
White Spots On Throat: Understanding The Causes And Treatment

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In the United States, throat infections are very common among people of all age groups, especially children. The white spots present on the throat are also a type of infection that develops due to a viral, fungal, or bacterial attack. They may appear frightening, but they are usually not indicative of anything serious. Hence, they can be easily treatable with medical attention and certain treatment options. This blog will discuss the topic "white spots on throat" along with its causes, treatments, prevention, and many more facts.

White Spots on Throat: 7 Potential Causes

White spots on the throat develop due to the attack of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The following are the potential causes of such an infection:  

1. Strep Throat 

It is a type of bacterial illness caused by Streptococcus that leads to white pus-filled patches on the tonsils. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this bacterial infection is more common in children between 5 and 15 years of age than adults. Moreover, one study shows that strep throat causes approximately 5% to 15% of cases of sore throats in adults and around 15% to 35% in children. 

Other than white patches on the throat, some common symptoms of strep throat also include:

  • Fever

  • Headache

  • Nausea 

  • Vomiting

  • Sore throat

  • Swollen neck glands

  • Pain in swallowing

  • Redness and rashes in the throat

  • Swelling in the throat

  • Abdominal pain

Sometimes, strep throat can also cause white spots on the throat with no fever. In such cases, doctors might look for other symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, pain, and also difficulty swallowing. 

2. Oral Thrush

Oral thrush or oropharyngeal candidiasis is a yeast or fungal infection of the mouth and throat. It is more common in infants and also adults who are immunocompromised (weak ability of the immune system to fight off illnesses). It is typically characterized by white patches on the cheeks, mouth, or throat. The common symptoms of oral thrush include:

  • Pain in swallowing

  • Redness and rash in the throat

  • Swelling in the throat

  • Sore throat

  • Loss of taste

  • Difficulty swallowing

3. Viral Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis caused by a viral infection is called viral tonsillitis. Swelling of the tonsils, extreme pain while swallowing food, fever, and also nasal congestion are some of the symptoms that people feel. The common symptoms of tonsillitis are:

  • Red swollen tonsils

  • Sore throat

  • Difficulty and pain while swallowing

  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck 

  • Fever 

  • Stomach ache

  • Bad breath

  • Mouth breathing

4. Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones form when food particles, germs, and mucus get trapped between microscopic spaces on your tonsils. This is because of poor dental hygiene or the shape of one's tonsils. When this debris accumulates, it calcifies and also becomes hardened, causing white spots on the back of the throat. Other common symptoms of tonsil stones are:

  • Bad breath

  • Sore Throat

  • Cough

  • Throat infections

  • Pain in swallowing

  • Ear ache

  • Hoarseness in voice

  • Inflamed and red tonsils

  • Tiny white or yellow stones in your spit

  • Difficulty in eating, talking, drinking

Also Read How To Make Tonsil Stones Fall Out?

5. Mononucleosis

This is a viral infection that is often known as mono. Well, mono and white spots on the throat​ are correlated as when this infection spreads via saliva, it forms a white patch on tonsils. Other symptoms of mono may include: 

  • Fever

  • Fatigue

  • Enlarged tonsils

  • Sore Throat

  • Body rashes

  • Headaches

  • Swollen lymph nodes

6. Oral and Genital Herpes

They can easily spread from one person to another. Both illnesses can occur without causing any symptoms. White spots on the throat or groin may be visible. Oral herpes is basically caused by HSV-1, which shows symptoms such as:

  • Cold sore on your lip

  • Itching or tingling sensation in the sores

  • Fever

  • Flu-like symptoms

  • Sore Throat

The most prevalent signs of genital herpes, which HSV-2 causes, are:

  • Sore in your groin

  • Urinary symptoms

  • Itching or tingling sensation in the sores

  • Fever

  • Flu-like symptoms

7. Leukoplakia

Leukoplakia is generally an uncommon cause of white spots on the throat. It is basically characterized by thick white patches on the inside surfaces of your cheeks, mouth, tongue, and also throat. Moreover, it is caused by chewing tobacco and smoking. The majority of leukoplakia patches are benign; however, some indicate early signs of malignancy. 

Symptoms Of White Spots On Throat

The symptoms of white spots on the throat are typically white discoloration, streaks, or also blotches on or around the tonsils or throat. Moreover, other symptoms may also develop along white spots, including:

  • sore throat

  • coughing

  • fever

  • throat discomfort

  • Fatigue

  • body aches

  • painful swallowing

  • sneezing

  • stuffy nose

  • nasal congestion

  • headache

  • lymph nodes swelling

  • bad breath

In some cases, a person might also have trouble breathing. This happens when the tonsils become excessively swollen which slightly blocks the airway. 


If you discover that your spots aren't vanishing on their own or by using home remedies, you should see a doctor. Your doctor may examine your throat and perform a quick physical examination to make a diagnosis. In addition, the providers may check the back part of the throat and also look for swelling around the neck. Moreover, they may also inquire about your health and any symptoms you've been experiencing. 

Furthermore, they may also request laboratory testing such as blood tests and swab tests to find out the exact cause of the white spots in your throat. This will help the doctor prescribe the best medications.

Treatment for White Spots on Throat

The required therapy depends on the cause of your white spots. 



Strep Throat

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and over-the-counter painkillers, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help reduce discomfort, swelling, and temperature. 


The doctor may advise you to rest and use over-the-counter painkillers to alleviate your headache, fever, and sore throat. If your symptoms are severe, your doctor may recommend oral steroids. Antibiotics may be required for secondary infections.

