A prostate is a small walnut size gland in men's reproductive system and is located below the bladder. It helps in making make semen. The prostate undergo age related changes that might sometimes affect the routine functioning of the body and should be addressed carefully. It grows larger with age and may squeeze the urethra. This usually leads to trouble in passing urine. These symptoms usually appear later in life and may need medical attention. Most of the times, these symptoms aren't noticed until much later in life, which may sometimes lead to complications. Sometimes men in their 30's and 40's may begin to have these urinary symptoms and may need medical attention. Watch out for these symptoms and talk to your doctor:
It is essential to now that having prostatitis or enlarged prostate will not increase your chances of prostate cancer and the patient can have more than two conditions at the same time. Prostatitis This is the most common inflammation of the prostate gland and may be caused by some bacterial infection and usually affects a lot of men during their lifetime. The usual symptoms include high fever with chills, lower body aches or pain, pain in the groin area or behind scrotum, and strong desire for frequent urination with burning feeling. Symptoms that would command immediate medical attention include urethral discharge with bowel movements, genital and rectal throbbing, loss of sexual drive and painful ejaculation. The patient is usually subject to tests like DRE and a urine test. Enlarged Prostate (BPH) Enlarged prostate is another medical condition that justifies medical attention. Here, the prostate grows in size but is not cancerous in nature. The symptoms are similar to other prostate problems. In extreme cases, it may lead to weak bladder, backflow of urine causing bladder or kidney infections, complete block in the flow of urine and kidney failure. Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer reflects prostate cells no longer being benign but cancerous. It is a slow developing cancer and cell changes may take years to cause evident symptoms. Like other diseases of the prostate, prostate cancer also causes difficulty in passage of urine. Advanced cancer may affect pelvic lymph nodes and may spread to bones. So bone pain, especially in the back can be a symptom of prostate cancer and should not be ignored.
- Frequent urination - Feel an urgent need to pass urine - Have limited or less urine flow - Have a burning sensation while passing urine
Eventually as you grow, your chances of developing prostate related medial issues increase. The most common prostate problems are prostatitis, enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.
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