
Do abortions hurt? What Does Abortion Feel Like?

Do abortions hurt? What does abortion feel like? Learn about the potential pain & discomfort associated with abortions, as well as other side effects & risks.

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Abortions are a medical procedure for ending a pregnancy. While the process may produce discomfort or cramping, it is tolerable.Each individual may have a unique experience with abortion. What is terrible for one person may not be painful for another. Some people may not find it at all painful. The level of discomfort experienced by individuals might vary depending on many factors.So if you are worried about Do abortions hurt? Learn more about the potential pain in abortions, including factors influencing the experience, pain management options, and the medical professional's role in ensuring patient comfort.

How Does Abortion Feel Like?

Do Abortions HurtThe experience of abortion can vary from person to person, and it's important to recognize that everyone's perception of pain and discomfort is subjective. That being said, I can provide a general understanding of what some individuals may feel during an abortion:
  • Physical sensations- Depending on the type of abortion procedure, you may experience cramping similar to menstrual cramps. The intensity of the cramps can vary, ranging from mild to more intense. Some people describe the sensation as a pressure or tightening in the abdomen. Additionally, you may experience vaginal bleeding, which can be similar to a heavier or more prolonged period.
  • Emotional responses- Abortion can evoke a range of emotions. Some individuals may feel relief, while others may experience sadness, guilt, or a combination of emotions. It's important to remember that emotional responses can differ and are influenced by various personal and situational factors.
  • Pain management- Your doctor employs various methods to manage pain during an abortion. They may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers or provide local anesthesia or conscious sedation to minimize discomfort during the procedure.
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Does abortion hurt? or Do abortions hurt?

The answer is that it varies from person to person. Nobody can tell you the way it will feel.Some individuals relate the experience to menstruation cramps, while others say it is more painful.Whether it hurts or not is determined by a variety of circumstances, including:
  • Your general health, including any medical issues that may be present.
  • How far along is the pregnancy
  • your overall pain tolerance
  • Your feelings and stress level.
  • What you feel throughout an abortion is also affected by what kind of abortion you have.
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How does the medicated abortion feel?

Medicated abortion, also known as medical abortion or the abortion pill. These medications suppress pregnancy hormones while simultaneously causing uterine contractions to force the embryo out. Tissue can be discharged for up to 5 hours. The experience can vary from person to person, but here is a general overview of what to expect:
  • Initial administration- he process typically begins with taking the first medication, mifepristone, under the guidance of a doctor. This medication works by blocking the hormone progesterone necessary for maintaining pregnancy.
  • Misoprostol administration- Within 24 to 48 hours after taking mifepristone, the second medication, misoprostol, is taken. This medication causes the uterus to contract and expel the Misoprostol can be taken orally or placed vaginally, depending on the healthcare provider's instructions.
  • Physical effects- As the medication takes effect, you may experience cramping similar to intense menstrual cramps. Some individuals describe the cramps as more intense than regular period pain, while others may experience milder discomfort. The pain level can vary and may be influenced by factors such as the gestational age of the pregnancy.
  • Bleeding- It is common to experience vaginal bleeding, ranging from light to heavy. So you'll need plenty of pads. A medicated abortion may be painful, particularly for women with a history of difficult and heavy menstrual periods. The bleeding is usually more significant than a regular period and can include passing clots. The duration and amount of bleeding can also vary.
  • Support and pain management- Your abortion doctor often recommends over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, to help manage the discomfort. They may also provide specific guidance on pain management tailored to your situation. Communicating any severe or concerning symptoms to your healthcare provider is important.

How was the pain minimized in the medication procedure?

Based on the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG), the most severe discomfort might come 2 1/2 to 4 hours after taking misoprostol. The agony might continue for up to an hour.Consult your healthcare provider about using an over-the-counter (OTC) drug, such as ibuprofen, prior. This may lessen your chances of cramping. Aspirin should be avoided since it might induce excessive bleeding.If you are prone to nausea, ask about anti-nausea medicine. Doctors may also prescribe stronger pain relievers or other drugs to help you feel better.Book an online appointment at Best Gynecologist & Obstetrician in India

How does the surgical abortion feel?

