Perimenopause is a period that may or may not happen with any female before transitioning into menopause. During perimenopause, the level of hormones like estrogen starts declining. This may bring menopause-like symptoms in the woman and include various body-related changes like hot flashes, irregular periods, etc. Getting known to What are the 34 symptoms of perimenopause? Helps a woman fight the symptoms and take considerable steps to prevent them. Also, when you go a full period of 12 months without menstruation, this means you have begun menopause.
What are the 34 symptoms of perimenopause?
#1. Hot flashes -
Hot flashes are among the most common symptoms of perimenopause that may further bring hotness and sweat around the neck, face, and chest. Some women are likely to feel chills during this period.
#2. Night sweats -
Night sweats are also called hot flashes, which generally occur at night after a heavy meal or when you are probably relaxed or satisfied with your daily routine. There is no proper cause behind hot flashes. Still, they may probably occur because of the fall in the level of estrogen that may further impact the hypothalamus, which is responsible for regulating the body temperature.#3. Irregular periods -
While going through the perimenopausal stage, it is normal to have irregular periods. This is a sign that your periods will soon stop eventually.#4. Mood changes -
This is one of the unpredictable changes that may happen while you are in the perimenopausal transition. You may become angry, anxious, sad, or weepy at certain times.#5. Breast soreness -
The fluffiness and the mass buildup in the breast start declining. Breasts become tender and may mark the beginning of the perimenopause stage.#6. Decreased libido -
Perimenopause affects how you enjoy your sexual commitments and activities with your partner. Since perimenopause brings a decrease in the level of estrogen, the important reproductive hormone in females, it brings difficulty in females, making them avoid sexual arousal.#7. Vaginal dryness -
The presence of female sex hormones indicates good blood circulation because the blood carries the hormones. But, a decrease in the estrogen level indicates a marked decrease in blood flow. This may further cause dryness and can bring discomfort to females, leading to various diseases like vaginal itching, vaginal looseness, an inability to control urine, and even diabetes.#8. Headaches -
Sometimes, there is a frequent transition from perimenopause to the menopause stage. This frequent shift can bring various brain-related issues like headaches, migraines, and other similar health conditions.#9. Tingling extremities -
Menopause marks the complete shift or transition in the hormonal level of the female. This may bring a tingling effect in the arms, chest, legs, or even hands. This may ultimately affect the hormone fluctuation affecting the nervous system, which may become weak and loose, leading to various other brain-related and body-related health issues.#10. Burning mouth -
Your mouth may feel a regular burning sensation, tingling, heating sensation, or even numbing around the area of the mouth. This may happen because of the presence of the mucus hormones that are known to have sex receptors, which decrease with the decrease in the level of estrogen. This brings pain, discomfort, and a lot of other changes in the mouth. This may sometimes bring changes in how you eat and how you swallow food. Also, Read Menopause & The Changes It Brings With It.#11. Changes in taste -
Among the various factors affecting women during the perimenopause stage one of the major factors affecting their health is tongue taste. As you age, you transition into the perimenopause stage. This further brings a change in the taste of the mouth. This may also bring cavities and discomfort while chewing the food.#12. Fatigue -
Since perimenopause brings hot flashes, night sweating, and sleepless nights because of the hormonal changes in the female's body, fatigue is normal to face during such a transition.#13. Bloating -
Bloating is one of the major symptoms in certain females during menstruation. This may also happen because of the withdrawal of the menstruation stage. This may further bring water retention, slower digestion, gassiness, and many other changes because of stress and other psychological changes.#14. Other digestive changes -
Perimenopause happens because of the aging process. Since you are aging and transitioning into another stage with no hormonal effects, you may also face many other changes in your mouth and the digestive tract. The digestive system may not work the same as before.#15. Joint pain -
The presence of estrogen in the blood helps maintain the lubrication of many organs and maintains the inflammation level. But, since you are losing the level of hormones because of the transition into the menopause stage, you may experience joint pain.#16. Muscle tension and aches -
Women undergoing perimenopause can experience muscle tension or aches. This may come into effect for the same reason as joint pain.#17. Electric shock sensations -
Your body starts losing its lubrication and becomes weak. This brings the sensation of electric shock to your skin or body. It is unclear what the primary cause is, but you may likely suffer due to a change in the central nervous system and its signaling effect.#18. Itchiness -
