer deaths every year down by a considerable number.

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month - PINK OCTOBER

Breast Cancer is a disease that is responsible for thousands of deaths and in many cases the deaths are more a result of ignorance of early indications rather than the severity of the disease. To spread awareness about these symptoms, several prominent breast cancer charities come together every year in October to organize the Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM). Also known as Pink October, this annual international health event is aimed at making sure that people across the world are familiar with the signs of Breast Cancer.

The Breast Cancer Awareness Month was founded in the year 1985 in USA as a joint initiative between the American Cancer Society and Imperial Chemical Industries' pharmaceutical division. The campaign wasaimed to promote prevention and early detection of Breast Cancer. Apart from spreading awareness about the disease, this campaign also carries out several activities to raise funds for research into its causes, prevention, identification and treatment. The BCAM also provides support to people affected by breast cancer.

PINK RIBBON - The color pink came to be associated with this campaign in the early 90s, when pink ribbons were distributed at various events to show support for the BCAM. In today's times, pink ribbons are synonymous with awareness and providing hope for the breast cancer patients. The fourth Monday of October is observed as the Pink Ribbon Day marking an end of the activities held throughout the month.

PINK RIBBONS are synonymous with Awareness and providing Hope for the Breast Cancer Patients

Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week - Third week of Pink October

While a rare condition in males, breast cancer is an equally harmful disease for them. Men tend to generally overlook the symptoms for breast cancer, resulting in the disease being detected only at a later and very critical stage. In the year 2009, 3 medical and charitable groups working for awareness of male breast cancer came together to establish the third week of Pink October as the Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week. The groups Out of the Shadow of Pink, A Man's Pink and Brandon Greening Foundation for Breast Cancer in Men have organized several events and awareness drives to ensure that men are familiar of the causes, symptoms, effects and treatment of the disease.

In today's age, the month of October every year witnesses several health drives and campaigns for breast cancer awareness world over. The activities organized around the world by several charitable and medical organizations include numerous fund raising events, health awareness campaigns and medical check-ups. Educating people across the world about this disease is one of the main focuses of a majority of activities held in this period. Countries across the world including USA, Canada, UK, India, China, Australia, France and many more have seen active participation from different organizations and individuals to promote the cause.

The Breast Cancer Awareness Month or Pink October has contributed to bringing the number of breast cancer deaths every year down by a considerable number. The efforts of different organizations across the world have also ensured that the patients having undergone treatment for breast cancer and their families are educated about the steps to be taken for recuperation.

 Talk Pink, Walk Pink this October

Go for annual screening of Breast Cancer