Oral Thrush

To treat mild oral thrush, your doctor will prescribe an antifungal to swirl around your mouth before swallowing. Clotrimazole and nystatin are commonly prescribed. To treat moderate to severe infections, they may prescribe oral drugs such as fluconazole. For oral thrush in babies, liquid antifungal medications can help. 

Viral Tonsillitis

It can be treatable using home remedies like gargling, drinking warm beverages, and also resting. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe painkillers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce pain. Moreover, they may suggest antibiotics to relieve the pain and inflammation.

Tonsil Stones

For mild tonsil stones, gargling using salt water, removing tonsil stones with a cotton swab or water pick, and following good oral hygiene can help. In addition, OTC painkillers can provide relief from the discomfort. In severe cases, providers may suggest tonsils removal. 


Nonsurgical treatments involve eliminating the source of irritation. If the reason is a rough tooth or denture, repairing the denture and smoothing the tooth can help. If smoking and alcohol are the risk factors, doctors recommend to stop or limit these substances. In severe cases, you might need surgery. 

Oral and Genital Herpes

Herpes has no known cure. The common antiviral medicines prescribed by doctors are acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir. They help heal the sores. In addition, Lidocaine (AneCream, RectiCare, and RectaSmoothe) and other topical anesthetics may help relieve throat pain.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of White Spots on Throat

You can try out these simple home remedies to get rid of white spots on your throat: 

  • Try Saltwater: Gargle with warm salty water numerous times during the day.

  • Drink warm beverages: Also, constantly sipping warm beverages such as ginger root tea can help relieve throat pain.

  • Get enough rest: Sleep well so that the body can fight off the viruses when you are sleeping.

  • Use throat lozenges: In addition, taking throat lozenges can also help alleviate the discomfort.

  • Eat soft foods: This can also prevent irritation of the sore throat.

  • Use a humidifier: It can release enough moisture into the air and soothe congestion.

  • Have plenty of water: This reduces the mucus and also eases congestion. 

How Do You Prevent White Spots on Throat?

You can take these basic steps to avoid the infection:

  • To begin, basic hand washing can help avoid infection transmission

  • Concentrate on developing a robust immune system. Eat immunity-boosting food

  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth

  • Avoid making touch with sick people. Don't share their food, drink, or utensils

  • Do not put your unwashed hands on your eyes, ears, mouth, or face

  • Consume a well-balanced diet

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day

  • Quit smoking and alcohol too

  • Follow a good oral hygiene

  • Get plenty of rest

Can a STD Cause White Spots on Your Throat?

Yes, certain STIs or Sexually Transmitted Infections can also increase the risk of white spots on the throat. Those STIs include:

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV): It is the most common STI in the U.S. that may lead to non-cancerous and painless sores or white spots in the throat.

  • Chlamydia: They can also cause white spots on the back of the throat which does not resolve on its own. Hence, you might need immediate treatment like antibiotics to prevent any health complications.

Other STIs include:

  • Oral Herpes: These are oral cold sores or blisters in the mouth and throat.

  • Syphilis: They are also sores on the mouth, throat, gums, tongue, and lips.

Using contraception methods such as condoms or other barriers too, you can reduce the chances of getting or transmitting any oral STIs. 

Also Read: What Are Signs of STDs in Your Mouth?

Does COVID-19 Cause White Spots on Tonsils?

Yes, according to one research, COVID-19 can also cause painful sores in the throat and mouth. These sores can typically emerge as the early warning sign of the coronavirus. Some people who develop them might not show any associated symptoms. However, others may experience other symptoms such as coughing and fever. So, if you feel a sore throat or other related symptoms, get tested to find whether it is coronavirus or not. 

Could White Spots on the Throat Be Oral Cancer?

No, they are unlikely to be a sign of oral cancer. However, if they occur with other symptoms too, they certainly might indicate precancerous changes or cancer. Those possible symptoms may include:

  • Flecked, raised sores

  • Lesions that don't heal

  • Lumps

  • Coughing

  • Continuous pain

  • Red or white patches in the mouth

  • Several changes in the mouth tissue

  • Swollen lymph nodes around the neck

So, if any symptoms sound familiar, see a doctor as soon as possible. 

When to see a doctor?

A person must consult with the healthcare providers in case they have:

  • severe or continuous symptoms

  • a fever above 101°F

  • recurrent infections

  • difficulty breathing

  • hoarseness that lasts more than 2 weeks

  • swelling in the throat and also mouth

  • blood in saliva or mucus

  • a lump in the neck

  • trouble swallowing

  • earache

Final Thoughts

In summary, white spots on throat are a kind of throat infection caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria. It is typically caused by strep throat, tonsillitis, mononucleosis, oral thrush, tonsil stones, or oral and genital herpes. They are all generally characterized by pain, redness, rashes, and throat swelling. It also causes intense fever, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, and also headache. But it can be treated by following simple home remedies and also preventive measures. However, if your symptoms are persistent, severe, and also intensifying, you should consult a doctor for medical advice and treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the white spots on my throat without a fever?

They are potentially the symptoms of a viral, fungal, and bacterial infection.

What does strep throat look like?

It looks like small red spots on the top part of the mouth, swollen lymph nodes in the front area of the neck, and also like patches of pus on the tonsils.

Can strep throat go away on its own?

No, it does not resolve on its own as it's a bacterial infection that needs antibiotics to heal.

What is mistaken for oral thrush?

Canker sores, milk tongue, leukoplakia, and also coated tongue can be mistaken for oral thrush.

When should I be worried about white spots in my mouth?

See a doctor if the white spots in your mouth do not resolve and you experience severe pain and discomfort.