Increasing teen pregnancy is only adding to India's already populous country. There are many methods to confirm your pregnancy, You can use our pregnancy calculator to find your estimated due date. With over 1.8 million teenagers who have children annually, there are many of who are hardly equipped to deal with child marriage, domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, and substance abuse. Furthermore, 60% of these adolescent pregnancies are not adequately spaced, aggravating risk to maternal and child health. 
Teenage Pregnancy in India

Teenage Pregnancy Age:
A shocking 43% of Indian girls are married before the age of 18 years. As per the National Rural Health Mission data, more than 25,000 young mothers die annually, 9% of them aged between 15 and 19 years. Mass measures should be taken by the government to prevent pregnancies in the first place.The following are a few ways that parents can adopt to make their daughter understand the consequences of Teen Pregnancy after all, awareness plays a significant role. Also Read: Are there any chances of pregnancy after menopause?1. Have "The Talk"
It's not a secret, many parents avoid or find it difficult to sit down with their daughters and share all the facts about sex and birth control -- information they need to make important choices about their bodies, their selves and their futures.2. She Needs to Respect Herself
A lot of mothers understand that it's her job to inspire her daughter to care about herself emotionally as well as physically. At their vulnerable age, girls tend to be insecure about themselves, making their self-esteem low. These girls try to find approval and acceptance anywhere they can get it from. This is a vicious circle and it needs to be prevented altogether.3. Encourage Abstinence to avoid Teen Pregnancy
No sex is, of course, the best way to not get pregnant! Also Read: 10 Effective Ways To Back In Shape After Pregnancy4. Lay Out the Consequences
Explain to your daughter the consequences of getting pregnant! Teenagers rarely realise or even understand the burden of having a child at an early age. Not only is it risky for your young body but it is also a financial burden since teenagers are not generally earning enough to support themselves, leave alone another child!5. Sex is NOT a Taboo Subject
Make sure you create an open environment where it is possible for your daughter to discuss anything with you, including sex. Be your child's friend. It's definitely going to pay off in the long run. We Promise. It is important to know how to get pregnant to avoid pregnancy. Call +91-8010-994-994 and talk to Credi Medical Experts for FREE. Get assistance in choosing the Right Gynaecologist, compare treatment cost from various hospitals and get support in managing other hospital processes. Tagged in Sex
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