The best way of handling obesity that is controllable is with gastric sleeve surgeries, which can involve removing and reducing the stomach size. Gastric sleeve or bariatric surgery consists of reducing or removing the abdomen by an incision that can help in rapid weight loss. This type of gastric surgery is one of the several types of bariatric surgery, usually called vertical sleeve gastrectomy. That is exciting; thus, we have planned to write this blog on gastric sleeve surgery: risks, benefits, and recovery.
What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a laparoscope, a long thin tube inserted in the cannery attached to the instrument and can be done with general anesthesia and is the medicine that puts you in a deep sleep and can be required to ventilate during the surgery. The surgery divides the stomach into two unequal parts, and about 80% of the surgery entails cutting the stomach into two equal pieces, which can be the outer curved part that can be cut away and removed. The edges of the remaining 20 percent of the stomach are stale and sutured together, creating a banana-shaped loaf that accounts for 25% of the original size of the stomach. Also, Read 10 Warning Signs of Malnutrition After Gastric Sleeve
What are the risks and complications of gastric sleeve surgery?
This surgery is a relatively safer procedure that can have the following difficulties-
- Hemorrhage or bleeding from surgical wounds inside the body can lead to shocks, and it can be severe.
- Deep vein thrombosis can be processed, increasing the risk of a blood clot in the veins and the leg.
- Pulmonary embolism can happen when a part of the blood clot breaks off that can travel to the lungs.
- An irregular heartbeat can be due to atrial fibrillations and increased or decreased regular heart rate.
- Pain in shallow breaths can lead to pneumonia in the lungs.
- A gastric leak can be due to the sutures that can be grown back.
- Stenosis is part of the gastric sleeve that can close an obstruction in the stomach. This section of the stomach can be removed and is responsible for the absorption of vitamins in the body's needs unless you can take vitamin supplements that can lead to deficiencies.
- Reshaping the stomach can worsen heartburn, and this can be typically treated with over-the-counter medications.
It is important to note that eating healthy and exercising regularly is essential after bariatric surgery; otherwise, you might develop complications. Also Read: What Are The Symptoms of a Gastric Sleeve?
What are the benefits of gastric sleeve surgery?
This surgery is a sign to help in losing weight and can be done in two different ways-
- The stomach is significantly smaller and will become fuller and stop eating sooner. That means that you can take in fewer calories, and can be related to reduced consumption of calories in extreme diets.
- The part of the stomach that can produce ghrelin, a hormone associated with hunger, can be removed to obliterate the need.
- According to researchers, there can be a 50 % less excessive weight reduction with 18 to 24 hours of gastric sleeve surgery.
- Many patients have reported 60 to 70% weight loss immediately after the surgery.
- People can significantly lose excessive weight and lead a quality life after the surgery.
- Some medical advantages of the surgery are relief from type two diabetes, control of cholesterol levels than higher blood pressure, and obstructive sleep apnea.
Committing to the diet and exercise program is essential to help lose weight and keep it away. By adopting a lifestyle of weight changes, there can be longer-term weight loss and keeping it away for longer.
What is recovery like after gastric sleeve surgery?
You will remain in the operating room for about an hour during the surgery. When the surgery is completed, you will be shifted to the recovery room for postoperative care. The patient can be in the recovery room for another hour. A small incision in the abdomen will heal quickly. The minimal invasion in this surgery is easy to deal with and provides faster recovery afterward. Before the sleeve surgery, you must check your surgeon's recommended lifestyle changes. These changes will help you achieve significant weight loss. You are eating a healthier diet for the rest of your life. The surgeons will recommend the best gastric sleeve diet that can best for the surgeons to get general dietary guidelines that can be,
- Two weeks before the surgery increases the protein content lowers the carbohydrate content and eliminates any sugar in your diet.
- After two days, the survey includes only clear liquids free from carbonation and caffeine.
- You can add pureed food to the diet for the next three weeks.
You will usually be able to eat regular healthy foods one month after the surgery. You will find that you eat less than before the procedure because you will get full quicker and not feel hungry. The diet needs to be limited but threatens to prevent nutritional deficiencies and can be in the form of multivitamins like calcium supplements and vitamin B-12 shots.
Gastric sleeve surgery is advanced surgery that is to be done only in progressive conditions like there is the development of a BMI above 35, and there is a need related to medical health conditions that can be associated with heart conditions, obesity, and the development of too much fat in the body. So that can be dangerous for developing more fat in the body. Gastric sleeve surgeries are a better opportunity for people to start a new life, and they should take care of their bodies for recovery after the surgery. These surgeries should only be done after getting a recommendation from the best gastroenterologist in mumbai.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many kilos can one lose with gastric sleeve surgery?
One can generally lose 1.5kg per week in the initial stages of the surgery. After that, you can expect a 1kg loss per week.
What is the minimum weight requirement for gastric sleeve surgery?
A BMI of 35 and higher or between 30 to 25 can be related to an obesity-related condition like diabetes or heart disease.
Can one lose 100% of excess weight with gastric sleeve surgery?
This surgery can be related to lower weight ranges like BMI in their 30s and 40s, losing nearly 100% of the excessive weight on average.
What are the adverse effects of this sleeve surgery?
A common complication of this gastric surgery can be bleeding, nutritional deficiencies, and leakages.
Are gastric sleeve surgeries safe?
Gastric sleeve surgeries can be compared to elective surgeries and can help reduce the risks of complications.

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