Selenium is a micronutrient naturally found in the cells responsible for several critical chemical reactions in the body. The micromineral is an excellent antioxidant and quenches the toxic free radicals present in the system. Selenium is also known to reduce the risk of oxidative stress that leads to disease conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. It is also beneficial in reducing the risk of several cancers and heart diseases and boosting metabolism by acting as a powerful antioxidant in the body. In today's blog, we will talk in detail about 25 foods rich in Selenium. Be sure to get a hold of these foods to boost your immune system. But first, let's understand why Selenium is essential for our bodies.
Eating foods rich in Selenium and other micronutrients helps build a healthy immunity to fight off most infection-causing microorganisms. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for Selenium is 55 micrograms daily. Pregnant and lactating women may require a slightly higher dose (60-70 micrograms per day) as part of their daily requirement. Selenium may be a micronutrient, but its deficiency can cause severe health conditions such as Graves disease and Hashimoto's disease. Therefore, it must be consumed in adequate amounts throughout your daily diet. Also, Read 10 Foods You Should Avoid While on Saxenda.
Why should we include foods rich in Selenium in our diet?

What are the 25 foods rich in Selenium?
Below we have mentioned 25 foods rich in Selenium for your information. The selenium content mentioned below is for a 100g serving for each food item.1. Brazil nuts
Selenium content: 92µg per Brazil nut, 545µg per 100gWhen eating Brazil nuts for selenium content, remember that each Brazil nut contains more than 100% of the RDA for Selenium. Be sure to maintain caution when consuming Brazil nuts.2. Tuna
Selenium content: 80µgFresh as well as canned tuna contains a lot of Selenium. Tuna offers more than 100% of the RDA of Selenium.3. Sunflower seeds
Selenium content: 78.2µgIf you want to put on weight and nothing seems to work, try munching on sunflower seeds. These seeds are high in mineral and protein content and have very high calories.4. Sardines
Selenium content: 53µgA can packed with sardines is a good source of Selenium as it offers around 80% of the daily requirement of Selenium. Sardines are also a reliable source of omega-3 oils, and the fish is safe and very healthy to consume.5. Roasted ham
Selenium content: 45µgRoasted ham offers 76% of the RDA of selenium intake. Be sure not to consume too much of that tasty ham to save yourself from selenium toxicity.6. Halibut
Selenium content: 45µgLike most seafood, halibut fish is a known source of Selenium along with other seafood. Include this fish in your diet if you are a fan of seafood and would like a good variety. Read More: 13 Benefits of Oatmeal For Weight Loss: How to Use it7. Chia seeds
Selenium content: 45µgChia seeds are a healthy breakfast with low caloric content, high antioxidants, and protein. It is also a rich source of essential Selenium.8. Shrimp
Selenium content: 40µgSeafood, including shrimp, are high in selenium content. But beware, as eating too many shrimps at a time may produce selenium toxicity.9. Beef liver
Selenium content: 40µgAnimal organs, as does the human liver, provide a rich source of Selenium. But since we aren't cannibals, beef liver is an excellent source of Selenium.10. Turkey
Selenium content: 24.7µgTurkey is a rich source of Selenium. It may not be accessible to most people, but it is a protein source rich in antioxidants with high caloric content.11. Roasted cashews
Selenium content: 19µgCashews, when roasted, concentrate the nutritional elements, and you get more out of a roasted cashew than you would with a regular one. Enjoy a handful of toasted cashews to maintain the RDA of protein and Selenium.12. Chicken
Selenium content: 17.8µgChicken is the most loved source of protein with a high caloric content. It is beneficial for those who wish to put on weight. Eating chicken regularly will always help you keep the RDA of most minerals in check since chicken is packed with micronutrients.13. Brown bread
Selenium content: 13µgBread is not all bad. You need to choose the grains that work best for you and then feel happy that the bread you chose is high in micronutrient content. It is a lightweight food that can be eaten on the go, especially when you run late for a meeting.14. White beans
Selenium content: 12.8µgWhite beans are a good source of Selenium and other minerals. These beans can be enjoyed as a whole meal or roasted as a crunchy snack. Read Also: Everything You Need to Know About Cryotherapy for Weight Loss15. Boiled soybeans
Selenium content: 12.6µgSoybeans are a wonder food having more protein than chicken or beef of the same serving size. Boiled soybeans offer around 25% of the RDA of Selenium, which is good enough.16. Mushrooms
Selenium content: 12µgMushrooms are a source of proteins for vegetarians and vegans. It has a high antioxidant content. Mushrooms add a good variety if you enjoy a change in your source of protein.17. Spinach
Selenium content: 11µgThe highest iron content available in a vegetable. Women and children must include spinach to ensure healthy hemoglobin production. Green leafy vegetables provide roughage and fiber essential for good bowel movements.18. Brown rice
Selenium content: 11µgBrown rice is the food of the healthy. It has a low glycemic index, which makes it a perfect choice for patients with diabetes who crave eating rice. It is loaded with minerals and antioxidants and benefits the body in many ways.19. Oatmeal
Selenium content: 10µgOatmeal is a healthy breakfast option that keeps you feeling full longer. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and can soothe the stomach when issues related to digestion come up.20. Cottage cheese
Selenium content: 10µgCottage cheese is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. It is lightweight, and cottage cheese is a delight for those who love dairy is high in protein content and a great source of protein for vegetarians.21. Firm tofu
Selenium content: 9.4µgFirm tofu is a vegan product that is rich in antioxidants. It keeps you feeling full faster and longer, so you do not eat junk food during snack hours. Also Read: 4 Best Keto Pills For Weight Loss & Diet Supplement22. Milk
Selenium content: 8µg per cupMilk is a scientifically proven source of vitamin D and other minerals, such as calcium and zinc, that do wonders to bone development. Consume a glass of milk at least once per week, if not more.23. Peanut butter
Selenium content: 7.5µgPeanut butter and jelly sandwiches are an excellent breakfast for kids for a reason. Selenium and other minerals are loaded in just a spoonful of peanut butter. Additionally, peanut butter keeps you full longer, so you don't binge snack throughout the day.24. Lima beans
Selenium content: 7.2µgLima beans are an excellent source of proteins that provide half the RDA of protein in a single cup. They are a rich source of minerals and must be included in the diet for their varied taste.25. Baked beans
Selenium content: 5.7µgBaked beans are a great source of protein. They are readily available and are an excellent option for vegetarians and vegan individuals.Conclusion-
Selenium is an excellent antioxidant that protects your body from so much stressful damage to the cells. It must be incorporated into your diet along with several other antioxidant minerals to ensure the healthy functioning of every system in the body. However, be sure to consume only the daily RDA, as selenium overdose may cause toxicity problems. Some foods rich in Selenium are commonly eaten and very readily available, such as chicken, peanut butter, and brown bread. So the next time you pick up that slice of bread or eat a tablespoon of peanut butter, you can proudly show off the benefits of having Selenium in your diet. Read Also: 7 Proven Benefits of Black Coffee for Weight LossFrequently Asked Questions
Which foods contain the highest selenium content?
Brazil nuts, tuna fish, and sunflower seeds contain the highest content of Selenium. Be sure to consume them in limited quantities to avoid selenium toxicity.
What happens with excess selenium intake?
Excess selenium intake would mean consuming much more than the RDA. Excessive consumption of Selenium is linked to seizures, trouble breathing, heart failure, and tremors.

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