Ladies, feeling sluggish? In case you're drained to the point that you frequently experience difficulty tending to your routine life, anemia might be to blame. And if you're pregnant, anemia is really common. Your body experiences critical changes when you are pregnant. The volume of blood in your body increments by around 20-30%, which increases the supply of iron and nutrients that the body needs to make hemoglobin. Having an iron inadequacy is an issue most of the pregnant females face. Severe anemia does give symptoms that make you aware of the deficiency, anemia can likewise have more subtle symptoms that aren't pressing enough to rouse you to go get a blood test. Initially, you might take some symptoms of anemia as the usual signs of pregnancy. Here's a list of some of those vague and subtle symptoms which might indicate that you are anemic. 
This write-up was contributed to Credihealth by Swati Bhandary:About Swati:Author bios are a weird thing, aren't they? It is difficult, to sum up yourself in a few lines. Simply put, I am a nutritionist and a health coach by qualification and a food and fitness enthusiast who loves experimenting with new foods. Presently working with Healthy World- a steaming hot start-up in the functional food space. My work here involves developing new products. Well, not just any product- a food product with functional benefits catering to fulfil the dietary gaps in our life. Working on something that you believe in and are passionate about results in sheer happiness. My work does just that, helps my quest for making the world a healthier place. For more information or free personalized guidance, speak to a Credihealth medical expert at +918010994994.
1. Fatigue
In case you're always drained, lacking vitality, and exhausted easily, it might be a direct result of anemia. Fatigue is generally the primary indication of anemia, however, it's ignored as the 'normal' sluggish feeling you get during pregnancy. So in case, you're fatigued day in and day out, and can't make it past supper, you need to see your doctor.2. Rapid heart Beats
If your heart is pacing too fast and you can listen to that whooshing sound when you are at rest, it could imply that your heart is pumping too hard. This is due to the fact when you're anemic, you have fewer red blood cells, which makes your heartbeat harder to deliver oxygen to your entire body.3. Shortness of Breath
In case you feel that you can't catch your breath, especially while walking or taking the stairs; you could be anemic. This is because your body is short of oxygen which makes you gasp. You might also feel weak and dizzy.4. Pale Skin
An ideal way to identify if you are anemic is to check the mucus layer of the eye, an area just above the lower eyelashes. This region is supplied by numerous blood vessels, and it's being pale is an indication that you are not getting enough supply of red blood cells. 5. CrampsAs your blood struggles to reach the extremities, it could lead to cramping especially in the legs. This will particularly happen when you're moving around a lot, which requires efficiency in blood circulation. Leg cramps are common during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters; but it could not be just a 'usual' cramp but a symptom of underlying anemia.6. Numbness
Due to a lack of oxygen, the body draws blood from the extremities and supplies it to the important organs. This could lead to numbness in the hand and feet. Your feet may be cold all the time and you may also experience a tingling sensation in the extremities.7. Unusual Cravings
You do have strange cravings during those nine months, but iron-deficiency anemia could also give rise to those weird cravings. You might crave for chewing ice, paper or even clay! So, next time you crave for something unusual, remember that anemia could also be the culprit. With the help of the above information, you will be able to identify whether you are suffering from Anemia or not. For more information about pregnancy visit our pregnancy page.
Now, that you know of those subtle signs of anemia watch out for them. Identify those fine hints and visit your healthcare professional for medical advice. And remember, nothing can replace a healthy diet when you are pregnant as eating healthy matters the most now. Disclaimer: The statements, opinions and data in these publications are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of Credihealth and the editor(s).This write-up was contributed to Credihealth by Swati Bhandary:About Swati:Author bios are a weird thing, aren't they? It is difficult, to sum up yourself in a few lines. Simply put, I am a nutritionist and a health coach by qualification and a food and fitness enthusiast who loves experimenting with new foods. Presently working with Healthy World- a steaming hot start-up in the functional food space. My work here involves developing new products. Well, not just any product- a food product with functional benefits catering to fulfil the dietary gaps in our life. Working on something that you believe in and are passionate about results in sheer happiness. My work does just that, helps my quest for making the world a healthier place. For more information or free personalized guidance, speak to a Credihealth medical expert at +918010994994.
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