Coronary Artery Disease is a condition which includes the narrowing and blockage of the coronary arteries. This is one of the most common types of heart disease because of which almost 365,914 people were killed in 2017. We had a conversation with Dr. Surinder Bazaz concerning Coronary Artery Disease and other heart health concerns. This week in #crediTalk we went ahead for a quick fact-check with Dr. Durinder Bazaz on Coronary Artery Disease.
Dr. Surinder Bazaz is a highly-experienced surgeon. His services can be availed at Medanta The Medicity Gurgaon. He is the Director of Cardiac Surgery at the Heart Institute. He plays a very vital role in Medanta's CTVS team. Dr. Bazaz is an acclaimed specialist in the medical branch of Cardiothoracic and Cardiovascular surgeries.
Interview Questions Asked by Dr. Surinder Bazaz on Cardiology
Question 1. What are the necessary information about cardiac surgery that a patient needs to know while considering this option?Answer. The patient should be aware of the risks, the alternatives, the medical therapies, what can be done with stents, angioplasty and much more. They must know why they are opting for surgery and what are its benefits. Every patient should be aware of all these factors before he jumps into surgery. Question 2. Presently there could be nearly 30 million Indians suffering from coronary artery diseases. Are any peculiarity of this disease pattern which stand out in Indian patients? What are the reasons behind such unhealthy trends?Answer. There are a couple of factors in Indians. Firstly, there is a genetic predisposition in Indians, which makes them more likely to have coronary artery diseases. The second thing is that India is the diabetic capital of the world. A history of diabetes can affect your eyes, kidney, heart or blood vessel. All these patients who are diabetic are more prone to coronary artery diseases. The other thing is the sedentary lifestyle and eating habits. These are some of the major risk factors, along with tobacco consumption. In India, there are a lot of people who smokes, snuff and many chew tobacco. These are important risk factors which cause coronary disorders. Question 3. How do the longevity and functioning differ in a patient who has undergone open-heart surgery and another patient who has undergone a robotic assistive cardiac surgery?Answer. Now with experienced hands, the results would be the same. There is a myth about robotic surgery that all patients of coronary artery disease can be operated robotically. There is a limited spectrum of the patient who can be treated by robotic surgery. In normal surgeries like the minimally invasive, mid-cap, beating heart surgeries, the results would be the same. Question 4. Does heart health in men differ from that of women? If so, then what advice would you give to both genders to maintain the well being?Answer. There is a difference between the heart health of women and men. Women are on a safer side until the age of menopause. Because of their hormones, they are protected from coronary artery disease. We do find women in the menopausal stage of their life who suffer from coronary artery disease. They are protected initially, but other than this, men and women have the same risk factors. They are equally prone, they are equally suspectable, and the changes could be either way that they get coronary artery disease. The risk factors are the same (smoking, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc.) for men and women, and there is no other difference. If there is hypertension, the patient should take care of the salt intake. Try to avoid added salt on top of your food. If the patient is diabetic, then follow the diabetic diet plan. Try to have a good lifestyle, exercise daily, try to cut down weight(if the patient is obese), manage your eating habits or cut down the fast food and sugar. The idea is to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Question 5. With rising patient education, we are likely to see a shift in emphasis from treatment to prevention of cardiac diseases. How is this shift going to define the future of cardiac surgeries in India?Answer. If people get more and more educated towards their health, they eat better, exercise more and take care of their health, the incidence of cardiac disease will go down. As of now, the doctors do not find any such changes in people. Nowadays, people are educated and they are trying to follow a good diet and exercise. On the other hand, smoking and alcohol consumption are some of the factors which are still there, which affect their health. In India, there is a huge gap between the number of surgeries required and the number of cardiac surgeries doctors can do. If we go full throttle for the next 25 years, it is still not going to affect the future of cardiac surgery. However, the trends in cardiac surgery are changing. It's going towards more arterial grafts and more minimally invasive surgeries. Question 6. Care after heart surgery is extremely important. What does post-surgery care at home consists off?Answer. At home, the patient should be in a clean environment. His wounds should be taken care of regularly. The patients should have their regular medications as prescribed by the doctor. If the patient has had head surgery, he should be on a high protein diet because that will heal him/her faster. Their diabetes and blood pressure should be taken care of properly and a good amount of monitoring is required. The followups should be done on an appropriate time so that everything goes as per the plan. Avoid pushing or pulling of things, no greasy food and having a proper diet is a must. Similarly, there is a list of dos and don'ts, which every doctor prescribes to their patients when they go home. Contact your doctor if you find any unusual bleeding or fever. Related read: Coronary Artery Disease & Familial Heart Disease: What you should know?About The Doctor

For a priority appointment or more information, contact us at +91 8010994994 or book an appointment with Dr. Surinder Bazaz here
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