Most people have a perception that cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases are non-curable and synonymous with aging. If you have such a mindset, then trust me, you will truly not be able to do anything about it. Of course age matters, but a healthy lifestyle can help you prevent some life-threatening diseases, let alone just the heart. You can have all of it, well in control or even reverse a few unhealthy conditions of your body, by just adopting a healthy lifestyle. It has got even more benefits. You will sleep better at night, have a stress free life, and live longer. So let's get started:
1. Exercising regularly with a personal trainer
When the conversation is about heart, exercising can never go in vain. Understand that your heart is a muscle and like any other muscle it needs exercise, or else it will become weak, soft and flabby. Of course, I know that you aren't in your physical fitness peak right now, but that's the challenge. That's when a personal trainer will help you greatly. They are experienced people, with expertise, who have previously trained people like you. However, before you head on to find a gym and a trainer for you, it is utterly important to ask your health care provider about the exercise you can do and learn the signs of overexertion.2. Seek services of a dietician or nutritionist
Exercising regularly is a part of your daily lifestyle, but what you eat, is what you are. Thus, the best you can do is to consult a dietician or nutritionist and reckon the dos and don'ts of food. Learn all the W's of food, i.e. what, when, why, and where. Although my recommendation would be to constantly stay in touch with the nutritionist, if not, make sure you make the most out of your timed visits. Remember, when you visit for the first time, carry a detailed food log, i.e. record all your foods and drink consumption in a paper so that the nutritionist can craft a program for your accordingly.3. Get rid of your food enemies
The dietician might help you do it, but unless you take the onus on your shoulders, there's nothing in the world that can stop you from eating what's barred. There are certain food items that are poisonous for our bodies but we still cannot resist eating them. For instance, ice creams, chips, cookies - we all know it not only increase fat levels in our bodies but also the sugar intake - but nonetheless the temptation overpowers the consciousness. Of course once a while you can have a day off and pounce on them. But on most days it is better to stay away. Now since you can't control your temptation on munching on them, why not ban or remove them from your house, workplace or even the car? So that there's zero possibility to find and eat them.4. Stress less, Relax more
This is one of the most underrated points and yet the most impactful. In fact, so much so that stress has got a scientific explanation on how bad it is for the heart - the more you stress, your blood vessels get more constricted, in turn making it even difficult to pump blood through your body. Here's how you can break through the phase of trauma: Do breathing exercises, ask yourself if the cause is going to matter five years in the line, think long-term and take the day one by one.5. Learn to smile, often
Why am I at all saying that? We all know how to smile, right? Still, you fail to smile often. Smiling has unbelievable benefits both for your physical and mental well-being. You can actually trick your mind and body with a smile and make it believe that you are in a happy place, even if you are not. Smile, whenever you can - At strangers, while driving, while collecting your orders, while standing in the queue, and let the magic unfold.6. Consider Ecosprin tablets
Ecosprin tablets are one of the most recommended and preferred tablets to ignore heart strokes. It is an excellent medicine and has helped thousands across the globe to prevent blood clotting in the heart and thus avoid heart attacks. However, being compliant with your doctor's advice is very crucial and consider the dosage of Ecosprin 150 as recommended by your doctor. Other medicines that can help you with different heart diseases are Statins (to lower LDL cholesterol), Clopidogrel (to prevent blood clots) and many others.7. Enjoy the process
Never perceive yourself as a patient and automatically things will get better. Remember, perception is everything. Life is a blessing and now that you are working towards the best version of you, it couldn't get any better. Celebrate every day of your life like it's a festival. Trust me, there's no better medicine than being happy.Stay Healthy!
When it comes to food and training it is more about discipline and overcoming mental challenges. Don't doubt your strength, ever and keep moving, one day after another. Soon, you will find yourself at the end line, happy and satisfied! Read About: Learn How To Keep Your Heart Healthy
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