Carotid artery disease, also called carotid artery stenosis, is the narrowing of the carotid arteries. Fatty cells, cholesterol deposits, and plaque formation bring blockage or make the carotid arteries. Narrowed and thin. Another term related to this medical condition is carotid artery occlusion which causes a complete blockage in the artery of that significant type. When carotid arteries are blocked, it leads to a stroke and can become the primary reason behind anyone's death. Before you seek an explanation for "Life expectancy with the blocked carotid artery," let's discuss the condition called carotid artery disease.
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A complete explanation of carotid artery
1. What is meant by the carotid artery?
The carotid arteries are the blood vessels supplying blood to the human head. Two common types of carotid arteries are located on each side of the neck. One is the external carotid artery, and the other is the internal carotid artery. The external one provides blood supply to the scalp, face & neck, and the internal carotid artery supplies blood to the brain.
2. What if the carotid artery is blocked?
Narrowing or any obstruction in the internal carotid artery can decrease the blood supply to the brain. This brings the hardening in the blood along with plaque formation. This narrowing, atherosclerosis, occurs because of plaque formation in the blood vessels. Plaque is a waxy, soft, and oily substance that collects cholesterol and triglycerides, which begin to harden and calcify over time. It may occur because of increased blood pressure and the point where blood turbulence starts irritating the inner lining of the artery. This disturbance in the lining occasionally takes place in the place where the internal and external carotid arteries split.
3. Can blockage in the carotid artery cause stroke?
As soon as the carotid artery begins to narrow further, the pressure within the vessels, mainly the carotid artery behind, rises. This may cause the formation of plaque which further ruptures and causes the formation of blood clots. A large clot will completely block the vessel, and this condition is called occlude. There can also be chances that bits of the plaque may travel and pass into the smaller blood vessels, obstructing the different parts of the body, brain, and other organs. When this condition may arise, it can lead to a stroke or a transient ischemic attack.
This may also impact the physical condition of the patient, causing fatigue and other normal symptoms that will match with any other common disease. However, the carotid artery's narrowing doesn't cause any symptoms.
Also, Read 10 Ways How Exercise Reduces Risk Of Heart Attack.
What risk factors can be brought with carotid artery disease?
Life expectancy with the blocked carotid artery depends on the symptoms you may have produced within your body. Certain risk factors may develop because of the carotid artery and colloid with the risk factors of other common heart diseases. These risk factors can be described as follows -
- Age factor
- Smoking and the extent of smoking level
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Abnormal lipids profile or high cholesterol level- causing the formation of plaque
- Insulin resistance
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Family history of any heart disease or carotid artery itself
What are the most probable and possible causes of carotid artery disease?
Many people ask about Life expectancy with the blocked carotid artery, but often they fail to understand why and when such conditions occur inside your body without giving any physical or noticeable symptoms. As described above, the carotid artery supplies blood to the brain, neck, and other body parts. The disease affecting the carotid artery brings "hardening of the arteries" called atherosclerosis. Over time, building fatty substances increases blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels can narrow the carotid arteries.
This can bring the formation of plaque and, thereby, the blood pressure decreases. A decrease in blood pressure means less blood supply to the brain and the other body parts. This leads to a stroke, sometimes called a "brain attack." If the lack of blood flow lasts for more than three to six hours, it can become a permanent phase of life.
Moreover, a stroke can occur if
- The carotid artery becomes extremely narrowed
- If there is a rupture of the artery bringing blood to the brain
- A piece of the plaque ruptures or breaks off and travels to the smaller arteries of the brain
- There is a formation of a blood clot that obstructs the blood vessel
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How long is the Life expectancy with the blocked carotid artery?
Life expectancy with blocked carotid artery with symptoms is critical. Surgery is the only option after your doctor inspects the blockage in the carotid artery and a stroke. This invasive surgery would be applied to your body to lower the risk of another stroke. One of the procedures helping with the blockage is -
Inserting a stent inside your carotid artery
a stent is a wire mesh-like structure that holds open the artery and lets the blood flow through it. This may leave or prevent the blockage and will outweigh the blockage. According to the American College of Cardiology, the life expectancy after carotid stent is about 3 to 5 years.
The carotid endarterectomy (CEA)
It is another form of surgery where the surgeon clamps the affected artery. The surgery involves cutting the artery and then removing the blockage. Once the plaque is removed, the artery is joined with the help of the patch using a section of vein from the leg of the patient. Later, the doctor can stitch the areas. Surgery can tangibly enhance life expectancy. The second type of surgical option described above is considered safe, effective, and more comfortable by doctors. Surgery can effectively add at least 16 years to a woman's life and at least 14 years to a man's life.
Many people ask, "how long can you live with 3 blocked arteries?" Experts say that there is no exact timeframe. However, every body responds differently. Therefore, any negligence can result in life-threatening conditions.
The key to Life expectancy with a blocked carotid artery is to start living healthily. Suppose you already know that eating processed, oily, and heavy, fatty substances affect your nerves, brain, and even heart vessels. In that case, you can probably reduce the chances of having more medicated tablets by improving your chances of living. Try taking the prescription and follow it strictly. Make a schedule and plan a diet, join any rehabilitation center where you can discuss the things happening with you, and add exercise to your daily schedule. Hope you understand what is Life expectancy with a blocked carotid artery.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the symptoms of a blocked artery in your neck?
1. Blurred vision 2. Confusion. 3. Memory loss. 4. Numbness or weakness 5. Problems with thinking, and reasoning,
When arteries in neck get clogged?
Arteries get clogged when the fat deposit, which results in plaques that deliver the blood to the brain and head.
How long can you live with blocked arteries?
The clinical studies showed that you can live for 3 to 5 years with blocked arteries. However, it simply depends upon the size of the blockage. Every other body is unpredictable.

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