
What Causes Veins to be More Visible in Hands?

In this blog, we'll discuss about what causes veins to be more visible in hands, the potential causes & available treatments for dilated hand veins. Read more!

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The appearance of protruding or bulging veins on your hands may bother you. Or maybe you're concerned that it's a symptom of a health issue. Most people's bulging hand veins are normal, and only a cosmetic concern and their arm and hand veins are healthy. Bulging veins are rarely a sign of a more serious issue. Read further to find out what causes veins to be more visible in hands, the potential causes, and available treatments for dilated hand veins.

10 Possible causes of veins to be more visible - 

what causes veins to be more visible in hands, visible veins hands, veins in hands You may have visible veins in your hands for a variety of reasons. Your enlarged hand veins may be caused by one or more of the following factors:

1. Low body fat content - 

Your veins may be more noticeable if your hands don't have much fat covering them.

2. Increase in body temperature or blood pressure momentarily -

The blood flow in the area rises when you exercise or use your hands to perform tasks. In hotter weather, the body rushes blood to the skin's surface to cool off, which causes veins to enlarge. Veins typically briefly constrict when you're chilly.

3. Ageing - 

Your skin becomes thinner and less elastic as you age, increasing your veins' visibility. Additionally, as you age, the vein valves become less robust. This may result in longer-lasting blood clots in your veins. This makes the vein bigger.

4. Exercise -

Your blood pressure increases and your veins are forced closer to the surface of your skin while you exercise. Your hand veins become less noticeable as your blood pressure returns to normal. Bulging hand veins, however, can become permanent if you frequently exercise, particularly if you engage in weight training. Regularly lifting weights at the gym or the office causes the muscles to stiffen and the blood flow to rise. This may result in visible veins. Also Check: Laser ablation of unwanted hand veins

5. Genetics -

There is a probability that you will have bulging veins if your close relatives do.

6. Warm conditions -

Your vascular valves may have a harder time functioning properly in hot environments. Your veins may expand as a result.

7. Dilated veins -

Varicose veins develop when the vein valves in your legs, rather than your hands, become weak. They are less effective at stopping blood from flowing backward as a result. Twisted, painful varicose veins can expand and twist. Blood collecting in the vein can cause enlarged varicose veins to protrude. This occurs due to weaker or damaged venous one-way valves brought on by aging. Vein valves allow blood to trickle back down into the hand instead of continuing to flow against gravity toward the heart. Know more about Varicose Veins: known complications & treatment options. Also, Read the 10 Best skin-whitening creams

8. Phlebitis -

A vein may enlarge if an infection in the hand, trauma or an inflammatory illness inflames it. Know more about How To Deal With Trauma In Child's Life?

9. Thrombophlebitis on the surface -

Inflammation of a superficial vein (phlebitis) brought on by a blood clot is known as superficial thrombophlebitis (thrombus). It may happen due to a vein injury, such as after an IV catheter is implanted.

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10. Thoracic deep vein (DVT) - 

A blood clot formed deep within the arm veins may cause a bulging hand vein. Also Read: Deep Vein Thrombosis: Understanding the consequences

Can you prevent visible hand veins?

Since aging cannot be stopped, hand veins will become more noticeable. However, their prominence can be affected by an individual's body fat percentage. As we have addressed What causes veins to be more visible in hands? Therefore let's move on to the possible treatment options for it now that we have complete information.

You can also discuss with your doctor, "What causes veins to be more visible in hands at young age?" 

Treatment options for prominent hand veins -

Depending on the cause, the bulging hand veins' therapy may vary. Once your doctor has made the appropriate diagnosis, treatment can be chosen and begun. Bulging hand veins are typically treated more for cosmetic reasons than for health. The cosmetic procedures are essentially the same as the varicose veins procedure:
  • Sclerotherapy - A chemical solution is injected into specific veins during the procedure known as sclerotherapy, causing them to scar and close.
  • Laser therapy - This is a common name for endovenous ablation therapy. It works well with tiny veins. Your doctor uses radio waves or amplified light in laser therapy to seal veins.
  • Ambulatory phlebectomy - Small incisions are used during ambulatory phlebectomy to remove the targeted veins. Local anesthesia is used.
  • Vein stripping and Ligation - The vein that provides blood to the desired vein is cut off via vein stripping and ligation. Your doctor will make an incision, tie off the vein, and remove it while you are under general anesthetic.
Through these procedures, the blood that used to flow in the vein is automatically relocated after your doctor closes the targeted vein. In time, the occluded vein disappears. Your doctor will recommend a specific medical course of action if it turns out that your dilated veins are a sign of a more serious illness, which is unlikely.
  • If phlebitis is determined to cause your symptoms, your doctor will likely advise anti-inflammatory medication, antibiotic therapy, warm compresses, arm elevation, or possibly both.
  • When thrombophlebitis is diagnosed, your doctor might not suggest a prescription medication. Clots in veins close to the skin's surface are frequently naturally eliminated in less time than two weeks. Your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter treatment or prescribe medication to treat swelling. The procedure is otherwise the same as for phlebitis.
  • Your doctor will probably give you an anticoagulant blood thinner if you have DVT. Your doctor might prescribe thrombolytic therapy if the blood thinners aren't working or you have a severe DVT. Also known as "clot buster" therapy.
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Recovery after a hand vein procedure -

Blood is naturally redirected through the area in surrounding healthy veins after the targeted vein is treated and closed. The body progressively eliminates the collapsed vein. Recovery from vein treatments is rapid, requiring little discomfort and downtime. You leave after a procedure that takes less than an hour. 24 hours afterward, you can normally resume your regular activities.  Also Read about Spider veins and its treatment

Final takeaway -

Most people don't associate visible veins hands with a significant medical condition. Make an appointment with your doctor if you're worried that your noticeable hand veins might indicate something dangerous or you simply don't like how they look. They can suggest treatment if a major issue exists. our doctor will recommend the best method for you if you want them removed for cosmetic reasons. I hope you understand about "what causes veins to be more visible in hands?" Also Read: 5 Surprising Symptoms of Too Much Collagen in Your Body