
How you're Making Edibles Wrong

How you’re Making Edibles Wrong

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Weed or cannabis or pot is really popular in states and people like to consume it in various ways. Usually, most of those consumers like to smoke weed but there are other ways you can consume it. But honestly, many people don't know how to cook cannabis or weed. In this article from weedbonn, we will share some of the best tips to up your cannabis cooking. Instructions will vary on the amount of bud and method of infusion, and often DIY cannabis cooks pay no mind to the potency of the strain they're using. And while residents living in the USA where medical marijuana is legalized can buy a wide-range of dank, delicious edibles from dispensaries, the average weed enthusiast is more likely to dump  an ounce of mids into some brownie batter than whip up something digestible and effective.

The book The 420 Gourmet: The Elevated Art of Cannabis Cuisine bills itself as a cookbook, but it's also an educational guide to cooking responsibly and efficiently with cannabis. Author JeffThe420Chef  a.k.a. the "Julia Child of Weed" is credited with inventing "light tasting" and "tasteless" canna-butter and canna-oil, as well as the immensely helpful online THC/CBD calculator, and he begins the book with an overview of the various methods that are key to perfecting cannabis-enhanced cuisine. Drawing on his experience cooking for medical marijuana patients and hosting classes for recreational patrons, the author Jeff explains how to cook the cannabis properly based on your need and the benefits you will get from it. We will tell you all those methods in this article. 

Don't Use Actual Weed into the Recipe

A lot of people say that they put a gram of pot into their brownies and they were amazing. Truth be told, this is not the best idea. That's because if you're going to put the actual ground-up bud into your brownies, sure, there's going to be some form of decarboxylation that occurs, and you'll get some of the potency of the herb into your brownies. But they'll taste horrible and your body most likely will reject the brownies, which means you will probably vomit because our digestive systems are not designed to digest a plant matter like that

Strength Isn't Everything

Most edible makers will often talk about how strong their brownies are, but they probably don't understand what that actually means. One thing people should understand that the typical dose is ten milligrams of THC. If you want to have a good experience, you should aim for that. Buying a 150-milligram brownie doesn't mean you'll have a good time, you most likely will not. Once you understand the basics of dosing, then you can actually have a really enjoyable experience with edibles.

It's All About The THC Percentage 

The most important thing is knowing about the THC percentage in the bud you're using and understanding that is very important if you're cooking specifically for medical patients. But the thing is, you can't really have too much CBD (cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive compound also found in marijuana that's often used for medical patients). The worst that can happen if you overload on CBD is you might get tired and sleepy easily. The bigger issue is having too much THC because if you have too much of that, the negative effects are pretty drastic—you'll have anxiety, you'll get paranoid, you'll feel horrible, get nauseous, throw up, and then the next day you'll feel hangover and know you had a really bad experience.

That's why you have to know the percentage you're starting with, and then you have to know how that nets out in the butter or oil that you infuse it into. You also need to understand the quantity and how to deal with it when making edibles. For example, if you are making a simple boxed brownie recipe that calls for a third of a cup of oil, a quick fix would be just replacing that with a third of a cup of canna-oil. However, if you do that and you don't understand the strength of that oil, you can't say how many milligrams of THC are in each brownie—you might actually overmedicate that brownie. You can actually use an online calculator to figure out how much oil to use based on the THC strength of the bud in order to make edibles with the strength you desire.

Properly Wash Your Weed

A lot of people like to put their weed into a crockpot, with some butter, oil, and water and let it simmer. What they are actually doing, in addition to simmering all of those cannabinoids into the butter and oil, is also adding in any impurities that are in that bud. So anything that tastes really bad could be something as horrible as insecticides, or it could just be the chlorophyll, which also has a specific taste that's pretty powerful. So to taste out, you basically have to extract as much of that stuff as possible by soaking the bud for a couple of days in distilled water, and then after that, blanching it. By blanching, you're getting a much purer flower to start with and later to infuse into your butter or oil. It's still going to smell like cannabis, but if you cook with it, you won't taste anything. 

Cook Below 340 Degrees Fahrenheit

You cook most recipes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, but you can't do the same with THC because THC starts to degrade at 365 degrees. So if you're cooking at 350, you're most likely going to start degrading and evaporating the THC. Also, when you're cooking in a pan, say, to sauté something, you have to be very careful. Obviously, people use butter and oil to sauté all the time, but if you're thinking of using canna-butter or oil, just be aware that you can't use it in the same way you'd use anything else. When you're doing a dish that requires cooking on a stovetop, what you have to do is put the canna-butter or canna-oil in at the end. You shut the heat off and you mix the butter or oil around to coat everything while the pan is still hot. That way, you will maintain all the strength of the THC. 

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