
Laparoscopic Surgery FAQs

A surgeon accesses the insides of the abdomen by making small incisions in the skin by using a special type of surgical procedure known as laparoscopy.

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What is Laparoscopy?

  • A surgeon accesses the insides of the abdomen by making small incisions in the skin by using a special type of surgical procedure known as laparoscopy.
  • A small tube with a light source and a camera called a laparoscope is inserted through the incision
  • The laparoscope relays the images of the insides to a monitor display (television monitor)
  • The alternative names of laparoscopy are keyhole surgery and minimally invasive surgery.

What is Laparoscopic Surgery/ Minimally Invasive surgery?

  • Laparoscopic surgery is a procedure by which the doctor inserts miniature instruments into the abdomen through another incision in the skin in addition to simply looking inside through the laparoscope
  • Cutting, trimming, grabbing, biopsy etc. can be done using these instruments.
  • The most common operations are: • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: the gallbladder is removed by using this procedure. • Appendix removal surgery can also be performed through minimal invasive surgery • Parts of the intestines can be removed using laparoscopic surgery • Ectopic pregnancy can be treated by laparoscopic surgery • Female sterilization can be done through this procedure

What are the benefits of Laparoscopic surgery?

  • In comparison to the traditional open surgery, laparoscopic surgery subjects its patients to lesser pain.
  • The recovery time after the surgery is also shorter.
  • There is minimal scarring with laparoscopic surgery.

Which doctors perform Laparoscopic surgery?

Usually laparoscopic surgery is performed by a General Surgeon, OB/GYN.

What procedures can be done by Laparoscopic Surgery?

• The surgery for Crohn's disease can be done using laparoscopic surgery • The surgeries for ulcerative colitis and diverticulitis are also performed using this technique. • Cancer, severe constipation and rectal prolapse related surgeries can be performed too.

Who is a good candidate for Laparoscopic surgery?

• An adult who is eligible for abdominal surgery is a good candidate for laparoscopic surgery. • Any person without a heart problem is a candidate for minimal invasive surgery.

What are the preparations for Laparoscopic surgery?

  • Food intake should be abstained from after the midnight before surgery till it is done.
  • In case of the laparoscopic bowel surgery the patient is asked to endure a bowel cleansing procedure.
  • In case of other health problems it would be advisable to consult your concerned specialist such as your cardiologist or pulmonologist.

What are the possible risks of Laparoscopic surgery?

  • Minor bleeding might occur around the incisions in the skin,
  • Intestines or certain blood vessels may incur accidental damages. This complication is generally rare.
  • Anesthesia related complications may arise after the surgery.
  • The incisions may get infected.

What is the recovery time after Laparoscopic surgery?

  • Patient might be released on the same day of the surgery.
  • The patient might be asked to stay in the hospital for about 1-3 days after certain procedures.
  • Discomfort caused due to the incision around the belly button will be resolved substantially with the help of oral medications after the first 48-72 hours.
  • You can resume your work a week after the surgery.

How much does Laparoscopic surgery cost?

  • Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding costs around Rs 60000
  • Laparoscopic Rouxen gastric bypass costs close to Rs 10800
  • Laparoscopic gastric bypass will cost about Rs 564000