What are Uterine Fibroids?
Fibroids are benign tumors that develop in the wall of the womb. While the condition may sound scary, it is pretty common and affects over 10 million women in India, every year. It can be diagnosed easily through some fairly common tests and mostly affects adult women. Some lucky women with fibroids experience no symptoms and continue living a normal life. Most such women, however, experience anywhere from mild to severe uterine fibroids symptoms.
Types of Uterine Fibroids
There are 4 different types of fibroids depending on their location.
Intramural Fibroids: These are the most common type, located within the muscular wall of the uterus.
Subserosal Fibroids: Found on the outer surface of the uterus, these fibroids may grow large enough to impact surrounding organs.
Submucosal Fibroids: Submucosal fibroids develop just beneath the lining of the uterine cavity and can lead to fertility issues.
Pedunculated Fibroids: When a fibroid grows on a stalk, extending either inside or outside the uterus, it is termed pedunculated.
Uterine Fibroids Symptoms
Usually, uterine fibroids symptoms are not visible in most women. In those who experience the symptoms of uterine fibroids. Fibroid cancer symptoms are also same and it includes:
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Heavy blood flow during the menstrual cycle is one of the most characteristic symptoms of uterine fibroids and is associated with intramural and submucosal tumors. Not only heavy menstrual bleeding, this fibroid also results in passage of clots, prolonged cycles of bleeding and longer monthly periods. It may sometimes affect the routine activities of ladies since it may soil the undergarments and severe blood loss may lead to fatigue and anemia, which happens as a result of low red blood cell count.
Pelvic Pain and Pressure: Since fibroid grows rapidly, they may push or put pressure on the organs adjoining the uterus and cause pain in the abdomen or pelvis. It is considered as one of the common uterine fibroids symptoms. This swelling is sometimes considered as pregnancy or weight gain and may push away early diagnosis of an important health problem. Pelvic Pain and Pressure is considered as a common fibroid disease symptoms.
Urinary Incontinence: As fibroid grows to a phenomenal size, they apply pressure to surrounding organs. The bladder is one of the affected organs and most of the time it leads to urinary incontinence or the loss of bladder control. This may affect routine functioning as well. In a few cases, this fibroid may generate excessive pressure on the bowel also leading to constipation and bloating. It is one of the common symptoms of uterine fibroids and cancer. It is advised to seek medical advice if these symptoms of uterine fibroids start disturbing their routine and the pain becomes unbearable.
Pain during intercourse: Pain during sex is one of the common symptoms of uterine fibroids. These fibroids (benign tumors) can lead to the changes in the structure of the uterus and can cause intense pain during intercourse. Pain during intercourse if one of the common symptoms of uterine fibroids and cancer. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort during sexual activity, it is important to seek proper medical attention on time.
Backache or Pain in the Legs: This is also a common symptom of uterine fibroids is back pain or pain in the legs. As the fibroids grow, it can put pressure on the surrounding tissues which can lead to the backache or pain in the legs. This pain may vary for person to person in intensity and duration which impact daily routine. It is a common fibroid disease symptoms which requires a proper diagnosis and treatment for fibroids which are associated with the backache or pain in the legs.
Pain in the Lower Belly or Pelvis: Pain in the lower belly or pelvis is also a symptom of uterine fibroids which may vary for each individual. The pain of uterine fibroids can be frequent or constant during specific activities. Larger fibroids may exert pressure on the surrounding organs which may cause pain in the lower belly or pelvis.
It is important to understand that symptoms of uterine fibroids and cancer are same and could be a misleading factor in diagnosing. Some non cancerous fibroids also look similar to the uterine fibroids and cause the same symptoms. Fibroid cancer symptoms also include heavy menstrual bleeding, pain in pelvis or lower abdomen, pain during sex. It is important to get treatment for fibroids on time.
What Causes Fibroids?
The exact cause for Fibroid Uterus is unknown. However, some of the probable factors which could answer “what causes fibroids”:
Genetic changes and abnormalities is a common cause of fibroids.
Abnormalities in the Vascular System
Stimulation from Estrogen and Progesterone Hormones
Tissue response to injury
Family history also plays a significant role in fibroid causes.
Race of the woman: Women of African descent are more susceptible to Fibroid Uterus
Having the first menstrual period before the age of 10 years is common in fibroid causes.
Excess consumption of alcohol, especially beer may be harmful and may be a cause of fibroids.
Uterine Infections
Increased Blood Pressure or Hypertension
Diagnosis of Uterine Fibroids
Any gynecologist, upon knowing the symptoms, would suggest below mentioned diagnostic tests to evaluate the condition and suggest the best possible treatment of fibroids.
Ultrasonography: To create a picture of internal uterus to examine it properly.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): To take the detailed images of the uterus and surrounding organs by using magnets and radio waves.
Computed tomography (CT) scan: To take the pictures of your internal organs from different angles.
Sonohysterography: In this imaging test, the doctor injects saline water into the uterus through the catheter to create a much clearer picture of the organs.
Uterine Fibroids Treatment
Depending on the severity of the symptoms, there are a number of ways uterine fibroids treatment available. In fact, the sooner one is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat them. Here are some of the common techniques used to manage Uterine Fibroids.
Medications: There are some medication for uterine fibroids. Doctors usually suggest birth Control pills or hormonal pills are often given to the patient to shrink the size of the fibroids and control bleeding.
