Every woman's period is different, but painful cramping is quite common. Women report unpleasant period cramps in 80-90 percent of cases. They occur when the uterine muscles contract to discharge tissue. This muscular contraction briefly cuts off the oxygen flow to your uterus, causing chemicals to be released that cause discomfort. Certain meals, such as fruit and green vegetables, may alleviate symptoms, while some, such as spicy foods and red meat, can worsen them. During menstruation, many women experience uncomfortable sensations. Some meals can help to alleviate these symptoms, while others might aggravate them.This article will help you on What food help with period cramps, so continue reading to know more! Also, Read Period Cramps vs Early Pregnancy Cramps
Here are 15 foods you should take for period cramps.
What food help with period cramps?

1. Water -
Drinking enough water is generally a good idea, but it's especially vital during your period. Staying hydrated will help you avoid dehydration, headaches, and typical menstrual symptoms.Drinking enough water might also help you avoid water retention and bloating.2. Fruit -
Water-rich fruits like watermelon and cucumber help you keep hydrated. Sweet fruits may assist you in satisfying the need for sugar without consuming a lot of processed sugars, which can spike followed by crash your glucose levels.3. Green leafy vegetables -
It's normal to have a drop in iron levels throughout the period, especially if the menstrual flow is thick. This might cause weariness, discomfort, and dizziness.Iron levels may be increased by eating leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach. Also, it is rich in magnesium.4. Ginger -
Ginger tea helps alleviate certain menstrual discomfort. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve achy muscles. Ginger may also help with nausea. Few studies back this up, but 2018 research indicated ginger successfully decreased nausea and vomiting during pregnancy's first trimester. It's considered safe and inexpensive.But don't overdo it on the ginger: Taking more than 4 grams daily may lead to stomach aches and heartburn.5. Dark Chocolate -
Enjoy dark chocolate when you desire it, either before or after your period. Dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) contains antioxidants, fiber, and vital elements such as iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium. In research of 90 students, those who consumed 120 grams of dark chocolate daily reported decreased period cramps.6. Avocados -
Avocados are high in boron, magnesium, fiber, and antioxidants, whether mixed in smoothies, spread on toast, or mashed into guacamole. While there haven't been any studies that have explicitly evaluated if raising your avocado diet may reduce period cramps, research shows that these nutrients can aid with cramps. Also, Read 5 Best Period Cramps Home Remedy7. Oats -
Oats can assist your health in various ways, including alleviating period discomfort.Oatmeal is a tasty way to add fiber to your diet. Oats also include zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B1. According to the findings of a meta-analysis, these minerals may be effective for treating period discomfort when taken as a supplement.8. Fish and Seafood -
Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in tuna, salmon, and oysters. These nutrients can assist with period pain by reducing inflammation in the body. According to a 2014 research, omega-3 fatty acids may also help with depression. Those who deal with mood swings during their period may benefit from this.9. Extra virgin Olive oil -
According to research, extra virgin olive oil's health-promoting components could alleviate cramps. Extra virgin olive oil maintains more minerals and antioxidants than processed olive oils, making it the preferred choice.On the other hand, extra virgin olive oil may be part of a healthy, diverse diet that benefits your general health.10. Flaxseed oil -
Flaxseed oil has 7,195 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids per 15 milliliters. The Office of Dietary Supplements recommends just 1,100 to 1,600 milligrams of omega-3s per day. Small research discovered that ingesting flaxseed oil relieved constipation, a typical menstrual complaint. More study is needed, however, to demonstrate how flaxseed oil might benefit digestive health.11. Chicken -
Chicken is another iron- and high-in protein meal you may include in your daily meals. Protein is important to your overall health and can help you feel full and satisfied during your period, reducing cravings.12. Turmeric -
Curcumin, the major active element in turmeric, is renowned as an anti-inflammatory spice. A 2015 research examined the impact of curcumin on symptoms of PMS and discovered that those that took turmeric had fewer severe symptoms.13. Nuts -
Most nuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids and are high in protein. It is also rich in magnesium and a lot of vitamins. If you don't want to consume nuts alone, try nut butter or nut-based milk, or mix them into smoothies.14. Quinoa -
Quinoa has a lot of iron, protein, and magnesium. It's also gluten-free, making it ideal for celiac disease sufferers. It also has a low glycemic index, meaning you'll feel full and energetic for a long time after eating it.15. Yoghurt -
Yeast infections are common during and after menstruation. If you are prone to infections caused by yeast, probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt can nourish the "good" bacteria in the vagina and may aid in the battle. Yogurt is also high in magnesium and other important minerals such as calcium. Also, Read the 10 best heating pads for cramps in period reliefWhat are the foods you should avoid?
While many foods are acceptable, you may avoid specific items aggravating period symptoms.1. Salt
Taking a lot of salt causes water retention, which can cause bloating. To decrease bloating, avoid highly processed meals that are heavy in sodium and avoid adding salt to your dishes.2. Sugar
Sugar is fine in moderation, but too much of it can create an energy boost followed by a fall. This might make you feel worse. If you tend to feel gloomy, melancholy, or worried during your period, limiting your sugar intake might help.3. Coffee
Caffeine can promote bloating and water retention. It can also make headaches worse. Coffee may also induce digestive issues. If you frequently suffer from loose stool during your period, limiting your coffee intake may help.4. Spicy foods
Spicy food upsets many people's stomachs, causing diarrhea, discomfort, and sometimes nausea. If you have a sensitive stomach or are not used to eating spicy meals, it may be better to refrain from them during this period.Conclusion -
Some diet changes may help some women relieve menstruation discomfort or stay healthy throughout their period.For example, consuming iron-rich meals can help restore iron levels when a person is losing blood. Other minerals, such as magnesium and zinc, may be beneficial. People who experience harsh or irregular periods should consult a doctor since they may have an underlying problem that may benefit from medical treatment.
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