The cortisol level test is a medical laboratory test performed to identify the levels of cortisol hormone in human saliva, urine or blood. Cortisol is a stress hormone that affects just about any body tissue and organ, it's human body's response to counter stress, maintain blood pressure, regulate blood sugar levels, and enhancing metabolism.
So, as stated above, the Cortisol level test is done with an advanced cortisol EIA kit to diagnose the adrenal glands for disorders. These include Addison's disease, a medical condition under which the body is not making enough cortisol hormone needed to combat stress. And the other way round, Cushing's syndrome, a condition when the adrenal glands are secreting way too much cortisol.
How Does The Test Work?
The cortisol hormone is made naturally by the adrenal glands above the kidney in the body, this hormone is present in our saliva, urine, or blood. Therefore, the blood test is typically a reliable means to measure the levels of cortisol. If the cortisol levels are either too high or too low, there may be a disorder of the adrenal glands. We must not overlook this sort of disorder as they may have drastic effects on your overall health.Why This Test is Done?
When Do You Need to Undergo This Test?
If you need to take the cortisol EIA kit test, you are having the below-mentioned Cushing's syndrome or Addison disease symptoms: -Symptoms of Cushing's Syndrome Include:
- Obese Body Structure, Especially The Torso Region
- High Blood Sugar Levels
- High Blood Pressure
- Weakness of Muscles
- Purple Streaks Around The Stomach
- Excess Hair on Face and Abnormal Menstrual Cycle for Women
Symptoms of Addison Include:
- Body Fatigue
- Weight Loss
- Dark Patches on Skin
- Low Blood Pressure
- Nausea
- Weakness of Muscle
- Abdominal Pain
How the Cortisol Level Test Is Done?
The cortisol level test is done in the form of the blood test. During this test, a qualified health care professional will take the patient's blood sample from the vein in the arm via the needle. This can be slightly pinching, but quite manageable like any other vaccination. When the needle is inserted in the needle, then the blood is slowly sucked into the test tube. This process usually takes less than two to five minutes. Since the levels of cortisol in the body vary significantly throughout the body, deciding on the right time to undergo this test is what your doctor will determine. Typically, this test to detect the cortisol levels is done twice in one day. In the morning time, when the levels are at its peak, and around 4 to 5 pm, when the levels of cortisol dip to its lowest. Apart from the blood sample, cortisol levels can also be measured from samples of saliva or urine. For the urine test, the medical professional will obtain the entire urine sample for a period of 24 hours, because the cortisol levels fluctuate throughout the day. The salivary cortisol test is generally done at the patient's home during the odd hours of the day when the levels of cortisol are significantly low. Either you can call a health professional to conduct this test or get the cortisol EIA kit (Check where to buy TMB stop solution to add in EIA Kit. ). The kit has a swab to collect the sample and a container to store it.What To Do Before the Test?
Stress in the body can considerably raise the cortisol levels, so it's best to have a proper rest before taking this test. Make sure you adhere to the instructions given by the medical staff. Read About: 6 Diagnostic Tests to Have Every Year (Age Group 27-35 Years) Tagged in Nausea

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