
MCHC Blood Test Low - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

The MCHC is a significant factor assessed in blood tests to measure the hemoglobin levels within red blood cells. In this summary, we will dive into the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the MCHC Blood Test Low.

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Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) is considered in blood tests. This MCHC test is used to check hemoglobin in the group of red blood cells. There are copious reasons for low MCHC value. Let's first find out how it has been calculated.  First, you should have the value of hemoglobin, then multiply the hemoglobin value by 100 and divide by the hematocrit result.

The normal range in adults is from 33.4g/dL to 35.5g/dL. Low blood test values, i.e., 33.4 mg/dL or below, can have many low mchc causes. Let's find out the causes, symptoms, and treatments for the MCHC Blood Test Low level. 

What causes the MCHC blood test low value?  

mchc blood test low causes - mchc in blood test, mchc low causes

Various conditions and diseases result in low blood test counts. Moreover, the two main factors are that hemoglobin gets concentrated with red blood cells, and red blood cells get fragile and destroyed early. List of mchc blood test low causes are: 

1. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia -

In this case, the antibodies start to attack their red blood cells. The cause of autoimmune hemolytic anemia is unknown. The destruction of red blood cells can also develop in lupus and lymphoma. As a result, you can see the value of MCHC will fall.

2. Hereditary Spherocytosis -

Hereditary spherocytosis starts destroying the membrane of red blood cells and leads to mchc levels low. It is a genetic mutation and doesn't need any genetic test to be done. However, blood tests and family history are sufficient to gather data. 

3. Anemia -

Anemia is a condition in which a few red blood cells are formed. This could be due to iron deficiency. If it is cancer, it can be a life-threatening condition. If a person is suffering from an ulcer, wound, or hemorrhoid, then there will be blood loss which causes low MCHC. Also Read: RDW Blood Test: What it is, Purpose And Results

4. Iron Deficiency Anemia -

The iron deficiency diet may lead to anemia because maybe the person is taking low iron or cannot absorb iron in the body. The less iron in the body forms fewer or smaller red blood cells in the body.

5. Pernicious Anemia -

Due to the deficiency of Vitamin B12, the number of red blood cells falls. The person is unable to make an enzyme that helps in the absorption of Vitamin B12. Additionally, Vitamin B12 helps to produce red blood cells and their functions.

Also Read: Relieving Back Pain With Vitamin D & B12

6. Bone Marrow Defects -

Bone marrow defects are a condition where stem cells get damaged. As a result, the bone marrow is left with fewer or no cells to produce red blood cells. This leads to low hemoglobin and then a low MCHC value.

7. Kidney Disease -

Suppose the patient is suffering from chronic renal failure or renal problems. Following that kidney stops or does not produce enough erythropoietin that signals the production of red blood cells. Consequently, low red blood cell concentration leads to a fall in the value of MCHC. Additional conditions which cause low MCHC values are:

Also Read: Chronic Kidney Disease Symptoms, Stages and Treatment

What are the signs & Symptoms of MCHC low?

symptoms of mchc low, mchc blood test low

There are copious symptoms associated with low MCHC. You can check out if you are at risk of developing low hemoglobin. Here is a look at a few mchc low symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Pale skin and gums
  • Weakness
  • Jaundice
  • Fever
  • Fainting
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Lack of concentration
  • Fast and irregular breaths
  • Cold hands and extremities
  • Loss of stamina
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Easy bruising

People with low MCHC levels show similar symptoms related to anemia. If you are developing any signs, go and book your appointment to check your blood reports.

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Treatment for low MCHC levels -

There are various ways we can prevent the low MCHC blood test in the body and produce sufficient red blood cells.

1. Dietary Modifications -

Dietary Modifications - MCHC Blood Test Low

You can modify your diet by adding iron-rich foods. So that your body can easily absorb iron and produce a large number of red blood cells. The food which is rich in iron are:

  • Beans
  • Seafood
  • Red meat
  • Pork
  • Poultry
  • Peas
  • Spinach

Vitamin B6 is also an important component for the absorption of iron and the production of red blood cells to prevent low much level are:

  • Bananas
  • Wild (not farmed) tuna
  • Chicken breast
  • Salmon
  • Sweet potato
  • Spinach

Also Read: What Causes Nutritional Deficiencies?

2. Supplements -

Supplements - MCHC Blood Test Low

A crucial part of the low MCHC blood test treatment is to provide efficient treatment. Supplementation plays a critical role in preventing deficiency in the body. Therefore, before taking any supplements, take advice from the doctor about their side effects. The supplements are:

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3. Medications -

Medications - MCHC Blood Test Low

If you are a cancer patient, the doctor most likely advises you to use an erythropoiesis-stimulating agent, which helps produce and function red blood cells.  In autoimmune disorders, prednisone and corticosteroids are the first lines of treatment to prevent the immune system from attacking its red blood cells. Additionally, rituximab is an immunotherapy that helps steroids work better and help to normalize the level of MCHC in the body.

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4. Injections for low MCHC-

Injections for low MCHC - MCHC Blood Test Low

Be careful if you are receiving any injections. Try to receive medicine in the hospital sector or clinic only. Inj. Doctors widely suggest dextran levels the hemoglobin by increasing iron in the body. Epoetin Injection is an artificial erythropoietin that stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. It is used to treat severe anemia and patients with severe kidney issues.

Also Read: Understanding Kidney Failure Symptoms: Know if your kidneys are at risk

5. Blood Transfusion -

Blood Transfusion - MCHC Blood Test Low

If all the therapies stop working, red blood cells' destruction rate becomes faster. Then the option left for severely low counts is blood transfusion. This provides enough blood components to the patient to prevent severe anemia. Blood transfusion should be given under the supervision of an expert. There should be correct matching of donated and receipt blood. On top of that, 24 hours is sufficient to raise the blood. Therefore, it is quite effective for all treatments. 

6. Splenectomy -

mchc blood test low causes, mchc in blood test

Removing the spleen is considered an effective surgical treatment because the destruction rate becomes faster when the red blood cells don't form much. Then the splenectomy is the preferred choice because seen is the graveyard of red blood cells. If we remove the spleen, there will be a slighter loss of red blood cells from the body.

Also Read: How is blood formed anyway?

Outlook -

The low level of MCHC blood tests is important in blood tests, especially in cancer patients. It is a must to do regular checkups so that you can find anything mishappening in the early stage. Do always take the advice of the doctor. Every person should know the underlying causes, symptoms, and treatment. It doesn't mean you can take medicine at your own risk. Be careful and be aware of the side effects. Always monitor your symptoms and sign of MCHC Blood Test Low levels that may help you with early treatment.

Also Read: Sickle Cell Anemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by a low MCHC blood test?

The body doesn't produce healthy red blood cells and has a decreased level of hemoglobin in the cells. Hypochromic microcytic anemia is a condition that causes smaller red blood cells.

What are the causes of low MCHC?

There are various reasons for low MCHC causes are: 1. Iron deficiency 2. Lead Poisoning 3.Thalassemias 4. Sideroblastic Anemia 5. Kidney disease 6. Autoimmune disease 7. Aplastic anemia 8. Bone marrow defects