
Questions to ask if Blood Sugar is Out of Control

It becomes important to maintain blood sugar at the right level to live a healthy and happy life. Here are some signs to identify the same.

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Why blood sugar level gets out of control?

Diabetes is a state in which sugar content in the blood rises above the desired level. This condition prevails when pancreas fails to produce sufficient quantity of insulin leading to blood sugar level getting out of control. Hyperglycemia is a medical term given to condition where patient has high blood sugar - if not treated properly, it may lead to kidney failure, eye and nerve damage, cardiovascular disease, skin and gum infection, joint problems and diabetic coma. Therefore, it becomes important to maintain blood sugar at the right level to live a healthy and happy life. Read about: 10 Signs of Unhealthy Body

How blood sugar level works?

The rise and fall in the blood sugar level solely depends on the sugar content present in the food consumed by the individuals. Insulin helps the cell to absorb glucose for producing energy apart from lowering blood sugar level. When a diabetic patient eats food containing high sugar and fat or have a long gap between the meals, insufficient insulin critically lowers the blood sugar level. This in turn makes the adrenal glands to release cortisol and adrenaline which makes the person feel moody and cranky. In this health state, it becomes necessary to have food which will gradually raise the glucose level. Food that will give a sudden spike of glucose can be dangerous to the patient. Though three meals a day are sufficient to keep a check on the blood sugar level, if a balanced and healthy diet is not taken, it becomes easier for the blood sugar level to get out of control. Read more : Diabetes: Commonly Asked Questions

How to know the blood sugar is out of control?

If a person is feeling shaky, dizzy, headache, nervous or sweaty, there are chances the blood sugar level has gone out of control. Common signs that show blood sugar is out of control are:
  • If the sugar level drops, the brain gets affected and the person starts slurping the words. The person may even lose consciousness.
  • Excessive urination and thirst also shows that the individual glucose level is high.
  • When sugar level is high, the diabetic patient loses weight even after having normal diet as lot of calories are lost in the urine.
  • When the level of glucose increases, it's absorption by the body becomes difficult. It leads to extreme fatigue even after having good sleep or rest.
  • White blood cells, which eliminates the infection depends entirely on glucose because if the latter is higher there is a slow response from them as well. This results in slow healing of bloody gums, small cuts, sores and infections.
  • The lens of the eye either shrinks or swells up when the sugar level shoots up. This causes blurred vision due to creation of little spots known as floaters.
  • Other crucial symptoms include frequent pain in the shoulders, fainting, shortness of breath and discomfort in the chest, arms or jaw.
  • Diabetes is a very dangerous disease. Some say it is a slow poison. Therefore, it is important to listen to even the mildest symptoms and address those before things go out of control.