There are no words to describe the incredible beauty of Pregnancy. However, your body undergoes a dramatic transformation as it prepares to house and nurture a new life: hormonal changes and biochemical changes. You've been pregnant for 8 months, and with the start of the third trimester, you have just one more month to go until your baby arrives. Several important developmental benchmarks have been reached, and your baby will soon reach for more! At this phase of your pregnancy, you must be excited to know what you can expect during the 32nd week of pregnancy, from common symptoms to tips for a more comfortable experience. Here is a guide to Pregnancy at Week 32, including information on the signs of Pregnancy, the size of the mother's belly, and the baby's growth.
What are the symptoms at 32 weeks of Pregnancy?
Knowing the varying pregnancy symptoms that occur with each trimester is important. You may start to experience some of the more common symptoms around the 32nd week of Pregnancy as your baby nears the limit of the expanding uterus. Here are a few things to look out for while you're 32 weeks pregnant:
1. Change in Baby's Motion
Your growing baby has probably outgrown your uterus by the time you reach the 32-week mark. The baby's movement will shift due to the smaller space, with stronger kicks giving way to wiggles, squirms, knicks, and nudges.
Also Read: First Trimester of Pregnancy
2. Heartburn
You're 32 weeks pregnant, meaning pregnancy hormones are slowing your digestion, which can cause stomach acid to back up into your esophagus and cause heartburn.
3. Difficulty in breathing
Your blood volume has expanded by 40-50% since becoming pregnant as your body adjusts to the needs of both you and your developing child. But now that you are pregnant, your uterus is so large and heavy that it pushes up near your diaphragm and jams your stomach, causing you to have trouble breathing and experience heartburn.
4. A lower backache
You might have had a lot of lower back discomfort for Pregnancy at week 32. But if you have already experienced it, you should let your doctor know, as it can indicate preterm labor.
5. Stomach and skin itch
Your belly enlarges as your uterus expands, and the surrounding skin strains and dries out. The skin becomes depleted of moisture as a result, becoming unpleasant and irritating. The best action is to moisturize or take a warm bath with oatmeal added.
6. Colostrum (Leaky breasts)
Boobies leaking during pregnancy, also known as colostrum, is one of the most typical 32-week pregnancy symptoms. In the third trimester, your breasts become larger and more painful. They also tend to leak colostrum, the yellowish fluid that precedes breast milk. Use reusable dry-feel nursing pads if the leakage is painful.
What about the baby's development at 32 weeks?
You are almost 8 months pregnant—32 weeks—and only one month away from holding your unborn child in your arms. Your infant has reached several developmental milestones. It is preparing for delivery during this final step, undergoing several significant modifications that would enable it to survive outside the womb. During your 32-week Pregnancy, let's look at your baby's progress.
1. Height and weight of a baby
At 32 weeks, the baby would weigh 1.5–1.8 kg; throughout the next 7 weeks, the baby would gain weight to thrive outside the womb. Your infant may range in height from 15 to 17 inches.
2. Eyesight
Your kid can now focus on huge, nearby objects, and this skill will last until birth.
3. Nails and hair
Your infant's toe, fingernails, natural hair, and peach fuzz have grown.
4. Internal body temperature
Your baby's body has increased the production of an enzyme and protein required for producing body heat at 32 weeks gestation. Thanks to this mechanism, your infant will be better able to control their body temperature.
5. Startle Response
By 32 weeks, most infants exhibit more of the startle reaction. As a result, your baby may be startled by a loud noise or rapid movement and toss their arms and legs out in front of them before bringing them back.
6. Breathing
To practice breathing outside the womb, your baby is currently breathing amniotic fluid.
Also Read: From Conception to Birth: A Guide to Stage of Development of the Fetus
How does the belly change at 32 weeks?
Your body is undergoing numerous changes as it prepares for the big day, including a more pronounced belly! The following are the most typical changes to your tummy at 32 weeks:
Your body may begin preparing for the delivery day at 32 weeks if you experience Braxton hicks contractions, occasional tightening, or hardening of the uterus.
The erratic contractions become stronger and more frequent as they progress, providing you with a good practice run for the discomfort of labor. These downward-moving contractions lasted between 15 and 30 seconds. Try soaking in a warm bath to ease the pain of these contractions.
Also Read: Uterine Fibroids - Facts You Need to Know Today!
How can you take better care of yourself during these days?
Your body has experienced several changes as you enter the 32nd week and needs attention. Following are some suggestions for self-care before your baby is born because your entire attention will be on giving your kid the best care:
1. Don't worry about stretch marks
As your uterus returns to its original shape, stretch marks will naturally fade.
2. Regularly moisturize
Does your skin, particularly the area around your tummy, feel constrictive, itchy, and uneasy? These are the consequences of the expanding belly, and they can be treated by using moisturizer. At this point, your skin needs to be hydrated because it is dehydrated.
3. Safe exercising during Pregnancy
Exercises suitable for pregnant women at home will assist in hastening labor, relieve back pain, and build abdominal strength. Additionally, perform pelvic tilts to support your pelvis region, which is essential for a straightforward pregnancy.
4. Pay attention to your doctor
Learn the labor symptoms from your doctor, mother, or pregnancy books. This will enable you to distinguish between true contractions and false alarms. Do not cancel your doctor's appointments because now is the ideal time to check your infant's health frequently. For emotional support, bring your spouse along to these appointments.
Also Read: 20 Foods to Eat When You're Pregnant
What are some things to remember?
Even though your kid would be considered premature if delivered right now, they wouldn't likely experience any long-term issues. Keep an eye out for any early labor symptoms, like contractions, bleeding, your waters bursting, a "show" of mucus coming from your vagina, or a sudden decrease in your baby's movements.
If you haven't already, getting your whooping cough (pertussis) immunization right away is crucial. Newborns can die from whooping cough, yet they cannot receive vaccination until they are older. You can pass protective antibodies to your unborn child by receiving the immunization now. A flu shot is also advised, depending on the time of year.
Also Read: Baby Vaccination: The First Step Towards Healthy Life
Enjoy every second of having that adorable baby bump while your body is getting ready for Labor Day. Spend quality time with your partner, indulge in self-care, and bond with your baby during these last few weeks of Pregnancy. We hope our post about Pregnancy at week 32 symptoms, baby growth, and belly changes was educational and useful.
Also Read: Labour Analgesia: No More Labour Pains

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