Celiac is an autoimmune disorder that causes severe damage to the small intestines. This condition makes the digestion of gluten very difficult for the inner lining of the small intestine. Gluten is found in wheat, semolina, barley, rye, and other flours. It can also trigger other symptoms related to digestion, like malnutrition and difficulty eating foods with gluten without vomiting. Currently, there is no cure for the celiac condition, so it is essential to follow a gluten-free diet that will allow the body to heal. However, you can manage symptoms with dietary changes. But if you are dealing with celiac disease what foods to avoid? In this blog, we have gathered a list of food items that should not be consumed by a person having celiac disorder. It is essential to follow these guidelines as even small amounts of gluten in the intestines can cause some damage regardless of the absence of symptoms.
Food items to avoid when you have the celiac condition-
Research suggests that If you have celiac disease, you must exclude gluten-containing foods and beverages from your diet. A gluten-free diet helps alleviate celiac disease symptoms and repair small intestine damage. Following are the celiac disease avoid foods:
As we have mentioned before, gluten is present in grains. These grains cans are: Wheat, barley, rye, flour, triticale, Kamut, wheat berries, farro, couscous, and some oats; though oats are naturally gluten-free, some can contain gluten after processing. Thus, checking the brands and labels before buying oats and other gluten-free items is important. Some examples of foods containing grains that are not gluten-free:
- Pieces of bread,
- Crackers, and
- Wraps made
- Whole wheat bread,
- Potato bread,
- Rye bread,
- Sourdough bread,
- Wheat crackers
- Full wheat wraps,
- Tortillas,
- Flatbread,
- Bagels
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Certain condiments have glutens, like soy sauce, barbecue sauce, salad dressings, marinades, cream sauces, spicy blends, gravy mixes, malt vinegar, and some ketchup. If you have a rich pallet and can do without condiments, then you should make your condiments home with gluten-free ingredients. These homemade options will keep your pallet happy and you satisfied. These products and their taste will also keep the symptoms of the celiac condition at bay.
Baked Foods-
Many baked food items are found in pastry shops and confectioners that should also be avoided by people having a celiac condition. Baked food items like cakes, cookies, pastries, soft and hard pretzels, Donuts, muffins, pancakes, and waffles should be avoided by people having a celiac condition. so, if you are confused about celiac disease and what foods to avoid or cut down on, start avoiding these baked foods immediately.
Pasta is a delicacy, especially in some parts of Europe, and a lot of people can not live without them, but unfortunately, wheat-based pasta is majorly made with gluten dough. Pasta is the staple diet in many cultures, but it should be avoided. However, many people can consume gluten-free alternatives to pasta. Many gluten-free traditional kinds of pasta are noodles, spaghetti, gnocchi, and dumplings.
Popular gluten-based snacks-
Many snack foods are a common gluten source, including pretzels, granola bars, cereal bars, chips, energy bars, cookies, snack mixes, and candy bars. People can opt for homemade snacks made with gluten-free ingredients, or they can avoid these snacks altogether and include other options like fruits and vegetables as a part of their snacks.
Many people consider beverages to not contain gluten, but that is incorrect. Gluten-containing beverages include beer bottles, wine coolers, pre-made coffee drinks, drink mixes, or chocolate milk. The celiac condition does not allow people to drink these beverages.
Processed food items-
Several processed foods and other items may contain processed food items like meat substitutes and hot dogs, prepared lunch meats, processed cheese, egg substitutes and canned or soup mixes, pudding and instant dessert mixtures, breakfast cereals, french fries, specific ice cream, breakfast or french fries and other fried foods, flavored tofu should also be left out of the diet of people with a celiac condition.
Other Foods items that should be avoided-
- Fried food items in restaurants: occasionally, eating out can bring you to restaurants that have fried foods like french fries that can have gluten.
- Improper techniques for preparing meals at a restaurant include eating food with gluten-free equipment and a clean pair of gloves.
- Oats are processed and contain gluten-free grains that are contaminated unless labeled gluten-free.
- Brown rice syrup can have barley malt that can have gluten in it.
- Chips and snacks are dusted with flour and malt vinegar.
- Ice cream and frozen yogurts can have gluten, also considered celiac disease-avoid foods.
- Soups, both thickeners, can also contain gluten
Also Read: 9 Symptoms Of Celiac Disease That You Shouldn't Ignore
List of Foods that celiac patients can eat -
There are a lot of restrictions on the food items that patients with the celiac condition can eat, but these items can be included in their diet without any restrictions like-
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Meat
- Poultry
- Seafood
- Beans
- Nuts
- Legumes
Some can eat other naturally gluten-free grains like starchy foods and legumes, including amaranthus, buckwheat, chia, corn, millet, potato, quinoa, and rice. Gluten-free oats and bread. People with a celiac condition should include only these items mentioned in this list in their diets, or they can consult with their doctors regarding the same.
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The celiac condition can make it very difficult for a person to digest foods with gluten. Thus they must follow a strict diet rich in gluten-free foods. Sometimes a lack of awareness can lead to the accumulation of gluten in the food tract, resulting in certain conditions like vomiting and diarrhea. Thus, it is essential to follow a food diet that doesn't include any food items mentioned in this blog. If you have taken food items with gluten, it will be better to check with your doctor to avoid mishaps. With the help of these dietary guides on celiac disease, avoid-foods can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Also Read Are Potatoes Gluten Free?
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a person with celiac disease eat eggs?
A person with celiac disease can eat eggs, beef, dairy products, lamb, etc.
Can a person with celiac disease eat bananas?
Yes, if you have a celiac condition, then you can eat bananas as they do not have any health problems associated with gastrointestinal issues.
Are potatoes suitable for celiac conditions?
Celiacs and other dietary needs can eat potatoes in their raw form. But it would be best if you were careful about the ingredients in addition to the potatoes.
What foods can irritate a celiac condition?
The food items irritating a celiac condition are barley, rye, farina, graham flour, semolina, and other self-rising flours like durum. Corn and rice can also contain gluten.

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