The production and the presence of estrogen are related to protein production- collagen. A considerable decrease in estrogen level leads to a decrease in collagen level, leading to dry and itchy skin.#19. Sleep disturbance -
A female can have a lighter or disturbed sleep during her menopause. They may wake up frequently because of night sweats, urination and several other premenopause factors. It may become difficult to find sleep where they could have the regular eight hours without any disturbances.#20. Difficulty concentrating -
The hormone estrogen is not only linked to the reproductive life of a female. It is indeed important for various other roles. A considerable decrease in estrogen can lead to difficulty concentrating. It may bring hot flashes and may contribute to various other disturbing roles.#21. Memory lapses -
Perimenopause is the transition between the menopause and menstruation cycle. It may affect how you learn things and how you react to them.#22. Thinning hair -
During menstruation, thinning hair is one of the major factors affecting a female's health. The same is seen during the perimenopause stage when the hormones fluctuate in their severity.#23. Brittle nails -
During perimenopause, the body may stop producing the various other hormones supporting the role of healthy skin and healthy nails. This may bring cracked and broken nails, making you weak.#24. Weight gain -
A considerable decline in the estrogen level can result in weight gain or lead to a decline in physical activity. Although a few of the females suffer because of the decrease in their health as they get caught by many of the diseases, others face a gain in their weight. This also alters how they feel and develop their mood and even causes weight gain. Also, Read Maintaining good health after Menopause.#25. Stress incontinence -
When physical activities like laughing, coughing, sneezing, and playing puts pressure on your bladder and triggers you to produce urine, it is called stress incontinence. It is the sudden urge to urinate and becomes common for females over the perimenopause stage.#26. Dizzy spells -
The considerable decrease in the hormones can bring down the power of insulin-making or insulin production. This becomes difficult for the body to maintain the sugar level, which is why, during this time, many females suffer because of dizziness.#27. Allergies -
Premenopause is one of the stages in any woman's life that brings lots of changes in her body because of the decline in the most important hormone that defines her femininity. Although we have stated the various and considerable list of most common symptoms of perimenopause. it is important to take note that during the perimenopause stage, there occurs a spike in histamines and an ultimate cause of allergies.#28. Osteoporosis -
During the perimenopause stage, the decrease in the level of estrogen brings down the bone's density. This ultimately makes a woman feel fragile and weak in herself.#29. Irregular heartbeat
Many of the advanced symptoms become active after a stage called premenopause. This may bring an irregular heartbeat and various other issues related to the heart and brain.#30. Body odor -
Since it is normal to have hot flashes and night sweats because of the perimenopause stage, it ultimately brings you various other health issues. Among those, body odor is the one that may irritate you or may not suit your personality.#31. Irritability -
Irritability may appear because of the various hormonal changes in the body or because of the fact that you are getting older. It may change how you concentrate on the various tasks of the day and how you contribute to them.#32. Depression -
A decrease in a female's hormones that may define and support her femininity can also cause depression. This is one of the situational factors that may further give rise to stress and lack of sleep.#33. Anxiety -
Anxiety is one of the mood-related symptoms that appear in the appearance of the perimenopause stage. It further worsens the situations when you are trying to deal with night sweating and hot flashes, thereby considerably decreasing your mood to handle various things. It is one of the situational factors that may improve or level out with time.#34. Panic disorder -
This is unexpected to see a female having panic attacks because of the decrease in the level of estrogen hormones. This may happen because of the decrease in the hormone level and also because she becomes anxious herself.Conclusion-
While some researchers believe that there is a maximum of 34 symptoms of perimenopause, others say that there can be even more! This is because the estrogen hormone is the hormone that further defines a female's body functions and organs or the science behind them. A decrease in the level of this hormone can bring various reactions and changes during the menopause or premenopause stage. Instead of asking, "What are the 34 symptoms of perimenopause?" Females should focus on how they can manage such symptoms and may choose medical interventions or various other hormone replacement therapies.
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