You're certainly aware of high-protein diets, which have enjoyed a revival in popularity since the 1990s, when diets like Atkins and the Zone were popular. The macronutrient ratios of diets like the Caveman or Paleo diet might vary, although they are often heavy in protein.While the ketogenic (or "keto") diet focuses on fat, it can also include a lot of protein. Protein levels can be high in plant-based diets that are primarily or fully plant-based. Protein is an important component of a balanced diet. It aids in the development and repair of muscle, organs, and bones. High-protein diets have also been demonstrated to aid with fat loss, weight loss, satiety (or a sensation of fullness), and muscle retention.
Overeating protein has a number of drawbacks -
Protein, like any other food, comes with hazards when consumed in large amounts over an extended length of time. According to study, excessive drinking may raise the risk of various health concerns. For generally healthy persons, a high-protein diet may provide several advantages. However, it's crucial to be aware of the health risks associated with too much protein in the body, particularly if you eat an abnormally high-protein diet for a lengthy period of time.vGaining weightAlthough high-protein diets claim to help you lose weight, this weight reduction may only be temporary. Excess protein is often retained as fat, but excess amino acids are eliminated. This can contribute to weight gain in the long run, especially if you eat too many calories while trying to boost your protein consumption. Weight increase was strongly connected with diets where protein replaced carbs, but not with diets where protein replaced fat, according to a 2016 study.Breath problemsWhen you eat high-protein diets and limit your carbohydrate consumption, you may get foul breath. In a previous study, 40% of participants said they had unpleasant breath. This might be due to your body entering a metabolic condition known as ketosis, which causes chemicals to emit an unpleasant fruity odour. Brushing and flossing will not eliminate the odour. To counteract part of this impact, increase your water intake, wash your teeth more frequently, and chew gum.Constipation was reported by 44 percent of individuals in the same research. Fiber is frequently lacking in high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets. Constipation may be avoided by increasing your water and fibre consumption. It may be beneficial to keep track of your bowel movements.DiarrheaDiarrhea can be caused by eating too much dairy or processed food, as well as a lack of fibre. This is especially true if you're lactose intolerant or eat fried meat, fish, or poultry for protein. Instead, eat heart-healthy meats. Drink lots of water, avoid caffeinated beverages, limit fried meals and excess fat, and boost your fibre intake to avoid diarrhoea.DehydrationFluids and water help your body flush away extra nitrogen. Even though you don't feel thirsty, you might become dehydrated as a result of this. A tiny 2002 study of athletes discovered that when protein intake increased, so did hydration levels. However, a 2006 research found that increasing protein intake had just a little effect on hydration.Increase your water intake to reduce this danger or consequence, especially if you're an active person. It's critical to drink lots of water throughout the day, regardless of how much protein you consume.Damage to the kidneys -While no substantial studies have linked excessive protein consumption to kidney impairment in healthy persons, it can cause harm in those who already have renal disease.The abundant nitrogen contained in the amino acids that make up proteins is the reason behind this. Kidneys that have been damaged must work harder to eliminate excess nitrogen and waste products from protein metabolism. A 2012 study compared the effects of low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets vs low-fat diets on the kidneys.Studies show an increased risk of cancer -According to researchers, some high-protein diets, particularly those rich in red meat-based protein, are associated with an elevated risk of a variety of health problems, including cancer. Increased consumption of red and/or processed meat has been linked to colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer.Eating protein from other sources, on the other hand, has been linked to a lower risk of cancer. Hormones, carcinogenic chemicals, and lipids contained in meat, according to scientists, may have a role.Coronary artery disease -A high-protein diet that includes a lot of red meat and full-fat dairy foods can contribute to heart disease. This might be linked to greater saturated fat and cholesterol consumption.Eating a lot of red meat and high-fat dairy has been linked to an increased risk of coronary heart disease in women, according to a 2010 study . Poultry, fish, and nuts were shown to reduce the risk. Long-term eating of red meat can also raise trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), a gut-produced molecule related to heart disease, according to a 2018 research. The researchers also discovered that limiting or eliminating red meat from one's diet reversed the effects.What is "normal"?
The quantity of protein you should take each day depends on a variety of factors, including your age, gender, activity level, health, overall diet, and other considerations.In most circumstances, however, the recommended daily protein intake for adults may be estimated using your body weight. Experts recommend that most persons with little physical activity consume a daily average of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogramme (kg) of body weight.When should you see your doctor?It's critical to assess the hazards before beginning a high-protein diet to see if it's right for you. Before starting any new diet, see your doctor, especially if you have any health issues. Your doctor and nutritionist can assist you in weighing the benefits and drawbacks of a high-protein diet depending on your specific requirements.Overall, it's critical that you consume a nutritious, well-balanced diet and have an active lifestyle. Align your strategy for attaining your objectives, whether it's weight reduction or muscle building, with what's best for your health and what you can maintain in the long run. Get in touch with Fortis Hospital Rajajinagar for getting the problem solved and understanding how much protein is good for you. Categorized into General Health

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