What is a Ferritin Test?

What is the use of the ferritin test?
A ferritin blood test can be used to check the iron levels in the blood and help healthcare providers store the right amount of iron to stay healthy. Ferritin blood tests can be used to rule out the conditions related to iron levels like-- Anaemia: Anaemia has too few blood cells because of the lack of iron.
- Liver diseases: Much of the ferritin in the body is stored in the liver.
- Restless leg syndromes: Restless leg is a tingling and burning sensation in the body that can cause a lack of iron.
- Adults still disease - Adult stillness is a common disease that causes joint pain, fever, and rush, often with higher ferritin levels.
- Cancer: Longer-term reduction of iron levels in the blood can cause cancer.
- Autoimmune diseases- This blood test can also check many autoimmune disorders.
When does one need to take the ferritin test?
Ferritin blood tests can be required in any of the following conditions. This section will help you identify the symptoms of lower and higher levels of ferritin. Symptoms of lower ferritin levels in the blood can be- Pale skin
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Shortness of breath
- Rapid heart rate
- Painful joints
- Heart issues
- Unexplained weight loss
- Pain in the stomach
- Loss of body hairs
- Fatigue
- Loss of energy
What happens during a ferritin blood test?
A healthcare professional will take blood samples from the vein, and they can use a needle to extract the blood. After the hand is inserted into the blood, it will be collected into the test tube or a vial. You might feel a sting as the needle goes in or out. However, that usually takes less than two to three minutes.How can one prepare for a ferritin blood test?
If you are giving blood samples to get your ferritin levels tested, you can eat or drink normally before the test. However, if the blood samples are used for other tests, you may need to fast before giving the blood sample.What results can be expected from a ferritin blood test?
During ferritin blood tests, several samples can be taken by inserting a needle into the vein and the arm. Then, the blood samples can be seen in a lab for analysis. After that, you can return to normal ferritin levels. Do your usual activities immediately. The normal range in the result of the ferritin levels is-- For Males, 24 to 336 micrograms per liter
- For Females, 11 to 307 micrograms per liter
When do your doctors recommend a ferritin test?
Ferritin tests aim to determine the levels or amounts of nutritional iron content in the body. Healthcare providers typically ask for a ferritin blood test for screening or diagnostic purposes for the conditions mentioned above in this article. For diagnostic purposes, ferritin blood tests are used, and they can be suspected of iron levels. However, too little or too much iron in the blood can lead to health problems and can cause these symptoms like fatigue, muscle weakness, and the transport of iron in the body. Your doctor may recommend a ferritin test if you have a restless leg syndrome or a liver condition or after a complete blood count. Tests can indicate that the lower hemoglobin and can look for a higher risk for iron deficiency and can include- Underweight people
- People having heavy menstrual bleeding
- People who are pregnant
- People with food absorption issues, such as inflammatory bowel diseases and gastrointestinal surgeries.
- People on blood thinners can also have lower levels of ferritin.
How to fix ferritin levels in the blood?
One can quickly fix their ferritin levels with diet-- If your ferritin levels are high, you can consume non-haem iron supplements like walnuts, dry fruits, fortified cereals, and lentils.
- If your ferritin levels are low, you should consume haem iron supplements in your diet. They can be gained from seafood like salmon, oyster, clam veal, and meat sources like pork, chicken, and organ meat, oyster.
Ferritin blood tests are a type of blood test used to check the body's iron levels. This test can help you check if your iron levels are lower or too high and if you need more supplements for your fatigue, muscle weaknesses, and other heart conditions. The average level of ferritin in the body differs for males and females. This component can also reduce or increase hemoglobin levels. Try to fix your diet and lifestyle choices to increase iron levels in the blood for the longer term. If ferritin tests show that your ferritin levels are too high or too low, then it will be better to consult your doctor. Book an online appointment with The Best Muscle Weakness in IndiaFrequently Asked Questions
What are the causes of higher levels of ferritin levels in the blood?
The common causes of elevated ferritin levels can be obesity, inflammation, and daily alcohol intake. These can be caused by genetically elevated ferritin levels and lesser circulation levels in the body.
What are the symptoms of very low ferritin?
The symptoms of lower levels of ferritin can be extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin and chest pain, fast heartbeat, and shortness of breath. Other symptoms can be cold feet and hands and inflammation or tongue soreness.
Can exercises increase ferritin levels?
There can be an increase in the ferritin concentration, with an addition being more significant as the intensity and duration of the exercises. To return to the basal level and after maximal power exercise less than moderate.
What are the abnormal levels of ferritin in the blood?
The abnormal levels of ferritin in the blood in women can be greater than 200 ng/mL, and in men greater than 300 ng/mL can be considered abnormal.
How often should one check their ferritin levels?
The blood count and the ferritin levels can be monitored every 4 to 12 weeks during the treatments of any heart-related condition. These values help in determining the excess iron stored in the body.

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