Periods with black blood may indicate various underlying factors, such as old uterine lining, hormonal imbalances, or other menstrual irregularities. Orange or grey blood, for example, might signal a vaginal infection, but dark brown or red blood can be an early pregnancy symptom.The uterus loses tissue and blood via the vaginal region during menstruation. The hue of the discharge can range from bright red to dark brown to black, depending on its age. When blood is left in the uterus for longer, it oxidizes (reacts with oxygen). After oxidation, the blood will seem darker.While black discharge from the vagina may appear concerning, it isn't necessarily. This color may appear during the monthly cycle, generally around the beginning of your normal period.In this article, we will look into the possible causes of Black period blood, whether it is normal or not, and some treatments for the cause; continue reading to know more.
Black menstrual blood usually appears at the start or conclusion of a period. The color change is caused by blood oxidation. In other words, hemoglobin and iron in the blood combine with oxygen, causing it to become brown, then black.If it happens at a low volume, it is entirely natural. It might be a uterine issue or hormonal disturbances if it occurs in large quantities and lasts longer than normal.When menstrual blood takes several days to leave the body, it oxidizes. During periods, it is discharged from the uterus as black blood. It could look like black or brownish-black jelly or coffee grounds.
What does the Black period blood generally mean?

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What are the different causes of black blood during a period?
The color of a woman's period blood is one of the indications of her reproductive and general health. You should not be worried if you discharge black blood during your period. There might be a variety of causes, including age, environment, and lifestyle.1. Beginning or end of a period
The black blood period indicates whether or not your period will begin or cease. Blood flow is often slower throughout these two periods. The timing and blood flow in the uterus causes the color change from red to black.Furthermore, the longer it continues, the darker it becomes. This implies that the uterus lining will begin to dissolve within a few hours or a day. During the removal of the uterine lining, the flow eventually increases.Read Also: Top 10 Periods Delay Tablets of 20232. Sexually transmitted infections
Periods with black blood may indicate a potential sexually transmitted infection in a woman.Sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) caused by Chlamydia or Gonorrhoea induce fast deterioration of period blood, resulting in a black discharge. Before and after menstruation, these cases of black blood period can be accompanied by a terrible odor and dark discharge.Other symptoms include peeing with a burning feeling, smelly or curdy vaginal discharge, itching, and so on. If these STI symptoms are not treated, they can negatively influence your uterus and other reproductive organs, resulting in pelvic inflammation and other issues, including infertility.3. Endometriosis
Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue develops outside of the uterus. Such problems and adenomyosis cause chronic discomfort in the pelvic area, resulting in black blotches.This results in black discharge rather than a period, akin to coffee grounds. It can also induce black blood menstruation for more than seven days. If you notice such problems, consult your gynecologist for further medicine.4. Lochia Postpartum
Lochia is a disorder that causes vaginal bleeding for up to eight weeks following delivery. In the early days (within 2-5 days following labor), a large proportion of blood is oxidized, turning significantly dark and frequently appearing black.When the oxidized blood is ejected, the blood slowly lightens to red, then yellow or creamy, and finally stops. During these 45 days, the lining of the uterine cavity and blood are completely evacuated from the uterus.Also Read: Why do Period Blood Clots Happen?5. Miscarriage
Women frequently confuse dark spotting, which indicates an early miscarriage, for a black blood period. The black blood stage is followed by severe bleeding, the ultimate indicator of a miscarriage.However, the individual might still feel pregnancy symptoms, known as a missed miscarriage. It occurs when an embryo stops developing (or dies) but is not evacuated from the body.6. Implantation bleeding
Implantation bleeding happens when the fertilized egg inserts itself in the uterus (usually after 10-14 days). The flow lasts a few days, with the blood being typically light. If it leaves the vagina too late, it turns black.Pregnant women with black period blood can produce dark brown to brownish-black blood from their faces. See a physician if a dark blood discharge remains after the implant and the bleeding stops.7. Cervical cancer risks
When periods with black blood occur in conjunction with irregular bleeding, particularly after intercourse or during periods, it indicates cervical cancer. The signs of cervical cancer are essentially non-existent in the early stages. However, symptoms in the later stages might include:- Fatigue.
- Vaginal discharge that is bloody, watery, and thick.
- Bad odor and vaginal discharge often turn into black or dark brown period blood.
- Periods that are heavier or longer.
- Inability to urinate or pass a bowel movement.
8. Stuck and forgotten objects in the vagina
A black discharge might indicate a foreign item lodged in your vagina. This might happen if you accidentally put in a second tampon or forgot to remove it during your period.Condoms, contraceptive devices such as caps or sponges, and sex toys are typical things that can become lodged in the vagina. The item burns the uterus lining and may create an infection over time.Other signs that you could experience include:- Foul-smelling discharge.
- Itching or pain in and around the vaginal region.
- A rash or swelling around the genitals.
- Having difficulty urinating.
- Fever.
9. Menopause, emotional and hormonal changes.
Excessive stress and depression affect the uterine structure, lowering wall thickness. These emotional changes affect the lining of the uterus, which causes cell peeling to be delayed. This delay promotes rapid blood oxidation, turning the blood from dark brown to black. Period blood darkening can also be caused by hormonal changes or menopause.Thyroid issues in women cause hormonal abnormalities, delaying periods, and black blood periods. It may also occur when a woman changes her contraceptive pill. Some tablets cause blood oxidation, eventually turning it black, by delaying menstruation.One of the causes of black blood during periods is retained menstruation, commonly known as hematocolpos. Such obstructions or retained menstruation can be caused by:- Hymenal conditions are present at birth.
- Cervical agenesis is the lack of the cervix.
- Cervical atresia, surgical complications.
- If blood from the period fails to escape the vagina due to significant obstruction, it might result in a total lack of menstruation (amenorrhea).
Is the black period blood normal?
The occurrence of black period blood is not the reason for concern. It is typical to occur near the conclusion of a period while the blood remains in the body for longer.When the uterine lining discharge ends, the flow lessens. The blood begins to flow slowly. Meanwhile, the leftover blood oxidizes and appears as a black discharge instead of a period. It is the leftover blood that darkens with age.If it lasts two days, it is typical. If it persists for over seven days, you should consult a doctor immediately.Book an online appointment with The Best Menstrual Disorders Doctors in India.How can you treat the black period blood?
A black blood period is a typical phase of menstruation that does not require any particular treatment. However, if the flow is heavy and is accompanied by symptoms such as an unpleasant odor, fever, and pelvic and stomach pain, it is best to visit a doctor.The underlying cause of the black discharge determines treatment choices. The following are some treatment options for black blood discharge:- A doctor should inspect and remove any foreign or vaginal items, especially if you are experiencing black discharge, discomfort, or fever.
- Missed miscarriages resolve on their own. However, many individuals require immediate medical attention.
- Curettage, dilation for removing the uterus' residual tissues, and prescription medicines are examples of such treatments.
- In the instance of retained menstruation, surgery is necessary to treat the underlying source of the obstruction.
- Antibiotics aid in treating black blood period discharges caused by pelvic inflammatory disorders or STIs. Following adequate measures (as advised by doctors) is critical to preventing re-infection.
Period blood color and consistency provide important information about a person's general health.However, every person's cycle is unique, and blood color and consistency might alter throughout a period. As a result, people must understand what is typical for them.The color of healthy menstrual blood ranges from brilliant red to dark brown to black. An infection may be indicated by orange or grey blood or discharge. Women who have bleeding during pregnancy should consult a doctor or obstetrician.You must immediately seek medical assistance if you have periods with black blood and other odd symptoms, such as a fever or cramps.
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