
8 Foods Not to Put in Fridge

Here is the list of foods not to put in fridge. Foods like tomato, bread, potato etc should not be stored in the refrigerator. The results will pleasantly surprise you.

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Did you ever have your veggies go bad even after you'd put them in the refrigerator? While you may have the right idea about keeping your vegetables in cold temperatures, there are certain types that actually cannot stand temperatures below the standard room temperature. In this article let's take a look at some of these vegetables and understand why they should not be stored in the foods not to put in fridge.

Foods not to put in fridge

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1. Tomatoes

In cool temperatures, tomatoes have a tendency to lose their flavor. The reason behind this is, tomatoes keep ripening even after they have been plucked and can be used for the entirety of their shelf life. The cold temperature of the fridge interferes with the ripening process ultimately killing its flavor. What should also be kept in mind is that cold temperature destroys the smooth round texture of the tomato and makes it look wrinkly. Again the reason is the cold temperature which breaks down the membranes of the tomato's skin giving it that wrinkly look.

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2. Basil

Basil is used for preparing a ton of different delicacies. From preparing a minty beverage to garnishing a meal, basil can be used in a number of different ways. The only downside of this green veggie is that it has a relatively short shelf life. Add on top of that the cold temperature of a fridge and Basil leaves start losing their water content. What's worse is that Basil tends to absorb the smells of the food with which it is stored in the refrigerator. To improve the shelf life, it is recommended to store Basil leaves in a cup of warm water.

3. Potatoes

The average shelf life of a potato is between three to five weeks. This number drops significantly the moment you put your potatoes in the fridge. Cold temperature not only changes the flavor of potatoes but also fizzles out their starchiness. Storing potatoes at room temperature in large amounts is the most efficient way to increase their shelf life.

Also, Read About: Benefits of Watermelon Seeds.

4. Bread

This is a widespread misconception that you should keep your opened packet of bread inside the fridge to keep the loaf safe from any fungal developments. On the contrary, the very opposite should be done. The longer you keep your bread outside the fridge the chewier it will remain. The cold temperature of the fridge makes the bread taste bad and its texture is brittle keeping the bread at the standard room temperature will allow you the enjoy the loaf for at least 3 to 4 days.

5. Garlic

Garlic can last up to two months if kept in the open or at room temperature. When you put a garlic clove inside the fridge, the white flaky protective skin around the clove can no longer get fresh air. This makes the garlic smell moldy and turns soft.

Must read: Benefits of Curd.

6. Onions

Another vegetable that requires fresh air is the onion. The reason why people tend to store onions in the fridge, especially during the summer is that during the winter onions can last up to six months. However, Apart from leaving your fridge smelling like onions, they also tend to dry up quickly at a cool temperature.

7. Honey

It is said that honey has self-preserving properties. This allows this natural sweetener to be stored anywhere, regardless of how hot the temperature is. On the other hand, if you attempt storing honey in the fridge you will immediately start noticing that the honey has crystallized and its consistency has also been affected.

Also, read about: Benefits of Honey with Milk.

8. Avocado

In the case of an avocado, the refrigerator should be used if the fruit is ripe and you are not going to eat it immediately after purchase. If the avocado is still unripe, it's better to just keep up on the fruit bowl on your table.

Also, read about: Health Benefits of Avocado in Hindi

Take Away - Foods That You Should Not Put In Your Fridge

The fridge can help you store a lot of items which can last significantly longer under cold temperatures but it doesn't mean you should put all your items in the fridge. Knowing what to store at room temperature and what goes inside the fridge will help you save a ton of money and keep your vegetables as fresh as they were the first day.

Tagged in Cold