You have heard of acupuncture and you wanted to try it. But you have so many questions about it, especially about the procedure and the needles. Hope we can help you answer those questions through this article.
What is Acupuncture? What are its Benefits?
Acupuncture dates back from centuries as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. That is why this practice is not based on science in science and medicine. This traditional treatment is rooted in the ancient philosophy that deals with the human body and an invisible life-giving force. This force is called 'qi,' pronounced as 'chee.' If the qi freely flows inside the body, it results in overall good health. This is not only physical well-being but also even mental and emotional well-being. Consequently, it is believed that if the qi does not flow properly, it results in illnesses. Acupuncture aims to achieve the right balance and flow of 'qi' to treat many ailments and diseases. Acupuncture can help relieve a variety of ailments. One of the most common is the alleviation of pain. This includes headaches, migraines, and pains for the back, neck, and joints. It can also help patients who experience sprains and even chronic pain. Acupuncture reduces eye strain and increases energy and mental focus. It also boosts the body's immune system. Acupuncture also helps with allergy relief. Other than these, acupuncture can also help with hypertension and stroke. Acupuncture also helps deal with insomnia. For women, acupuncture helps relieve menstrual cramps and other hormonal changes. Acupuncture helps deal with issues during menstruation and even during the menopausal stage. For pregnant women, acupuncture can reduce morning sickness. Many also opt for this treatment to reduce stress. It is said to also have helped those dealing with anxiety and depression.How is acupuncture done? How long will it last?
This treatment is done through the insertion of very thin and fine needles on specific and strategic points of the body. What happens is that acupuncture activates those points along with the nervous system. Thus, the body begins to start its healing process. Each acupuncture session lasts for about 30 minutes to an hour in total. Out of this time, the needles are inserted for about 15 minutes. It can also be as short as 5 minutes or as long as 30 minutes. The number of sessions needed for acupuncture depends on the ailment being treated. It can be as short as 1 session or as long as 12 sessions. Often, after about 2 or 3 sessions, the patient already begins to feel some improvements. An acute problem can be addressed from about 8 to 12 sessions. The number of sessions depends on the individual, the acupuncturist, and the illness. It is a process and not a quick-fix solution.Who Performs an Acupuncture?
Some people can claim they know and do acupuncture. But make sure you go to a licensed acupuncturist only. Chiropractors, naturopaths, and physical therapists do not mean that they are licensed acupuncturists. They can only do 'dry needling.' True acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupuncture has long been performed by the Chinese even from a century ago. It is one of the oldest forms of treatment that originated from the East. That's why, true acupuncturists are licensed only through extensive, intense, and thorough training. A licensed acupuncturist has attended acupuncture school and has a master's degree. Before a professional license is given, he needs thousands of hours of training. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment, make sure you go to a licensed and best acupuncturist in Perth. Can you describe the Acupuncture Needles? Do they hurt? What will Acupuncture feel like? The modern acupuncture needles are made out of stainless steel. The needles come in various lengths and widths. Acupuncture needles have handles made out of copper, steel, or plastic. The needles have a very fine point. But they are not hollow like the hypodermic needles, which are sharper. The acupuncture needles are very thin. To compare, about 10 acupuncture needles can fit inside a hypodermic needle tube. The diameter of the needles varies. It depends on the different conditions and preferences of the acupuncturist. It also highly depends on the ailment being treated. The next big question is 'do the needles hurt?' This question is one of the most asked questions on acupuncture. First-timers on acupuncture describe the experience differently. Seldom or very rare would you hear that they feel pain. Some say they feel like they have a dull ache, while others feel a tingling sensation. Others compare it to a small pinch feeling. But many also say they don't feel anything. Acupuncture helps in alleviating body pains and not meant to cause any further pain. At most, the patients will feel a little bit of discomfort after the needles are inserted. But right after, they begin to feel relaxed. The discomfort fades away instantly and they feel more relieved. After each acupuncture session, the patient usually feels more relaxed. The feeling is like a sense of inner peace and calm. The feeling can last for one whole day or a week. That is why many patients can sleep better at night. Then they wake up feeling more energetic to go about their daily activities. If you wish to try acupuncture, check out the best acupuncturist in Perth, TM Centre. Book Your Appointment Now[button color="transparent_credi" size="medium" class = "custom_button" link="" icon="" target="true"]Request Callback [/button]
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