A new mother is physically and mentally very delicate. She has just created a new life, her body and life have almost changed. She needs her friends and family more than she needed during her pregnancy. But knowingly or unknowingly, out of more concern or no concern, some people do or tell many things to a new mommy, which might hurt her or demoralise her for this new phase of her life, so here I am listing down some important points that you should never tell or do to a new mother.
She is a mother but inside of that, there is more to her.
- Never take the baby when her baby is crying loud. Trust me, no matter how physically tired a new mom is, nothing more irritates her more than giving away the child to someone especially when the child is crying out of hunger or some pain. They need to be together.
- Don't create a pressure of feeding formula just because the baby is crying out of hunger, let her try breastfeeding as many time as she wants. Listen to her and let her take her own steps. Same way don't pass your judgements if she couldn't breastfeed,? it is more painful for her than you.
- Being a mother is her choice but she's isn't a born mother. She is learning to parent and slowly she will be the best mother for her kid. So don't teach her parenting.
- Never ever stop her to work if she wants to. A happy mother is a good mother if working and keeping her passion alive gives her happiness then the child will get the best of her time. Even their bond will get stronger. Same way don't tell her that she is doing wrong by becoming the stay at home mom. She has a new life to raise, staying at home doesn't mean she isn't doing anything.
- Never pity her on having a c-section birth procedure, many things are not in control. Just because she had opted for c-sec doesn't mean that she is a non-fighter, in fact, c- section involves higher risks.
- If she decides to have some "me time" without baby then let your feeling of telling her any of your bad or good comments be inside you. This time will rejuvenate her and will give her the strength to handle the postpartum depression.
- When the baby gets sick, instead of supporting her don't count all her mistakes. Support her and provide some cure.
- Don't be in a hurry while going out with the baby, let her take her time otherwise be responsible for the forgotten items in baby's diaper bag.
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