Halitosis (bad breath) is usually the result of poor dental and oral hygiene habits that have built up over time. Because you have been doing these things for so long, it can be really difficult to determine exactly what the problems are and what you, therefore, need to do to fix them. I wanted to help you out with this so below I have outlined the 3 most common causes of bad breath and what you should do to handle them. 
1. Poor Oral Hygiene
In regards to causing bad breath, this is the biggest, and probably most common, bad habit that people can have. By not maintaining their gum and tooth health properly, people are left much more vulnerable to bad bacteria then they would have been otherwise. By not clearing out this bacteria, and by not incorporating healthy probiotics into the mouth to fight against it (via toothpaste), it's left to congregate in the small pockets of space around your mouth where it can begin to cause infection. With the most common of these being tonsillitis, tonsil stones and gingivitis. Not only that but old food particles, dead cells and other debris can be found within these pockets, which can rot and cause a foul odour themselves. That combined with the sulphur produced by bad bacteria can make for extremely bad breath. In order to combat this I recommend brushing and flossing at least 3 times per day, and use a tongue scraper at least once per day. This will clear away any rotting debris or dead cells found around your tongue and teeth, and will also help fight off bad bacteria. You can also use a mouthwash to supplement this but I recommend you stay away from the commercial kind. They can be guilty of masking the smell of bad breath instead of curing it, which is of course no use to you. Instead try using apple cider vinegar. Because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it's how to get rid of bad breath from tonsil stones, tonsillitis and other oral infections.2. Not Drinking Enough Water
Your salvias main purpose is not just lubricating your food so that it's easier to swallow. It's also responsible for controlling the activity of bad bacteria within your mouth. However, if it's not properly fuelled then its ability to do this will diminish. Which is why you need to drink enough water and stay hydrated throughout the day. The exact amount of water needed to be drank each day will be different for everyone as things like height, weight, activity level and diet need to considered beforehand. So if you eat a lot of water dense foods and aren't particularly active, then you won't need to drink as much as someone that is very active and doesn't eat a lot of water dense foods. To learn how much exactly you need each day, check out this calculator.3. Having a Poor, Nutrient-Lacking Diet
By supplying your body with mainly unhealthy foods, you won't be providing it with the nutrients it needs to fuel your immune system. Which means your ability to fight off infectious organisms with be hampered. Not only that but these foods could also be adding to the problem. As they might be incorporating even more bad bacteria to your mouth, they can be making bacteria control even more difficult as it'll have more to deal with. Your body and immune system will reach a point where it can't handle this anymore and bacterial infection will become more and more apparent. Not just within your mouth in other areas of your body. As this happens you'll begin to notice a number of symptoms, one of which is likely going to be bad breath. Therefore, if you want to prevent halitosis, you should try to improve your diet (eating more of your five-a-day with probably be the most effective way to do this, initially). Also Read: Why You Should Treat Cavities ASAP.Takeaway
Bad breath can be very demeaning and can often lead to ridicule, which can have disastrous effects on someone's self-confidence. So in order to avoid this, follow my advice in this article.
About the Author
This article is contributed by Lyle who runs his own website wherein he explains how to prevent and treat tonsillar infections. Because of this, he has built a working knowledge of the topic and regularly features on other blogs to share tips and advice. He wishes, that the readers can learn something helpful from his content!.
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