
Reliance Hospital Mumbai: One -Stop For Treatment Of Blood Cancer

The month of September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month. So, on blood cancer awareness month, we are offering the services of Reliance Hospitals Navi Mumbai - a premium healthcare provider with all-inclusive solutions for Blood Cancer.

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"Cancer is a word. Not a sentence."

Truly said, cancer does not have to be a life sentence for an individual. With its numerous types and stages, cancer has been intruding on human life for decades now. But medical science has been battling this interruption ever since. Several years ago, there was a time when access to basic medical care was difficult. And for rare and complex diseases like blood cancer, it was next to impossible.

Fast forward to September 2019, and we are celebrating Blood Cancer Awareness Month. Indeed there has been an enormous improvement on this front. But we, as a society, still lack some understanding.

So taking this opportunity, we would like to shine a light on Blood Cancer. Credihealth does not only believe in educating people but also empowering them. In our endeavor for the same, let us expand on the services of Reliance Hospitals Navi Mumbai - a premium healthcare provider with all-inclusive solutions for Blood Cancer.

Reliance Hospitals Navi Mumbai is a large multispeciality hospital. The tertiary care institution has a dedicated Cancer Department. The hospital has high-end facilities like state-of-the-art Operation Theatres, laboratories, most modern technology, and an exclusive TrueBeam Radiation Therapy System.

In this post, besides understanding Blood Cancer, we will also discuss why to choose Reliance Hospital Mumbai to fight it.

[box type="shadow" align="" width=""]Facts on Blood Cancer:
  • According to a report, India ranks third in the highest numbers of blood cancer incidence in the world.
  • In 2012, nearly 26,000 children died from blood cancer.
  • The prevalence of blood cancer is highest among men.[/box]

What is Blood Cancer?

Blood cancer is a term for the cancer of blood and bone marrow. It is the cancer of the tissues that are involved in the production of blood. Blood cancer originates from the bone marrow of a person. An unusual type of blood cell is formed in this cancer. Stem cells in the bone marrow are responsible for the formation of blood cells including Red Blood Cells, Platelets, and White Blood Cells. The process of this formation is hindered and leads to blood cancers.

Blood Cancer, if diagnosed at an early stage, can be treated. Reliance Hospital Navi Mumbai offers all diagnostic services to detect whether a person has this cancer or not.

What are the types of blood cancer?

Blood cancer is a complicated condition. A large proportion of the Indian population is affected by this type of cancer. Blood cancers can be segregated into three groups:

1. Leukemia

It is the most common blood cancer in India, especially infamous among children. This type of blood cancer involves white blood cells. In this cancer, a patient's bone marrow produces abnormal white blood cells. These abnormal cells are unable to function. There are different subtypes of leukemia, which include:
  • Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)
  • Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
  • Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)

2. Lymphoma

This is a rare type of blood cancer. In this cancer, the cells that fight infections are affected. This cancer impacts the lymphatic system of the human body. The lymphatic system is the network of vessels that carries lymph into the blood. This blood cancer type can infect several different parts of the body. Like bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen and more. Lymphoma is of two types:

  • Non-Hodgkin
  • Hodgkin

3. Myeloma

The blood cancer that originates in plasma cells is known as myeloma. Plasma cells are a type of white blood cells. This cancer is also popularly called multiple myeloma or Kahler's disease. In myeloma, cancerous cells gather in large numbers in the bone marrow and outnumber healthy cells.

The medical professionals at the Cancer Department of Reliance Hospital Navi Mumbai are highly competent in diagnosing and treating the above three types of blood cancer. You can check the doctors' profiles of Reliance Hospital Mumbai from our list.

What are the Symptoms of Blood Cancer?

We have already discussed the different types of blood cancers. Each type has a distinguished set of signs and symptoms. However, some common blood cancer symptoms are:

  • Chest Pain
  • Persistent Coughing
  • Infections
  • Skin Rashes
  • Unexplained loss of appetite
  • Night Sweats
  • Weakness
  • Swelling in lymph nodes

Credihealth does not endorse self-diagnosis. If you believe you have similar symptoms, consult a professional at Reliance Hospital Navi Mumbai today.

What is the Treatment for Blood Cancer?

Fortunately, treatment for blood cancer is available in India. Nonetheless, the treatment type depends on the type and stage of cancer and the patient's age and overall health condition. Common treatment options are:

Stem Cell Transplantation - Surgeons aim at transplanting the diseases stem cells in the bone marrow with a healthy one as a treatment for blood cancer.

Chemotherapy - This is a medical treatment where specific types of medicines are offered to the patient in a regular cycle. These drugs are targeted at stopping the growth of cancerous cells in the body.

Radiation Therapy - As the name suggests, radiation beams are targeted at a patient's body in this treatment type. Reliance Hospital Navi Mumbai has the latest technique for radiation therapy. It is called TrueBeam Radiation Therapy System and ensures a safe procedure.

Reliance Hospital Mumbai provides two types of treatment - medical and radiation oncology. The paramount hospital is backed by a vast pool of successful and experienced oncologists and most advanced equipment.

A Final Word

On Blood Cancer Awareness Month, we have given you the ultimate tool kit for awareness of this cancer, in this post. Blood cancer is responsible for a large number of deaths in India. And this fact is proof enough that the awareness about the same is gravely low.

So we urge to not dismiss the facts and contribute fully from your end in creating alertness about this issue.

Blood Cancer can be "blood-curdling" but it is not invincible. There are examples of Anurag Basu and Lisa Ray, popular Indian celebrities who successfully battled blood cancer. Awareness is the first step towards action.

Related read: Blood Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Types and Treatment If you and any of your relative experiences any symptoms of Blood Cancer, its time to visit the Best Oncologist in India or book an appointment with Oncologist in Reliance Hospital, Navi Mumbai.

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Tagged in Cancer