Nobody likes yellow teeth. But did you know that accumulation of tartar on your teeth causes yellowing? Oral health and hygiene are as essential as taking care of any other body part. Bacteria in your mouth convert carbohydrates from food into acid. Plaque is formed when this combines with residual food particles and saliva. This article will focus on some easy ways" how to remove tartar from teeth". Plaque adheres to your teeth and hardens to form tartar. It's common practice to brush and floss to prevent tartar formation. Nevertheless, tartar will require more frequent visits to the dental office to have a professional dental cleaning done. Poor oral hygiene is also a risk factor for bad breath. 
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What is Plague?
Dental Plaque is formed due to a chemical reaction between bacteria in the mouth and residual food particles. A plague is a yellowish-brown sticky film that coats your teeth.
What is Tartar?
When plaque is not addressed, it calcifies and discolors, eventually turning into tartar. Tartar or calculus is extremely damaging to the teeth and gums. Tartar is home to germs that erode the lining of teeth (enamel) and contribute to tooth decay. Below you will know some tips to remove Tartar from Teeth.
How to Detect Tartar?
You will most likely detect tartar buildup by feeling your teeth. Tartar feels like a hard substance that brushing cannot eliminate. Tartar buildup above the gum line appears yellow or tan. Brown or black tartar forms below the gum line, which can cause swelling and lead to bleeding.How does Tartar Affect Teeth and Gums?
Tartar can lead to tooth decay and cavities, making brushing and flossing your teeth difficult. Tartar that accumulates above your gum line irritates and damages your gums. This could eventually lead to degenerative gum disease like Gingivitis. Brushing, flossing, using antimicrobial mouthwash, and visiting your dentist regularly may typically stop and reverse it. Otherwise, it might lead to periodontitis, where pockets form between the gums and teeth and become infected with bacteria. Furthermore, several studies have linked the bacteria in gum disease to heart disease and other health issues. Also, Read What to eat after wisdom teeth removal?How to Remove Tartar from Teeth?
It is essential to floss regularly and remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. While regular oral hygiene can aid in preventing plaque, tartar may be more difficult to eliminate at home due to its hard nature. So, continue reading below to get the answer for "how to remove tartar from teeth". Here are some easy tips to remove tartar from teeth.Using Baking Soda Toothpaste:
The mouth has a complex ecosystem of bacteria, some of which are useful and others of which can be dangerous. Plaque can be effectively removed by brushing teeth with baking soda toothpaste. Baking soda is abrasive but is not as hard as tooth enamel. It easily eliminates plaque without causing damage to the enamel. Streptococcus Mutansis a bacteria that causes tooth decay. Baking soda also contains antibacterial capabilities, which help to prevent tooth decay. Baking soda also protects tooth enamel from demineralization, thereby protecting the calcium of the tooth enamel. Demineralization results from an acidic environment formed due to the action of bacteria on carbohydrates from food. Baking soda assists in balancing the pH level inside the mouth and preventing enamel loss. Also Read: Bad Breath Treatment: 15 Effective Ways To Fight Bad BreathUsing Orange Peels:
You can safely remove plaque and tartar from your teeth using orange peels. Orange peel possesses vitamin C and antibacterial properties, which terminate microbial growth and breakthrough tartar and plaque. Rub the inside of an orange peel along the teeth and gum surfaces. Another way is to make a paste out of mashed portions inside the orange peel and mix it with water. Using a toothbrush, apply this paste to your teeth.Using White Vinegar:
Another approach for effectively removing tartar is to use white vinegar. Because of the acid nature of white vinegar, it is particularly successful in killing germs and preventing infection. Begin by mixing two tablespoons of white vinegar in a glass of warm saltwater. Gargle with this solution once daily to remove tartar accumulated between the teeth and gums.Coconut Oil Pulling:
Oil pulling is a traditional therapy for removing microorganisms from the mouth and improving oral health. It entails pulling edible oils like olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, and sesame oil around the mouth and between the teeth. Particularly, coconut oil is used in oil pulling. This is because coconut oil possesses antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. In 2015, a study was conducted on 60 teenagers suffering from gingivitis. Researchers discovered that oil pulling with coconut oil reduced tooth plaque by 50%. Gingivitis symptoms were also significantly reduced in research participants. It is important to follow these instructions for oil pulling:- In your mouth, place one tablespoon of warm coconut oil.
- For 5-10 minutes, swish the coconut oil around your mouth.
- Using a paper towel, spit out the coconut oil. You can directly spit in the garbage can. Do not spit it into the sink, as it may clog the pipes.
How to Prevent Tartar Build-up?
Prevention is better than cure. Rather than having to remove tartar professionally by a dentist, you can take actions to prevent it from forming in the first place. You can remove plaque with a great dental hygiene practice like:- Brush your teeth twice a day.
- As interdental cleaning is very important, remember to floss.
- To remove any traces of bacteria, rinse your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash after brushing.
- Visit your dentist for regular check-ups. They will not only remove any plaque you missed but also guide you about your oral health.
Conclusion -
Plaque and tartar buildup is a sign of poor oral hygiene. It not only causes gum disease, enamel loss, and tooth decay but may also contribute to the development of several other health problems. To prevent this, brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush at least twice daily. You can use fluoride toothpaste or baking soda toothpaste to remove plaque and tartar. It is equally important to regularly floss your teeth to prevent tartar from forming. You can either use string floss or water floss. At the same time, another important step in maintaining proper dental hygiene is regularly visiting a dentist for check-ups and cleanings. Your dentist may use prescription-strength mouthwash or change their oral care routine. I hope after reading this blog, you probably have got all your answers to the question "how to remove tartar from teeth."
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