Uterine artery embolization: This method involves injecting small particles known as embolic agents into the uterus' arteries, which cut off the blood supply of fibroids, effectively shrinking their size.
Focused Ultrasound Surgery (FUS): This is a minimally invasive procedure that allows the medical professional to reduce the size of the fibroids with the help of high-energy ultrasound.
Hysterectomy: This refers to removal of the entire uterus, eliminating any possibilities of developing any Uterine Fibroids.
Surgery: The surgical method is often opted for when none of the other methods are available. Also known as Myomectomy, this involves removal of the tumors through either hysteroscopic or laparoscopic procedures.
If you ever experience any of the symptoms of fibroids in the womb mentioned above, be sure to seek medical help. Most women often go through their entire life with the pain & discomfort, and should know that fibroids can be easily diagnosed and treated.
Risk Factors of Uterine Fibroids
There are some risk factors of uterine factors, including:
Race: All females could develop uterine fibroids but black people are more likely to get fibroids than other racial groups. They also tend to get more fibroids with worse symptoms compared to white people.
Family history: If anyone in your family has uterine fibroids, you may also get uterine fibroids.
Other factors: There are other risk factors which increase the chances of uterine fibroids such as obesity, if you have your periods started before the age of 10, you are taking a diet higher in red meat and lower in green leafy vegetables, fruits etc.
Age: Uterine fibroids are more common in women between the age of 30-40.
Imbalance hormones: Estrogen and progesterone are the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle, imbalance in these hormones may also cause uterine fibroids.
Birth control medicines: Women who are using birth control medicines excessively may also contribute to the development of uterine fibroids.
It is important to note that these factors do not necessarily cause uterine fibroids but may increase the chances of uterine fibroids.
Complications of Untreated Uterine Fibroids
While uterine fibroids are not life threatening but untreated uterine fibroids can cause various health complications as mentioned below. So, it is important to take treatment for uterine fibroids.
Difficulty in pregnancy: Untreated uterine fibroids can increase the chances of cesarean section delivery.
Impact quality of life: Untreated uterine fibroids can cause pain and discomfort which can impact the quality of life.
Infertility: It is rare but untreated uterine fibroids can increase the chances of infertility and the risk of pregnancy loss.
Sepsis: Sepsis is also not common but untreated uterine fibroids can cause complications like kidney stones and sepsis.
It is important to consult an experienced gynecologist if you are diagnosed, get proper uterine fibroids treatment on time to avoid complications.
Pregnancy and Uterine Fibroids
In some cases, fibroids, especially the submucosal type, may impact fertility or lead to pregnancy loss, although many women with fibroids can still conceive. Fibroids might also increase the chances of certain pregnancy complications, such as placental abruption (the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall), fetal growth restriction (when the baby doesn't grow as expected), and preterm delivery (when the baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy). While not all fibroids pose a risk, it's important for women with fibroids to discuss potential implications with their healthcare providers during pregnancy planning.
Prevention Tips for Uterine Fibroids
Prevention is always better than cure! Here are some preventive measures every women should follow:
Do proper exercise and take a balanced diet to stay physically fit and avoid obesity, as it is the main cause of uterine fibroids.
Include green leafy vegetables and fruits, whole grains and lean protein in your diet.
Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption as it can cause dehydration in the body.
Limit the consumption of red meat as it can increase the risk of getting uterine fibroids.
Try to manage stress as stress can cause hormonal imbalance which can lead to the development of uterine fibroids.
Take regular check-ups with an experienced gynecologist for early detection and management of uterine fibroids.
In a few words, understanding uterine fibroids is important for women’s health. This guide has covered almost everything about uterine fibroids symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. If you are experiencing the symptoms, talk to your gynecologist, fibroids are treatable.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best treatment for uterine fibroids?
Myomectomy is an operation that can help remove fibroids while preserving the uterus. Women who have fibroids keep the uterus. However, for women, fibroids symptoms can have difficulty bearing children in the future. Myomectomy is an effective procedure in dealing with uterine fibroids.
Can one treat uterine fibroids without surgery?
A non-invasive treatment can help with uterine fibroids and can help preserve the uterus without any incisions and is done on an outpatient basis. However, MRIs are required to be performed to check for this procedure's effectiveness.
What is the safest way of removing fibroids?
No incisions are required because a hysteroscopy can be inserted into the vagina, and there can be a womb entrance to the cervix. However, several insertions are needed to ensure as many fibroids tissues as possible are removed with a hysteroscope.
What is the size of the fibroids that can cause worry?
If a fibroid is more significant than 10cm can or even larger can potentially rupture the body and cause distortion of the uterus and can shape, causing damage to the surrounding organs. In addition, there can be bladder and bowel issues that can also cause infertility.
What do fibroids look like?
Fibroids may vary in size and color, ranging from small pea size to golf size.
What causes an enlarged uterus?
An enlarged uterus causes result from conditions like fibroids, adenomyosis, or pregnancy.
What is a normal size of a uterus?
The average size of the uterus of an adult female are 8 cm long, 5 cm across, and 4 cm thick.
Why do fibroids cause heavy bleeding?
Fibroids may lead to heavy bleeding by affecting the uterine lining, increasing the surface area for bleeding during menstruation.

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