In conversation with Dr. Sabhyata Gupta to share her views and answer a few of our questions. Dr. Sabhyata Gupta is Head of the Department of Gynaecology and Gynae Oncology at Medanta The Medicity. She is the first woman to perform robotic gynaecological surgery for cancerous and benign gynaecological conditions in India.
Dr Sabhyata Gupta is a famous gynecologist and Chairperson of the division of Gynecology and Gynae Oncology at Medanta -The Medicity, Gurgaon. She has a rich experience of 29 years in her field. Dr Sabhyata Gupta the first woman in India who perform robotic gynaecological surgery for cancerous and benign gynaecological conditions. For a priority appointment or more information, contact us at +91 8010994994 or book an appointment with Dr. Sabhyata Gupta here -
Gynecological Surgeries With Dr Sabhyata Gupta
We asked her some questions and she answered all of them very politely. So without missing out, have a look.Question 1. You were the first woman to perform robotic gynaecological surgery for cancerous and benign gynaecological conditions in India. Would you reflect on the experience and the challenges of the same?Answer: It is indeed a nice experience to have a monopoly in any sector. But in robotic gynaecological surgery, you end up giving a very small incision to the patient, so the recovery is faster. Though, you do the surgery the same way you do open surgery.The difference between open surgery and invasive surgery is the size of the incision. The recovery time and pain are a lot lesser in robotic surgeries, compared to open surgery. After these types of surgeries, the patients can resume their day to day activities pretty faster. Putting all together, it is a very satisfying way of operating. Talking about the challenge - It's a very costly process. So as of now, it's the cost that bothers the patients.Question 2. During April 2019, a piece of news surfaced that women in the Beed district of Maharashtra were undergoing hysterectomies to avoid work offs because they could not afford to lose wages. What are the health impacts of such cases? What would you like to tell these women?Answer: Well, a strong message should go across that hysterectomies is not the solution to all the gynaecological problems. These people need to visit their doctor, have it addressed. This is because a lot many things can be managed medically also, without any surgery.People need to understand that surgeries have their side effects as well. Some patients need to get hysterectomies done, but not that all patients require it. So they can have it addressed medically also.Question 3. What is the biggest challenge you face when you receive a patient who requires a gynaecological surgery?Answer: The doctors do not face many challenges in these terms. But yes, at times when a patient comes with prior information, then it becomes very difficult for doctors to explain the scientific facts of the disease to the patient. From prior information, I mean when the patient and their family have already consulted a google doctor. This becomes a challenge for the gynaecologist to clear all the doubts and explain the real fact behind the condition.Question 4. There is a new trend globally. Women can now choose to stop their periods using contraceptives and hormonal IUDs. Experts are arguing that there is no medical reason for women to have menstruate. What are your views on this subject?Answer: Menstruation is a very very psychological phenomenon. Generally, it is a painful cycle and if it is bothering you because of some reason, it is better to go to a doctor and get it checked. They will let you know whether you need medicines or you just have to do some exercises. They can give the right solution to your problem.Because there is not even a single medicine which we can say is 100% safe. All medicines do have some side effects. Some medicines may give side effects to person 'A' and may not give side effects to the person 'B'. So it is very important that whenever we are going to use any medicine, make sure to use it judiciously.Question 5. How has robotic gynaecology surgery framed the health benefits for patients and doctors?Answer: As we have mentioned that robotic gynaecology surgery is a minimally invasive kind of surgery. So, the incisions are small, the recovery is fast and the patient experience very little pain. Even the blood loss is much less in robotic gynaecology surgeries. This is because the doctor gets to see the magnified view or 3D kind of perception. So it is very close to how the open surgery looks. The instruments which they use are very flexible and their movement is very good. So putting everything together, robotic gynaecology surgery is better than open surgeries.Question 6. What are the main causes of cancers related to the female reproductive system? Is hygiene is all that matters? Answer: When we talk about gynaecological cancer, what we are referring to is uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, and more. As we all know that cervical cancer is preventable, yet, the incidence is very high. HPV infection is the main cause of cervical cancer and vulvar cancer. Your family history also contributes to this.There are certain predisposing factors like obesity, hypertension, diabetes and immunocompromised status. Hygiene is, of course, important for general health too. If hygiene is not good then there are more chances of attracting diseases and infections.Read: 5 Ovarian Cancer Fact Every Woman should know?Tips For The Young Girls
PCOD is one of the most common problems nowadays. Young women should have a good lifestyle, should exercise and be in good health. They should also opt for vaccinations available from birth till adulthood. Whenever they have any gynaecological issue, it's better to visit a doctor. The gynaecologist will guide you the best.Check out all the article in #CrediTalk series here.About The Doctor

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