
How to Select a Rehab

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Alcohol and drug abuse disorders are serious conditions that wreak havoc in the lives of affected people and their families. Luckily, there are thousands of rehab facilities around the US offering all kinds of treatment programs designed to get patients' lives back on track.That initial step of seeking help is often the hardest, but it all becomes easier once you decide to take it. There is no alternative to getting professional service and following a recovery plan that utilizes evidence-based approaches to treating chemical addiction.Read on to learn all about how to select a suitable rehab center that will fulfill all your needs and set you on the path towards life-long sobriety.

Set Your Rehab Goals

Before starting research and comparing available rehab centers, it is vital to think about your goals. What would you consider a successful recovery? Going through detox and getting clean? Staying sober for a month? A year? Five years? A lifetime? Different rehabs all prioritize in different stages of your treatment.It is important to remember that all rehabs are different, so a perfect center for one person may not be a good fit for others. That's why your goals should tell you more about which one to choose.Be aware of other underlying health issues that may be affecting your addiction. For instance, many people with addiction problems also struggle with mental health disorders, so finding a dual-diagnosis treatment facility could be of benefit.People often struggle to identify their treatment needs and goals, and that's completely fine. It's why talking to intake counselors and managers can help you get a better picture of what each center provides and what your journey might look like.Keep in mind that in addition to your goals, each rehab will also expect you to follow protocols, hit milestones, and measure your success. Find a center that matches your goals, and it will make your rehabilitation much easier. There's no best rehab, and everyone might have different preferences or probabilities of success in different environments.

Different Rehab Options - Inpatient vs. Outpatient

People looking for a perfect rehab facility quickly learn that they can choose between inpatient and outpatient treatment. There are significant differences between the two options, and picking one ultimately depends on your needs and goals. Many different paths to rehab can lead to successful patient outcomes.So, read on to learn about different types of treatment you can choose.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient or residential treatment occurs in a center where a patient stays for a certain period, usually at least 30 days. It has better recovery success rates than outpatient options since patients are in a highly structured environment, surrounded by professional medical staff supporting their recovery.However, residential rehabs are more costly and more disruptive for everyday lives. They are mainly aimed towards people in the early stages of recovery who are non-functional in their addiction and need structure and a schedule filled with counseling, therapy, education, and other activities to help them achieve sobriety.

Outpatient Treatment

If you wish to get help while continuing with work or school, outpatient treatment is a great option. With outpatient treatment, you typically spend your days in your normal routine, but have several sessions per week to work on your addiction problems.Keep in mind that outpatient treatment includes less control and supervision, so you'll need a strong will not to give in to cravings. This treatment is usually the best option for people who went through a detox and residential program and now want to return to everyday life while still receiving help. Remember that recovery is a lifelong journey, and support is the essential part.There are several levels of outpatient treatment, including the classic outpatient, intensive outpatient with more meetings per week, and partial hospitalization program (PHP), which is a mix of inpatient and outpatient treatment. With PHP, you mostly spend your days at the rehab center attending counseling and education sessions, and then you spend nights at your home. Sometimes people feel intense cravings and fear of relapse, so they decide on PHP until they get stable enough to go back to traditional outpatient treatment.


The first step of the recovery is detoxing from a substance that's causing you harm. This process can be very unpleasant because people often experience withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, excessive sweating, diarrhea, flu-like symptoms, anxiety, sleep problems, cramps, body aches, hot and cold flashes, and more.Your body and brain adjust to the presence of a certain substance, which leads to dependency. When you stop using it, your body tries to adapt to a new state, which is why you experience those symptoms.The severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms depend on the substance and the severity of the addiction. That is why it is vital to detox in a facility surrounded by medical professionals who can help make the process as smooth as possible. They may use medications in this process, which is a common practice for opioids detox.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Rehab

Deciding what treatment facility is the best for your circumstances depends on many factors. Some are more important than others, but this list of things to consider when searching for a rehabilitation center should help you assess your priorities.

Treatments and Therapies

One of the most important things when choosing a rehab is what types of treatments they provide. There are many different approaches, and since we are all individuals with unique needs, your addiction counselors will decide to employ various methods for maximizing the chances of a successful recovery.You should stay away from places that offer you fairy tales with pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo. Instead, search for centers with proven evidence-based approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and 12-step rehabilitation.The perfect center should also offer a spectrum of therapies, counseling, education, and activities that support a well-rounded recovery. For instance, many rehabs also facilitate wellness and activities such as exercise, sober outings, hiking trips, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, art therapy, equine therapy, and more.

Accreditation, Licences, and Certifications

All reputable centers have accreditations or state licenses. In addition, they must have certifications that ensure their treatments meet very rigorous criteria.It is also vital to choose a rehab with licensed and accredited clinical staff. That way, you'll know that the employees have proper training and are ready to tackle complex problems such as addiction. When a center employs a highly-credentialed and educated multidisciplinary team, it is usually a good indicator of quality. They may have chemical dependency counselors, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, nutritionists, wellness experts, and other counselors who contribute to patient rehabilitation. 

Cost and Insurance

Unfortunately, finances are often the limiting factor for many people with addictions seeking help. Inpatient rehabs can be very costly and out of the price range for many people who don't have insurance.Luckily, most centers work with insurance providers that can cover at least a portion of treatment costs. Look for a center that's in-network with your insurance, and if you like a place that's not, you still may be able to work something out with your insurance provider.Alternatives for paying for your rehab include Medicare, Medicaid, The Affordable Care Act (ACA), private insurances, and personal financing loans. Some centers have a sliding fee scale that helps people fit treatment costs into their budget.


Many rehabs specialize in treating a different sets of addictions. Some centers only focus on substance abuse and getting people clean from the drugs. A particular center may be the best at helping alcoholics with grief issues. Another may be the perfect place for a chemical dependency treatment with dual-diagnosis for people struggling with depression and anxiety.The options are endless, and you should research each rehab beforehand. One crucial part of every recovery is family counseling. Addictions cause destruction to ourselves and those around us, so including family in the rehabilitation process is important for success. This part of the therapy often improves understanding and relationships between family members, leading to more support on their end.

Length of Rehab Program

Many residential programs will offer a stay of 30, 60, or 90 days, but long-term treatments can last up to a year. Keep in mind that these timetables aren't set in stone and that your stay depends on your progress. There are even centers with no estimated treatment duration as it depends on many factors.As people progress, they are transferred to less intensive levels of care. But even when you finish an inpatient program, you can expect a lot more work through outpatient and aftercare plans.


The center's location is another important factor, especially if you choose an outpatient rehab. You need to drive to your sessions nearly every day, and you probably don't want to spend hours in your car, which is why selecting a place close to home is often a good idea.However, it may be better for people in residential stay to pick a location away from home, as the change of environment may help patience distances themselves from unhappy patterns and help with recovery.

Time to Choose

Once you identify all the relevant information, it's time to research different centers and see how they compare. Don't be afraid to pick up the phone and contact them directly, as centers often have intake specialists who are well-informed and can help you reach the decision. After all, this is an important life decision, and choosing the right rehab can truly help you turn things around and rid your life of addiction.