Over 16%of adults in England drink more than they should, with 1.2% likely drinking enough to suggest a dependence on alcohol. Over 3% of adults in England show signs that they are dependent on drugs. All of those people have addiction in common, and one other thing - the same slow journey to becoming an addict. Addiction is all encompassing, but it never begins that way. Addiction never just happens overnight.
"Addiction is just a way of trying to get at something else. Something bigger. Call it transcendence if you want, but it's a rat in a maze. We all want the same thing. We all have this hole. The thing you want offers relief, but it's a trap." - Tes Callahan
As an addict you might wonder how you got to the position you are in, and the likelihood is that there was a very slow development of your addiction. Subtle changes may have been evident early on, and those signs were ignored, until the indications something was wrong became much more evident, but by that point, you're not the one in control any more.A Slow Burner: The Journey To Addiction
Drug and alcohol addiction can be, at its most basic, stripped down to the reward circuit in the brain. The behaviour you do that gives you a chemical rush of pleasure, called dopamine, is repeated to get more of that same rush.As time goes on, the brain adapts and slowly the amount of the drug, substance, behaviour or activity you did before to get high, isn't enough. You become more tolerant and need more to get as high as you did before. You do more and more of the drug or behaviour to try and achieve the same high, but you're slowly becoming tolerant to it, and eventually, reliant on it just to feel somewhat normal. At the same time, your ability to get pleasure from other things you once loved like your hobbies, social time, sex, or food, pale into insignificance. They don't give you any pleasure any more. Only the behaviour or substance does. During this entire process, other key functions start to become impacted, such as: emotional regulation, behaviour, memory, decision making, learning and judgement. This is why, slowly, your standards across the board start to drop. You start neglecting personal hygiene, seeing your friends less, performing more poorly at your job. Everything you once wanted to do, and needed to do, fades in its relevance to you, as addiction takes hold and becomes central to your life. This animation posted on Youtube is a really great visual representation of the addiction process, showing how positively things begin, and how slowly, night turns to dark and the addiction takes hold.The Four Stages Of Addiction
A lot of experts believe that there are four stages of addiction. It's helpful to understand them so as to get an idea of what to look out for in yourself, or in loved ones you suspect may have an issue with addiction. Here are the four stages of addiction and what they commonly involve:Experimentation
Regular Use
High-Risk Use
A Chance At A Better Life: The Journey To Recovery
Drug and alcohol addiction is complex, and no matter what your journey has been to where you are now, and which stage of addiction you find yourself in, recovery can give you a better future. Quitting usually takes more than willpower and the best intentions alone. Most people need the help of excellent, professional drug rehabilitation treatmentprovided by an experienced and compassionate team. Why not speak to Infinity Addiction Solutions today about the various private addiction services available to you. Online services, dayhab, inpatient programmes and more, are all available at the touch of a button. Your journey to addiction has slowly escalated, but your next steps to a better life can begin almost immediately. Make today the day that you enhance your future prospects and move towards the healthy, clean life you deserve.
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