C-section requires surgery in the abdominal portion to take out the baby. Some C-sections can be planned or scheduled because of already known complications. However, in many deliveries the need for C-section becomes evident only when the labor has already started. A top gynecologist in Gurgaon, says
Unhealthy eating habits, excessive weight gain, inactive mothers and chronic lifestyle diseases for growing incidence of C-section in most women.
Though it may sound a bit strange to a few but there are women who want to experience the pain that bestow them the crown of motherhood. However, the trend of opting for C-section is fast catching up with urban women. This may be a personal choice sprouting due to fear of being in labor for long or there may be certain situations which necessitate expectant mothers to go for caesarean delivery.
When is it safe to go for C-section?
- Already existing chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or kidney disorder in the expectant mothers which may be exacerbated by demanding vaginal delivery.
- Women who are HIV-positive or have a genital herpes infection. In which case, there is a risk of transmitting the infection to the baby during vaginal delivery.
- Congenital illness in baby like spina bifida i.e. spine is unable to close properly or hydrocephalus i.e. excess fluid in the brain. This may cause high stress during the passage through the birth canal.
- Baby is too large to safely move through birth canal.
- Baby is in breech position and cannot be brought to normal position. This means baby is in an abnormal position with feet or hip coming out first. Also, if the baby enters the birth canal with chin lifted or face coming out first.
- Baby is not getting enough oxygen which shows as fluctuations in heart beat.
- If you are carrying more than one baby.
- Experiencing pre-eclampsia i.e. pregnancy-induced high blood pressure or eclampsia i.e. progression to pre-eclampsia to CNS and leading to seizures.
- Previous C-section.
- Placenta is blocking the cervical opening or is detached from the uterine lining.
- Labor is not progressing and cervix is not dilated enough even after 24 hours of being into early stages of labor pain.
- If the mother is becoming too exhausted, fetal distress, slipping of umbilical cord into birth canal or uterus ruptures, then also C-section has to be done immediately.
Always remember that C-section is available only in case of emergencies and not as a choice to avoid labour pain
This is especially true with the widely available pain-relieving technology one can opt for painless delivery. Instead of considering C-section as a convenient mode, you should select only when it adds to the safety and health for both the mother and her newborn it should be selected and not as a convenience.
Still, your gynecologist and obstetrician are the best judge of the situation at hand which vary from one delivery to another.
Read about Real C-Section Experience from 2 Mothers.
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