Snoring is one of the common phenomena that may affect anyone and can come with age. A few life changes can help you decrease snoring. You may also require medical help to treat yourself with snoring- that is one of the sleep disorders or related to the same. If you are concerned about your snoring habits, you should try consulting the same with your doctor. Here we intend to learn about What causes snoring in females? But, before we get into the profound studies and explanations about the same, let us further discuss who gets more snoring- either men or women.
A gender-specific distinction exists between males and females regarding any health or medical issue. Snoring is one of the sleep-disturbing sounds that may affect men more than women. Since there is an anatomical difference between the bodies of males and females, men are supposed to take the lead over women in case of snoring.
Who snores more- men or women?

Men are born with narrow air channels compared to women, leading to unpleasant noises while sleeping. The presence of narrow air passage makes it difficult for oxygen to pass through, especially when you are sleeping. Thus, the air is forced to travel through the narrowed passage, letting the nose vibrate and snore, which becomes louder with the depth of sleep. Also, men consume alcohol more than women, and they are likely to have an excess of it. The tendency to smoke in men is more than that of women, leaving them vulnerable to specific physical and body changes like snoring. In general, snoring is not explicitly related to men or women. Still, the fact is that it may affect any gender and may come with the aging process or also because of any physical or hormonal changes. Also, Read How to Sleep with Sciatica?Snoring- is one of the age-specific factors that may affect anyone.
As discussed above, snoring is related to narrowed air passage that further leads to the high pressure of the air in the respiratory tract. This causes the tissues in the respiratory tract and the air passage to vibrate, typically resulting in snoring. Specific common causes of snoring may affect any sex, irrespective of lifestyle and habits. This may include-- Overweight: Being overweight is noticeable in the form of increased belly weight, belly fat, or belly shape. You may get clusters of fat around your hips and lower abdominal portion. Fat deposits cause the air passage to become narrow and make it hard to pass the air through the air canal.
- Alcohol consumption: if you are addicted to alcohol or taking any alcohol-related medicine, your body is much more encouraged to snore.
- Age: snoring may come with aging, causing muscle tension to decrease and thereby causing the tissue to slacken. This science applies to the throat and the mouth area, causing snoring.
What causes snoring in Females?
It is often said that men are more likely to snore as compared to women. Statistics show roughly 40 percent of men snore compared to 20 percent of women. By comparison, it might seem like a small number, but women still do snore. Multiple factors can cause snoring in women. Some of them are as follows:1. Weight gain -
Weight gain and snoring tend to be closely linked; excessive weight might lead to skin buildup in areas around the neck. This excess fat obstructs the air passage and can cause the airflow to get disturbed, which results in loud snores.2. Pregnancy -
One common factor contributing to snoring among women is pregnancy. Women gain extra weight during pregnancy, and due to the blood vessels in the nasal cavity expanding, snoring is common.3. Exhaustion -
Our muscles tend to relax more when we are exhausted. The larynx tends to produce a rattling noise which we call snoring when it is very relaxed.4. Alcohol and drug use -
Your tongue and throat muscles may become overly relaxed if you consume alcohol or use muscle relaxants which results in snoring.5. Long soft palate/ or uvula -
The space between your nose and neck may become smaller if you have a long soft palate or uvula (the hanging tissue in the back of your mouth). This causes them to vibrate and bump into one another while you breathe, obstructing your airway.6. Sleep deprivation -
Lack of a healthy sleep routine can also result in snoring as your muscles are too tired and tend to relax more which causes snoring.7. Sleeping position -
Sometimes sleeping positions can also cause snoring in women. Snoring is a side effect of sleeping on your back. Using a pillow that is excessively soft or big might also cause problems.8. Blocked nasal airways -
Some people snore due to allergies or sinus infections. Your airways can also become blocked by issues with your nose, such as nasal polyps or a deviated septum (when the wall separating one nostril from the other is out of alignment).9. Menopause -
Your hormone levels shift after menopause. Hormonal fluctuations frequently induce snoring or worsen it. Additionally, menopausal women are more likely to develop sleep apnea. Progesterone and estrogen maintain the muscle tone of the airway and prevent it from collapsing. The risk of developing sleep apnea, in which the airway closes, rises when hormone levels fall. With menopause, your muscle tone starts to slip away. Your throat's muscular tone decreases as you age along with the rest of your body. It suggests that you might not have the muscle tension to maintain a properly open airway during the night, leading to snoring.10. Hypothyroidism -
It is a condition that makes the thyroid gland under-function resulting in low production of thyroid hormone. It can further lead to issues like a hoarse voice, slow speech, and heart rate. Additionally, this condition also contributes to snoring.11. Genetics -
If you have a family history of snoring or one of your parents snores, you are likely to suffer from it.12. Poor sleep hygiene results in allergies -
Sleeping on dirty pillow covers or bed sheets can result in allergic reactions, which can cause you to snore.13. Smoking -
Research states that smoking can lead to upper airway inflammation, resulting in snoring. Also, Read Depression and its Symptoms of Too Much Sleep.Conclusion-
What causes snoring in females? It is not like females snore more than males. The fact is that it can trigger various other diseases in your body. A lifestyle change can bring either positive or negative changes in human health conditions. A high weight gain, sleeping issues, and heavy consumption of fat can bring a lot of changes in your snoring pattern. Other potential changes that may bring down your snoring habits are-- If you go to sleep at the same time, you may help yourself with your snoring habits,
- Sleeping on your side can help you with snoring,
- If you want to control your snoring, you can use nasal strips,
- Avoid taking alcohol before going to bed,
- Do not eat heavy meals before going to bed, or have at least one hours time gap between your sleeping time and the eating time,
- You can try elevating your head by 4 inches with an extra pillow while sleeping at night, etc.

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