The modern world regularly throws up new challenges for us, therefore, the ability to be able to quickly adapt to changes and be flexible becomes more relevant. For the education sector, this issue is especially relevant. Quarantine in schools and the need to instantly switch to distance learning is a really serious challenge for the national school system. In a pandemic, accelerated digitalization could be a test of strength for educators and the national education system. However, this has its advantages, for example, you can contact the Anonymous Essay service for help. In this article, you will find answers to questions such as: how the coronavirus affected the education system, how to protect yourself from infection, and many others.
World Situation
According to the latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people infected with coronavirus infection in the world exceeded 3.267 million people, more than 229.9 thousand died. The leader in the number of confirmed cases, according to Johns Hopkins University, remains the United States, where the number of infected has exceeded 1.16 million people. Spain is in second place (217 thousand), Italy is in third (211 thousand), Great Britain is in fourth (191 thousand), France is in fifth (168 thousand). Such unfavorable statistics have led to serious changes in the education system.The Pandemic is Turning Into a Powerful Impetus for the Transition to a New, Digital Economy
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, most schools and universities have switched to distance learning. As a result of the termination of universities' work, the dormitories belonging to them are closed. Therefore, all over the world, we observe problems with housing for students who, for one reason or another, cannot return home. Students, along with training part-time practitioners, also have problems with work and food, since most of the enterprises in which they worked are also closed due to quarantine rules. Another important issue is ensuring the continuity of education. Most countries of the world are switching to distance learning in the form of broadcasting, online platforms, and broadcasting lessons via television.The learning process in the nearest future will become uninterrupted, it will begin to organically weave into our lives even after obtaining fundamental knowledge. Accordingly, the educational product will now have a longer life cycle, allowing schools and universities to significantly improve their business model.In this scenario, competition between educational institutions will increase, because the conditional Columbia University will now be able to study the best students from different parts of the country or even abroad. On the other hand, a new approach to learning (platforming) and adapted content will make any regional university competitive in the market. But in this model, there is also the flip side - psychological. The less we interact with people, the more stressed we can potentially be. The feeling of loneliness and loss of connection with the outside world is a potential disease of the future.What are the Risks?
Teachers will have to adapt the program from offline to online, but many of the teachers do not know how to do it, also they will have to motivate students and follow the curriculum. Therefore, teachers urgently need to learn to write lesson plans in a new way, leaving only the most important things there, select only those tasks that students can perform independently, without the presence and help of a teacher.A Couple of Tips
1. Do not Touch your Face
It's hard to give up the habit. Willpower or technology will help. Developed, for example, programs that monitor the person. The notification comes immediately as the hand reaches out to face.2. Wash your Hands
Risks will decrease if you follow the rules of hygiene. According to WHO experts, hand washing is the most effective preventive measure for COVID-19.3. Use Antiseptics
An important condition is that antiseptics should be alcohol-based. It is worth paying attention to the composition: a concentration of 75-80% ethanol, 1.45% glycerol, 0.125% peroxide is recommended.4. Do Not Panic
The disease is spreading, but infectiousness and mortality allow you to maintain moderate optimism. At the same time, authorities around the world have taken unprecedented measures to combat COVID-19. Scientists are working on a vaccine. Remember, panic is your worst enemy.Also, Read: Coronavirus Updates & Prevention TipsSumming Up
Obviously, distancing will set the trend for years to come. We will not become less sick, but our attitude to personal hygiene and health, in general, will change. In addition to our own security, we will now think about how our actions affect the world and the people around us. Any changes are often painful, but those who are already able to look at the changing social institutions from a different angle, they are guaranteed to emerge victorious from this situation. And we are not talking only about material victories, but also social responsibility - the currency of the post-coronavirus era.[button color="transparent_credi" size="medium" class = "custom_button" link="" icon="" target="true"]Request Callback [/button]
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