Surrogacy is becoming more popular for families to have children, accounting for more than 5% of all in vitro fertilization cycles, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.Who are surrogate mothers? What motivates them to carry a child for someone else? Surrogacy is a topic that has gained much attention in recent years, as more people turn to this method of assisted reproduction to fulfill their dreams of having a child.Surrogacy is a contemporary method of starting a family. As a surrogate, one may help infertile people with medical issues that prohibit them from carrying their child, and members of the LGBTQ+ community realize their family goals. With Surrogacy, optimistic individuals can have their kids. In this article, we will look at surrogate mothers, the types of Surrogacy, the risks, who uses Surrogacy, and how to find a surrogate.
Surrogacy involves several legal and medical procedures that must be followed. Understanding the process, seeking expert counsel, and forming support networks are critical.Most importantly, a surrogate provides hope and happiness to individuals seeking to become parents!
Who is a Surrogate mother?
A surrogate or birth mother is a person who undertakes to bear and give birth to someone else. Upon the child's birth, the birth parent transfers custody and guardianship to the designated parent or parents.
What are the kinds of Surrogate Mothers?
There are two kinds to be of surrogates:1. Conventional Surrogate
The father's sperm is employed to inseminate a woman artificially. They will then carry and deliver the baby for the couple or person to raise. The biological mother of the baby is a conventional surrogate. It's because the father's sperm fertilized their egg. Sperm donors are also a possibility.Also Read: How to Improve Your Sperm Count with Diet and Nutrition2. Gestational surrogates.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) presently allows for the collection of eggs from the mother (or an egg donor), fertilization with sperm from the father (or a sperm donor), and the embryo's implantation in the womb of a surrogate mother.The Surrogate will then carry the baby until birth. Because their egg was not utilized, they have no genetic links to the kid. The "birth mother" is a gestational surrogate. Nonetheless, the biological mother continues to be the woman with her egg fertilized.Gestational Surrogacy has become less complicated legally in the United States. This is because both intended parents share genetic links to the child. As a result, gestational Surrogacy has grown in popularity over traditional Surrogacy. Every year, around 750 babies are delivered through gestational Surrogacy.Also Read: Do I Need IVF? (In-Vitro Fertilization)What types of Surrogacy exist?
There are two main types of surrogacy which includes:1. Altruistic Surrogacy -
The Surrogate receives no compensation; the intended parents pay for pregnancy-related expenses. In Australia, this is legal, although each state has its own set of rules.2. Commercial Surrogacy -
This includes a Surrogate getting compensation or a significant advantage for her services as a surrogate, in addition to the intended parents paying for pregnancy-related expenses. It is also unlawful in several states for residents to employ commercial Surrogacy internationally.Who uses surrogates?
If you are a woman, you may want to explore using a surrogate for a variety of reasons:- Any medical problems in the uterus.
- When the uterus was removed during a hysterectomy.
- Problems such as serious heart disease can make pregnancy difficult or dangerous.
How to find a surrogate?
There are various methods for finding a surrogate mother:1. Friends or family members -
You can sometimes ask a family member or friend to be your Surrogate. That is contentious. But, due to the high expense of Surrogacy and the numerous legal concerns around parental rights that it generates, a tried-and-true familial bond may be easier to handle.According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, some familial relationships are acceptable for surrogates. Surrogacy is often discouraged if the infant carries the same genetics as a baby conceived of incest amongst close relatives.2. A Surrogacy agency -
The majority of individuals utilize one to find a gestational surrogate. In the United States, around 100 agencies are presently in operation. They serve as intermediaries.Surrogacy is generally discouraged if the child has the same genetics as a child conceived through incest among close relatives.How to Choose a Surrogate Mother?
There are now no restrictions regarding who may act as a surrogate mother. Even so, experts believe in a few things regarding how to choose one.Surrogates should be chosen who:- Women should be at least 21 years old to 41 years old.
- They have given birth to or at least 1 healthy baby, so they are familiar with the physical hazards of pregnancy and delivery and the emotional challenges associated with connecting with a newborn.
- Have undergone a psychiatric evaluation by a mental health expert to identify any concerns with handing up the baby following birth.
- Sign an agreement outlining their role and obligations during the pregnancy, such as providing maternity care and committing to handing over the baby after birth.
What is the surrogacy procedure?
Here's a step-by-step guide to Surrogacy and a timetable to discover exactly how much time is needed to give intending parents the greatest gift: their baby!The following are the six major surrogacy milestones:1. PreScreening is the first step (1-2 weeks) -
The initial step is to complete a surrogate application. If your application meets the initial set of surrogate standards, you will be contacted by a Surrogate Pre Screening Coordinator. This process also includes assessing and evaluating medical data and background investigations.Also Read: Role of Prenatal Screening: Blood Work, Level-2 Ultrasound2. Consultation for Surrogacy (1-2 weeks) -
At this phase, you will have a video conference with the social worker and a call with the primary support person/spouse.3. Matching (1 week to 2 months) -
Matching to the intended parents is an exciting step! A profile exchange with the intended parents will occur when a favorable match is found.4. Medical Examination and Legal Contracts (2-3 months) -
You'll go to the IVF facility for the medical screening and begin and finish contract talks with the attorney.5. Appointment Monitoring & Embryo Transfer (3-4 weeks) -
You'll start taking drugs after you've been medically cleared. You will attend local monitoring sessions while the surrogate drugs are administered to ensure the body responds correctly. After that, the embryo will be transferred.You may also know about Embryo Transfer Cost in India6. Pregnancy (9 months) -
This phase is the most difficult. You'll visit the local clinic for Beta testing to confirm the pregnancy. After that, you'll get an ultrasound at 6-7 weeks to confirm the heartbeat. Throughout the pregnancy, you'll go to normal visits and share updates until delivery.Also Read: Pregnancy Do's & Dont'sWhat is the cost of Surrogacy?
Legal counsel might aid surrogacy arrangements and parental orders. The intended parents are often expected to cover a surrogacy agreement's medical and legal costs. It is also critical to acquire particular medical expense guidance. Medicare or private health insurance may not cover any or all of these costs for a surrogate.Other expenses, such as counseling or travel, may be incurred.Also Read: Everything You Should Know About Health Insurance Plans Before Choosing OneConclusion -
I hope this blog has helped you in finding Who are surrogate mothers and what motivates them to embark on such a journey of carrying a pregnancy for someone else?Surrogate mothers also provide intended parents who want to become parents but cannot do so on their own with optimism and hope about motherhood.The joy that the Surrogate's experience is so unique that many of them return to the Circle for their 2nd and 3rd surrogacy experiences!Book an online appointment with the Best Surrogacy Doctor in India! If you have more queries about medicines and other health issues, you have the option to visit Wockhardt Hospital Mumbai.
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