
How to Pack a Travel First Aid Kit? Your Medical Guide

The time you plan to spend on vacation goes a long way when packing your travel first aid kit. For example, its unwise to take only a.....

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Each new journey is an exciting adventure, and we want it to be enjoyable. It's a great idea, for example, to rent a car and hit the road. A rental car gives you an easy and safe way to get around, especially since you're still at risk of contracting COVID-19. What's more, car rentals for under 25 drivers are available across the US, making it possible for even young travelers to enjoy a road trip.  However, traveling is an adventure not only for you but also for your body. It may not be ready for something, and as a result, you may experience some illness, inconvenience, or malaise. In this case, a properly assembled travel first aid kit will help you. But how to collect it correctly and what medicines do you need to take with you? It's very simple, you need first to consider the following things:

Your current health status 

Proper medication selection is most important for vacationers with chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, thyroid disorders, and other problems that require regular use of certain medications. Such people should take with them the appropriate drugs prescribed by their doctor. This will avoid wasting vacation time searching for these drugs and reduce the risk of acquiring counterfeit medicines. If you have a flight, it's better to put the most important medicines in your hand luggage. Those who regularly take prescription drugs can bring a doctor's prescription to buy additional medicines if necessary.

Duration of your trip 

The time you plan to spend on vacation goes a long way when packing your first aid kit. For example, it's unwise to take only a couple of pain-relief patches if you are planning a lot of outdoor activity, especially with children. You may not even get scratched, but you should still play it safe. For safety reasons, it's better to take a little more medicine than you actually need.

Type of recreation 

Types of recreation during the holidays largely determine the composition of the first aid kit. So, even if you devote yourself to a comfortable and safe beach holiday, then a lot depends on how you spend your time anyway. Some people just bask on the shore and splash in the shallow water, while others like to cut the waves on the surfboard or engage in spearfishing. Of course, in the second case, the potential risks to the health of a resting person are higher. That's why you should carefully consider what types of recreation you will engage in during your vacation. In short, answer these questions before collecting the first aid kit: 
  • Will your vacation include staying in places with no pharmacies or hospitals nearby? 
  • Are you planning extreme activities? 
  • How much time will you spend in the sun? 
  • Do you like to eat local exotic food?

Your vacation destination 

The location where you will spend your vacation also determines the composition of the first-aid kit. For obvious reasons, mosquito repellents are most relevant for countries with a relatively warm climate and an abundance of blood-sucking insects. Also, if you are planning to spend your vacation on the beach, then you probably won't need the medicines you usually take to a winter resort. The vacation destination affects the risks of contracting certain infections as well. This primarily applies to diseases transmitted through insect and tick bites, contaminated water, and improperly cooked food.If you are traveling to tropical countries, it makes sense to take insect repellent and eat local dishes carefully, especially from raw products. In case you plan to spend your vacation in the highlands, then take medicine for altitude sickness. groups of medicines to take with you on a trip? In case of short and relatively safe trips, you can limit yourself to a set of bactericidal patches and antidiarrheals. If the trip is longer, then decide which of the following groups of drugs you should take with you: 
  • Analgesic/antipyretics and antispasmodics for headaches and fever. 
  • Antipruritic cream to eliminate the effects of insect bites and skin irritation. 
  • Probiotic preparations that don't require freezing. These medicines can be useful in case of intestinal disorders, and when taking antibacterial drugs.
  • Oral rehydration products for eating disorders. 
  • Motion sickness pills. If you are already using any other motion sickness medications, then take these proven remedies. 
  • Decongestants. Take them to eliminate nasal congestion, which often accompanies colds. 
  • STD-prevention and anti-pregnancy pills.
  • Wound care supplies: iodine, bandages, alcohol wipes, chlorhexidine, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic gel, small scissors, and tweezers.
  • Multivitamins and minerals. Since it can be difficult to plan your diet on vacation, it's a good idea to take a multivitamin and mineral complex to provide your body with the right set of vital substances. 
  • Gastrointestinal medications can come in handy when overeating. 
  • Antiallergic drugs may be required for people prone to allergies to pollen, dust, etc. 
  • Remedies for sunburn are also necessary when traveling to tropical countries. 
  • An electronic thermometer will be useful for monitoring body temperature. 
  • Flossing is not a drug, but you should take it with you to keep your teeth healthy

Extra Tips for Packing Your First Aid Kit 

When packing a travel kit, use not liquid, creamy and gel preparations, but their tablet counterparts. This will reduce the baggage weight, and also allow you to take medicines in hand baggage when flying. Also, give preference to tablets in blister packs, and not in bottles or vials. We recommend that you visit a doctor before a long trip. Thus, you will make sure you are ready for rest and agree on the first-aid kit contents. Plus, a specialist can advise on the compatibility of the individual drugs.
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