Menstruation is a natural process in women of reproductive age, yet the experience can vary greatly from person to person. One common concern that many women face during their menstrual cycles is the presence of blood clots.But do you ever wonder why period blood clots occur during their periods and what factors contribute to their formation?Certain medical conditions can result in large blood clots, frequently associated with severe menstrual bleeding or period pains. While some blood clotting in periods is normal, persistent or severe clotting may require medical attention to prevent complications such as anemia or infertility.Women should consult a doctor if they are worried about their monthly clots.Also Read: Menorrhagia (Heavy Menstrual Bleeding): Symptoms and Treatment
Hormones in the body induce the inner layer of your uterus to shed during menstruation. Small blood vessels leak during this procedure. Plasma and platelets build blood clots to keep the body from losing too much blood.Blood clots are expected to occur to some extent, such as while cutting yourself. When it comes to period clots, however, if you have a lot of blood loss, it accumulates inside of your uterus and forms a clot while it sits there.Read Also: 7 Tips for Menstrual Hygiene Management
Your doctor will most likely ask you about menstruation to establish the underlying reason for your period clots. They might inquire whether you've had past pelvic procedures, if you take birth control, or if you've ever been pregnant. Your uterus will also be examined.A doctor may also conduct blood tests to check for hormone abnormalities. Fibroids, endometriosis, and other blockages can be detected with imaging procedures such as an MRI or ultrasound.Also Read: Endometriosis: Diagnosis and Treatment.
What are period clots?

Why Do Women Experience Blood Clotting During Their Periods?
Hormonal and Physical factors might affect your menstrual cycle, causing a heavy flow. Menstrual clots are more likely to form when you have a heavy flow. Following could be possible reasons why period blood clots occur:Hormonal and physical changes -
The menstrual cycle is affected by changes in the body during monthly periods. These can disrupt the cycle of menstruation and cause heavier flow. A high flow raises the likelihood of forming period blood clots.Hormonal imbalances and illnesses such as hypothyroidism, PCOS, perimenopause, and menopause can cause irregular periods, leading to clotting and severe bleeding.Uterus blockage -
Uterine blockages can put additional strain on the uterus. This raises the likelihood of having menstrual clots that are abnormally mature. An obstructed uterus can develop as a result of uterine damage or inflammation.Miscarriage -
Based on the phase of the pregnancy, a person will normally pass several types of big clots during a miscarriage or pregnancy loss.Blood clotting in periodsmay occur due to a miscarriage, as the body expels the fetal tissue and forms clots.Pregnancy loss can happen before a person realizes they are pregnant, and individuals may confuse an early miscarriage with a typical menstrual cycle.A previous miscarriage may have resulted in cramping, heavy flow, and period clots. Miscarriage hemorrhage involves fetal blood and tissue clots that are larger than normal.Von Willebrand Disease -
Von Willebrand disease can also produce high menstrual flow. While VWD is uncommon, it affects 5% to 24% of women with chronic, frequent menstrual bleeding.If you flow easily after a little injury or the gums bleed excessively, VWD could be the reason for your excessive menstrual cycle. Consult a physician if you believe this is the source of excessive bleeding. They ought to be ready to assist you in obtaining a diagnosis. While there is no long-term treatment for VWD, doctors can help with symptom relief.Adenomyosis -
It's a disorder in which the uterine lining develops into the wall of the uterus. The uterus loses its ability to contract, indicating the disease. This causes excessive bleeding and the production of big clots. The uterus thickens and enlarges as a result. The real cause of the ailment is unknown.Cancerous tumors -
Cancerous tumors in the female reproductive organs can cause heavy monthly flow and atypical menstrual clots. Such tumors should be treated as soon as possible before they burst and propagate to other sections of the female reproductive system.Endometriosis -
It primarily contributes to the formation of period clots in the bloodstream. Endometriosis causes the uterine lining to develop on the exterior and within the reproductive canal. Endometriosis causes excessive, painful menstrual bleeding and big blood clots in women.Endometriosis symptoms include:- Cramping and pain in the pelvic or lower back.
- Menorrhagia refers to excessive menstruation.
- Dysmenorrhea is a term used to describe uncomfortable periods.
- During intercourse, there is discomfort or pain.
- Fertility problems
Uterus fibroids -
Uterus fibroids are additionally responsible for other problems, such as heavy menstrual flow.- Irregular periods.
- Lower Backache.
- Intercourse is painful.
- Complications associated with pregnancy
- Fertility problems.
- Weight increase and a protruding tummy.
Uterus enlargement -
After pregnancy, a woman's uterus is frequently slightly larger than before. Structural abnormalities, such as fibroids, can also cause uterine enlargement.There will be more room for blood to pool, which might result in more clotting before it leaves the body.Bleeding problems -
Several bleeding-related conditions may be to blame for heavy period flow because they interfere with the coagulation proteins required by the uterine lining to stop bleeding during menstruation.Platelet function disorders and von Willebrand's disease (VWD) can both induce unusually excessive menstruation.Also Read: 13 Common Female Hormones Imbalance Symptoms You Should KnowHow are Menstrual clots diagnosed?

How Can Menstrual Clots be treated?
The best strategy to prevent period clots is to control heavy monthly bleeding.Medicines and hormonal contraceptives
Hormonal contraceptives may hinder uterine lining development. Menstruation blood flow can be reduced by 90% with a progestin-releasing intrauterine device (IUD) and 50% with birth control pills.Hormonal contraceptives can also help decrease the progression of fibroid and other uterine bonds.Surgery
Following a miscarriage or childbirth, a curettage and dilation (C and D) procedure may be performed. However, diagnosing the underlying cause of severe menstrual bleeding or treating various conditions is also useful.The cervix is dilated, and the uterine lining is scraped during a C and D operation. It is commonly performed as an outpatient procedure under anesthesia. While this will not stop heavy bleeding, it will provide relief for a few months while the lining grows thicker again.If you are suffering from uterine growths, such as fibroids resistant to therapy, surgery to eliminate the growths might be required. The tumor's dimension and positioning will determine the surgery required.If the tumor is substantial, a myomectomy, which includes making a major incision in your belly to access the uterus, may be required.Laparoscopic surgery is typically an option for tiny tumors. Incisions in your belly are also used during laparoscopy, but they are smaller and may shorten your healing time.Also Read: Uterine Fibroid Symptoms: Causes & Risk FactorsConclusion -
Why period blood clots occur is a question many women have, and the answer lies Blood clotting during periods is a normal part of the menstrual cycle, as the body sheds the lining of the uterus and clots form to help stop bleeding.Menstrual blood clots are an essential component of the reproductive process in women. Small clots are normal and common, despite their appearance. Even clots larger than one-quarter are unremarkable unless they occur regularly.If you frequently pass large clots, your doctor may offer a variety of effective medications to help manage excessive bleeding and minimize clots.
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