
Prostatitis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatments

Learn about the causes, symptoms, & treatments for pain in the prostate (prostatitis) from our blog. Talk to your doctor about the right Prostatitis treatment!

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Prostatitis is a prostate gland infection or a prostate gland disorder, which can be associated with inflammation, pain, or difficulty urinating. This pain can be in the groin, pelvic area, or genitals. Bacterial infections can also cause some types of Prostatitis but not all cases. The prostate gland can be about the size of a walnut and located just below the bladder. It is surrounded by the top portion of the tube that will drain urine from the bladder or the urethra. The prostate and other sex organs produce fluids that transport the sperm during ejaculation. This blog will examine the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and Treatments of Pain in the prostate (Prostatitis).

What are the causes of Prostatitis?

There can be different causes of Prostatitis that can be

What are the different types of Prostatitis?

  1. Bacterial infections that cause acute bacterial Prostatitis which can be sudden and severe and have symptoms other than those seen in Prostatitis.
  2. Chronic bacterial Prostatitis, which is ongoing and recurring, is a less severe bacterial infection. 
  3. Chronic pelvic prostatitis syndrome and recurring pelvic pain in the prostate and urinary tract symptoms with no evidence or conditions can continue. 
  4. Asymptomatic Prostatitis can be an inflamed prostate with no symptoms.
Also Read: What Is the Difference Between a Bacterial and Viral Infection?

What are the symptoms of Prostatitis?

The significant signs of Prostatitis are-
  • One pain and burning sensation when urinating
  • Difficult urinating and dribbling or hesitant urination
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Urgent need to urinate
  • Whiteness in urine
  • Blood in urine
  • Pain in the prostate and abdomen near the groin, lower back, and lower abs
  • Pain in the prostate area or between the scrotum and rectum 
  • Pain and discomfort in the penis or tests
  • Painful ejaculation and fever, chills, muscle aches, or other flu-like symptoms
  • Many conditions can contribute to the issues and symptoms associated with Prostatitis. 
It can improve with active diagnosis and treatments as soon as the symptoms are seen.Severe prostatitis conditions can have different signs and symptoms associated with the prostate gland, and getting an accurate diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible can be essential. Get immediate care if you have the following-
  1. Inability to urinate
  2. Painful and difficult urination with fever
  3. Blood in urine
  4. Severe discomfort in the genitals

What are the different risk factors for developing Prostatitis?

Pain in the Prostate (Prostatitis)Risk factors for Prostatitis include:
  • Younger or middle-aged adulthood
  • Infections of the urinary or reproductive systems
  • Hiv infections or aids
  • The use of tune and insertion in the urethra can drain the bladder.
  • Diagnosing sampling of prostate tissues and additional risk factors that can cause pain in the prostate due to chronic pelvic region.
  • Psychological stress
  • Nerve damage, point to the pelvic region, and surgery or trauma.
  • Complications of actual and chronic Prostatitis like blood in the urine.
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How is Prostatitis diagnosed?

The doctor will assess the symptoms of the condition and perform a physical examination that includes a lesser invasive test for the prostate but can also induce the following-
  1. Digital rectal exam: These exams can provide indiscretion of the glove and lubricated finger into the rectum to check the pain in the prostate and swelling. This exam includes prostate massage to collect the sample of the seminal fluid and check for fluctuations and changes in the normal range. 
  2. Urine analysis: Urinalysis and urine culture check for bacterial growth and infections.
  3. The blood test measures blood samples and can diagnose the prostate gland, as higher levels can indicate prostate gland problems or prostate cancer.
  4. Cystoscopy: These techniques indicate the insides of urinary tract problems not diagnosed by the prostate and can precede inside the bladder and urethra.
  5. Transrectal ultrasounds: These ultrasounds can conclude the man right acute bacterial Prostatitis or chronic bacterial Prostatitis that does not improve with antibiotics may get a transrectal ultrasound. This can include a slender ultrasound probe inserted into the rectum using sound waves and providing images of the prostate glands; these tests can show prostate gland abnormalities, abscesses, and stones.

What are the treatment options for Prostatitis (Pain in the prostate)?

 Treatment options for Prostatitis are:- Prostatitis treatment depends on the uses and type of the condition in can include
  • Urinary medication like Flomax or Uroxatral can reduce muscle contraction around the prostate and pelvic floor to improve urine flow.
  • Psycho-social stress and management can help and provide benefits like counseling or medication for anxiety and depression or overreacting to minor stresses.
  • Quercetin and bee pollen supplements can help with swollen or inflamed prostate glands that can help.
  • Antibiotics can kill infection and can prevent the spread of bacteria.
  • Neurological prescriptions like pain medication can reduce the pain that extends to the legs, arms, and back.
  • Tenderness and pelvic floor physical therapy can include a myofascial release to induce or eliminate muscle spasms.
  • Antibiotics can help kill the bacteria that cause the bacteria type of prostate. This can include men with 14 to 30 days of antibiotics in care, and rarely, they will not reduce the abscess in the prostate.
  • Treating bacterial porosities can be challenging, and these need up to three months of antibiotics that can lead to sterilizations of the prostate. 
  • They can sterilize the low dose of antibiotics that can be used for more extended time references, and some may need to remove the prostate stones or scar tissues into the urethra, and real surgeons can remove the part or all of the prostate gland.

How can one prevent Prostatitis?

You can prevent Prostatitis by getting treatment to keep the infections in the prostate from spreading, and if you are in pain in your penis, then you should keep seeing a provider and take steps to address this problem before it leads to chronic pelvic pain syndrome.Also Read: Shockwave Treatment for Pelvic Pain Syndrome

When to call the doctor for Prostatitis?

It is essential to get checked for any of the symptoms mentioned above. You should keep a check on these pointers and get in touch with the doctors if you have even one of these-
  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Difficulty urinating or blood in the urine.
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain during urination or intercourse.
Also Read: Blood in urine? It might be Hematuria

Conclusion -

Prostatitis is a common problem affecting many men over the age of 15 to 56; there is a lot of confusion about this condition. This is because patients describe this condition with three to four different conditions, which can create problems for the doctors in diagnosing it. We have mentioned all these conditions' causes, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments to prevent this confusion from prevailing. If you still need clarification regarding the situation, get in touch with doctors who can help you get the correct prescription.Book an Online Appointment With The Best Prostate Cancer Doctors in India

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Prostatitis diagnosed?

Prostatitis can be diagnosed with a digital rectal exam and blood tests or urine analysis.

What are some of the symptoms of Prostatitis?

Some symptoms of Prostatitis are urinary problems, a burning sensation in the urethra, and painful ejaculations.

What are the best treatments for prostate?

Hot baths and over-the-counter pain relievers can help when chronic prostate cancer causes tenderness of the sperm.

Why is Prostatitis dangerous?

The bacterial infection in the urinary tract can cause an abscess that can cause pain and bleeding. Hence Prostatitis is dangerous.

What are the causes of Prostatitis? 

When entering the prostate, bacteria on the urinary tract can cause Prostatitis.