Your healthcare provider will ask you to place your feet in the stirrups of the table and check the cervix and vagina using a speculum.They'll next administer numbing medicine and dilate your cervix. A small flexible tube will be inserted into the uterus after numbing. The tube is connected to a mild suction device for emptying your uterus.Your doctor may also use a tiny, loop-shaped instrument to gently scrape the interior of your uterus. This is known as curettage, or dilatation and curettage (D&C). This ensures that your uterus is empty.When your pregnancy is over fifteen weeks old, your doctor will employ a mix of vacuum, curettage, and forceps extraction to thoroughly empty the uterus.Also Read: How much bleeding is normal after an abortion?

How was the pain minimized in the surgical procedure?

Before executing a surgical abortion, most healthcare practitioners will offer local anesthesia. You may also be told to take pain relievers beforehand.You have the option of being sedated. To assist in blocking pain and relieving anxiety, your physician may administer a moderate dosage of general anesthesia or an oral sedative.You will stay awake throughout the surgery but not remember what occurred. Because you'll be out of it until the anesthesia wears off, you'll need someone to take you home.Also Read: Sleep Apnea: How Your Dentist Can Help

Does the embryo feel any pain? 

Humans must be able to send signals through peripheral sensory nerves to the brain to sense pain. Certain brain areas are also required to process such messages.According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, comprehensive scientific research has revealed that the neural connections required to interpret pain signals do not form until at least the 24th week of pregnancy.Another study, however, shows that brain circuits involved in pain perception may get active sooner, though the data on this is unclear.Abortions are not permitted beyond 24 weeks of pregnancy because the pregnancy is deemed viable.

Are there any physical effects to be aware of?

Any medical treatment has some level of risk.Risks of abortion include:
  • Infection
  • Bleeding that is protracted or intense.
  • Utresus damage
  • An incomplete medicated abortion necessitates further intervention.
  • Unwanted pregnancy and possible coping if a medical abortion fails.
Abortion, on the other hand, is typically highly safe when performed by medical experts. The fatality rate for lawful induced abortion is around 0.7 per 100,000 operations.A simple abortion will not impair your ability to conceive again. In reality, pregnancy can occur at any time.

What are the possible emotional effects?

Are there any potential emotional adverse effects?Everyone's emotional response to having an abortion is unique. A lot relies on why you wanted the treatment, what stresses were involved, and if you have a strong support system.You could feel relieved and eager to go on. You may also experience grief, remorse, or a feeling of loss. You could experience a combination of these emotions since your emotions may change and make you feel bad or good.If you're dealing with negative feelings affecting your everyday life, you should talk to a medical or mental health expert. They can assist you in healthily working through your emotions.

What are the risks and complications of abortion?

Abortion is considered a low-risk medical procedure. Complications can, however, develop in rare cases.The possible problems of the various kinds of abortion are discussed here.

1. Medical abortions -

While abortion pills are generally quite safe and successful, they can occasionally fail to operate, resulting in an incomplete abortion.According to the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, around 2 out of every 100 medical abortions are incomplete, which means the individual may need to repeat the surgery. To get rid of the remaining pregnancy tissue, a doctor may need to conduct a surgical abortion.

2. Surgical Abortions -

Vacuum aspiration, dilatation, and evacuation are safe and effective surgical treatments with minimal risk of complications.Infections, heavy bleeding, and injuries are possible.Also Read: How long do You Bleed After Getting an Abortion?


Medical and surgical abortions are mostly low-risk methods of terminating a pregnancy, and each person's experience varies.Because they require the uterus to contract to evacuate the pregnancy tissue, medical abortions can lead to some pain and cramping. Pain is normally manageable with over-the-counter drugs.Because doctors provide a local or general anesthetic, someone receiving a surgical abortion will feel little discomfort throughout the process. People may have cramps for a few days following the procedure.Also Read: Menstrual Cycle - How Does It Affect Your Health?